Nine Heavens

Chapter 1411 Good Hope

Chapter 1411 Good Hope

"However, the passage of time is the process of countless unknown things, one by one being explored and clarified. The secrets of the five worlds, the secrets of various magical arts, and the secrets of my husband's light and dark world.

But Ye Xiang didn't seem so pessimistic. Didn't sister Zhansha soul master say that the ancestors of the dark spirit world, the heart of the dark spirit, and the nine-color universe do not advocate the opposition between the light and dark worlds, and are still praying for the realization of the "light and dark dream". This is also the dying wish of the sister of the soul master.

Therefore, Ye Xiang thinks that since her husband wants to return to the world of dark spirits, then go back. Make every effort to promote peace in the world of light and darkness, and gradually realize the "dream of light and darkness". Isn't this a more perfect progress of the peaceful coexistence of light and dark that you advocated repeatedly.

If there is a day when the "Bright and Dark Dream" comes true, won't you and the third brother come together again? This beautiful dream is not only yours, but also the third brother's, and everyone in the light and dark world. "

Ye Xiang didn't say anything to stop Song Zhen, instead she said it in a very long-term way. The meaning of these words was exactly what Song Zhen was thinking. It's just that Song Zhen really didn't expect that his beloved wife would have such a far-sighted view, and he couldn't help feeling relieved.

Then he said: "What Yexiang said is exactly what I thought in my heart, so I plan to return to the dark spirit world as soon as possible. Now Emperor Aoyuluo must be hunting down the dark prince with all his strength, and they will return to the dark spirit world in a short time Universe.

I'm afraid that they will go crazy and activate the Star Dou Empire's Star Dou power to the detriment of the seven-color and nine-color space domains.

I want to go back and try my best to prevent this from happening, so that everything Yexiang said can be realized. Otherwise, Emperor Aoyou Luo will succeed step by step, he will first dominate the dark spirit world, and then launch a large-scale war against the Ming spirit world again.

But when I think of me leaving, I feel like a knife is piercing my heart, how can I be willing to part with you and third brother! I, Song Zhen, only met my third brother to be what I am today, and only when I met you and Lan Shuang did I know what happiness is! Without you, my life, Song Zhen, would be worse than death! "

"I know, so I want to tell you that no matter how difficult the future is, Ye Xiang and her children will always be with you. No matter when you leave third brother and return to the world of dark spirits, Ye Xiang will be with you forever!"

Ye Xiang heard the words, raised her eyes to see Song Zhen's haggard and tired expression, and said frankly.

"Yexiang! Are you really willing to take the child with me to the world of dark spirits!?"

Song Zhen couldn't believe his ears, his beloved wife Yexiang, who had always been domineering and aggressive, was willing to go to the world of dark spirits with him, his black and white eyebrows wrinkled in excitement, and he asked with wide eyes.

"Hmph! If I don't go with you, I won't be a widow! There are beautiful women everywhere in the dark spirit world, so don't worry if I go with you!"

Ye Xiang was coquettish on purpose, teasing Song Zhen and saying in relief of pain.

"With Yexiang and Shuang'er, I, Song Zhen, don't want any women, and Changsheng is only good for you. If Yexiang and Shuang'er are willing to go back with me, Song Zhen will not get down no matter how difficult it is!

I will never let my wife and children suffer any harm. See, this is the sky-opening ax given to me by my third brother. Now your husband is not only an astrologer, but also a fighter with terrifying power! "

With such trust and support from Yexiang, Song Zhen was instantly filled with pride, a smile he hadn't seen for a long time appeared on his face, and at the same time, he regained some sense of humor.

"Hehe, well, don't keep pulling such a long face. I'm tired, put me to sleep, take me and the children to have a good time in the third world tomorrow, and when I leave, I will have some memories!"

Seeing Song Zhen's smile returned, Ye Xiang acted like a baby, lay in Song Zhen's arms, closed her eyes, and fell asleep very quickly.

Song Zhen caressed his beloved wife's face, and his five-colored eyes looked at the same position that Cheng Yuanfang had been paying attention to all along. He said silently in his heart: "Third brother, let's let fourth brother accompany you to this third world! On the next road, fourth brother will help you from a different angle.

The fourth brother knows that the third brother is a man of great wisdom and wisdom, a man of great wisdom, we are separated, we will meet again one day. No matter where Song Zhen goes, everything that the third brother and Song Zhen have experienced together will always be engraved in his heart.

You work hard in the world of bright spirits, and the fourth brother goes to fight hard in the world of dark spirits. Our final meeting point is our greatest victory. "

Song Zhen stared at the meditating figure of Liu Qianlang in the sky, hesitation for a long time, many days of fatigue, expressing his feelings for a moment, sleepiness immediately occupied his heart and soul. Confused, he lowered his head and fell asleep.

Outside the hall, Miaoyan and Pa'er were actually told by Liu Qianlang, worried about Song Zhen's mood all the time, they had already hidden themselves and watched for a long time. After seeing that everything was fine, the two left quietly.

When they returned to their dormitory, they saw Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou and Liusha, the four sisters, were not resting either, they were all leaning on the table looking at the moon through the window with their chins on their hands.

"Yan'er Hun Zun Niang, Pa'er Hun Zun Niang, what's wrong with my father, why is he so unhappy?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, it's so weird!"

Hearing the sound of Miaoyan and Pa'er stepping into the bedroom, the four sisters of Tianling cast their eyes on them at once, and then the four sisters looked at each other, and I looked at you. Finally, the youngest Liusha floated in front of the two of them, crying Wang Wang asked.

Then, the other three sisters also surrounded her.

"You two girls, isn't this third world beautiful? What happened to Uncle Song? Why did his eyes change? We went to play with him, but he always avoided us. It wasn't like this before! "

Tianling was more thoughtful, and felt that something important had happened, so he asked inexplicably.

When Miaoyan and Pa'er heard this, they couldn't help but feel worried. The four sisters have lived together since childhood and are inseparable. They have long cherished each other. But at a young age, they have to face a painful parting. And this kind of separation will come back soon, and they are not prepared at all.

The two looked at each other and sighed, then both squatted down, looked deeply at the four sisters, couldn't bear to say anything, Miaoyan said in relief: "Hehe, what's so strange, recently your Uncle Hunzun and Tianzun are stepping up to practice a kind of magical skill, Because the divine power leaked out is too powerful, I am afraid that I will accidentally hurt you, so it is like this!"

"Isn't it? You can see that the sky in the third world is green, the moon is bigger and brighter, and the stars are so close to us. How beautiful! And the mountains and rivers outside are full of beautiful scenery in the world. You still Why don't you hurry up and get a good night's sleep, you four sisters, let's have fun together tomorrow.

In a few days, we will still return to your Uncle Hunzun's black jade skull, and by then, we won't be able to see it even if we want to! "

Pa'er smiled, diverted the attention of the four sisters, and pointed at the sky outside the house with the Fan of Floating Stars and Clouds.

"Hee hee! That's the way it is. Let me just say, what's going to happen to Uncle Tianzun? Now there are eight more uncles protecting the law, and my aunt will help them. Let's go, I'm so sleepy, let's go play together tomorrow! "

After all, the four sisters thought about it for a moment when they heard it, and then thought, yes, it must be the case, and their sad faces immediately turned into joy. They became lively in an instant, pulled each other and jumped towards the room of the four sisters.

After watching the four children leave, Miaoyan and Pa'er looked at each other speechlessly, sitting in the dim bedroom, staring at the bright moon in the third world, each fascinated, thinking about the past and the future.

Seeing Yuesiquan, he couldn't help but think of Yun Qianmeng, the lord of Love Flower Palace Fang Tianyingfang and Princess Jinling, as well as Shui'er and Huoer, the poisonous witch, Liaoyan who were still practicing the magic skills of the heavenly witch in the Liu Qianlang Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm.

"This third world is really beautiful. Why has such a beautiful place experienced so many hardships as mentioned by Qianlang? And according to Qianlang, the fourth and fifth worlds are still in dire straits. According to him Guess, it is so desolate that there are almost no normal human races!"

After a long time, Miao Yan said quietly.

"Sister Miaoyan, please be patient, the road of our generation's cultivation is bound to be bumpy, but saving five people from suffering is not the pursuit of us cultivators to soothe the common people in the world.

Looking back, we have gone through countless disasters. Among the five human worlds, three human worlds have returned to the ancient paradise, and the next two human worlds will not be too far away. Let's all pray for the wave. Then practice subtly, get rid of Netherworld, and you will be Yuntian Xiaoyao! "

Pa'er has always been optimistic, releasing Miao Yan's uneasy mood.

"Well, Sister Pa'er is right, yes, everything will be fine!"

When Miaoyan heard this, she glanced at Pa'er with a smile, and the two looked at the clouds, watching the bright moon piercing through the clouds and mist, imagining a bright future.

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