Nine Heavens

Chapter 1418 Nether History

Chapter 1418 Nether History

My primordial spirit has been sealed here until now, and it was about to collapse. But more than a month ago, a monk who claimed to be the Ruyi Bailing Immortal came suddenly, and first gave the pitch-black evil spirit on the facade a large jar of Ruyi Bailingzhi Immortal Wine, and got him drunk.

Then it floated to the periphery of the seal of the Golden Light Net and injected a strong soul power into me, and told me that I must hold on, and someone will come to rescue me soon.

The guardian god of the ground gate, the Five Stars Venerable, roughly told about his own experience and the origin of the ground gate, and looked at Liu Qianlang expectantly after speaking.

After hearing this, Liu Qianlang understood a lot of things instantly, but she was confused about one thing, so she asked: "Since the Nether Inner Prison and the Outer Prison have joined forces, why not enter the five human worlds through the twenty-four yin and yang realms in the Nether Outer Prison? Why do we have to destroy the gate?"

"This is probably because the evil spirits in the Nether Inner Prison are guilty of thieves! One is that although they collude with the Nether Outer Prison, the big ghost clan there is a force of hundreds of thousands of immortals and gods. They used to be incompatible enemies with each other. Cooperation also has certain grudges.

Therefore, the Nether Inner Prison is unwilling to cooperate more deeply with the big ghosts in the Nether Outer Prison. At the same time, the great ghost clan in the Netherworld Prison will not give them such an opportunity.

Furthermore, the Nether Inner Prison doesn't want to startle the enemy, they need a short period of time to complete the century of devouring five human beings. Therefore, it is hoped that one day the gate tower will collapse in an instant, and then jump into the world of five people in an instant, and then the plan to attack the heaven will have greater hope.

On the contrary, if one enters the five mortal worlds in batches with the help of the twenty-four yin and yang realms of the great ghost family in the netherworld, one will be discovered by the heavens sooner or later. In the end, not only will he not be able to fulfill his wish, but he will be even more brutally suppressed and sealed. "

Five Stars Venerable thought for a while, and said in a loud voice.


Liu Qianlang nodded and exclaimed when he heard the words, thinking that what the other party said was reasonable, then looked up at the gray space in the tower, and asked tentatively: "I don't know what the god will do after he is rescued, return to the heaven?"

"Hey! Why do you want to go back to the heavens? My five-star venerable avatar failed to protect the ground gate, and I was punished and executed when I went back. What's even more annoying is that I heard from the mouth of the evil spirits above that the gods of the heavens secretly communicated with the Nether Inner Prison Rotten Immortal, the heavens and the earth colluded together to kill the five human worlds, so it doesn't matter if the heavens don't return."

Wu Xingzun heard Liu Qianlang's question, his face was filled with anger, he let out a long sigh, and shook his head.

"Since that's the case, this junior has a presumptuous request, can I ask senior to teach me how to control this lock tower?"

Knowing the other party's plan, Liu Qianlang saluted and asked.


Wu Xingzun's avatar thought for a moment, and said: "Forget it, since you are the righteous spirit boy who came to deal with the Nether Hell, and you are also the god of the future righteous spirit, it is not considered a deity to teach you. Just tell you.

Moreover, this tower is no longer a pure fairy thing in the heavens. The fairy spirits in it are about to be exhausted, and it will soon turn into a ghost tower, which is no longer a thing in the heavens.

But there is one thing, if in the future you ascend to the heavens and meet the gods of the Nine Heavens, and when you talk about the ground gate, don't mention my whereabouts. "

Liu Qianlang nodded and smiled, and said: "Senior, don't worry, even I, Liu Qianlang, won't remember the whereabouts of Senior's Yuanshen, so how can I tell others!"

"Haha, boy Zhengling is really straightforward, well, I'll tell you right now, please check."

The avatar of Five Star Venerable laughed loudly, and suddenly a faint blue light wave shot out from its eyes, and merged together in front of its eyes, turning into a faint blue light bead. Then the blue light beads suddenly floated onto Liu Qianlang's palm.

There was a surge of gold in Liu Qianlang's palm, which contained spiritual consciousness. After a little analysis, he instantly realized that the Youlan Light Bead is indeed the method to control the gate tower. With a slight movement of his soul, he has established a connection with the gate tower .

So he said with a smile: "Thank you, Senior Five Stars Venerable, the junior accepts this formula, and the senior is free!"

Liu Qianlang thanked, and the blue light beads sank into the palm of the palm along with Jin Yong, and then with a thought, the divine consciousness light group guarding the five-star venerable avatar appeared in the space outside the golden light net.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Bastard! It's abominable to pretend to be the deity guarding the gate tower!"

After the avatar of the five-star lord was freed, the first thing he did was to slaughter and shatter the fake gods and beasts who were still sleeping soundly.

"Farewell, my deity!"

Then, Wu Xingzun was worried that the heavenly soldiers would come to arrest him, so he turned around and greeted Liu Qianlang quickly without any fuss. The huge blue figure disappeared, turned into a blue starlight again, and shot out of the gate tower quickly. Then disappeared.

Liu Qianlang met the avatar of the five-star god by chance, and learned a lot. Not only did he gain a deeper understanding of the Nether Hell, but he also learned a lot about Emperor Aoyou Luo from the Dark Spirit Dimension and Space.

Liu Qianlang stood floating in the gray space of the gate tower, sorting out his thoughts for a while, and then checked the situation inside the gate tower in detail. Lock Tower.

Millions of miles away, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng, Nine Swords, Mu Xiu'er of Huannu Lake, and the Eight Guardians stared at the giant tower of the dark gate while manipulating their own fairy rainbow.

This look lasted for a few days, and gradually became a little worried about Liu Qianlang.

"Brother Yuanfang, why hasn't Brother Qianlang come out for so long, did he enter the world where those evil spirits are alone?"

Cheng Shifeng asked his brother Cheng Yuanfang who was more than a million miles away.

"No! Qianlang has always done things prudently. He hasn't sent us a message for several days, indicating that he is not in danger. Don't worry, just wait patiently!"

Cheng Yuanfang stood on top of the pitch-black Wolf Fort, and the light from the chaotic eyes enveloped the pitch-black gate tower all the time. He found that the ghostly poisonous gas on it had soaked the body of the tower, which was originally a pure white tower, and felt anxious for his brother.

The arrow rainbow golden light wolf beast shot from the Youlan Xiexie Bow in his hand has never stopped, and has never received any messages from his brother. However, there was always a calm look on his face, and he was anxious to comfort his sister instead.

"Masters, please hold on to the gate tower for the time being, while Nine Swords and Miss Ziyang go check it out!"

Jiu Jian's red brilliance flashed and flowed all over his body. He glanced at the embarrassing Hu Lao Xiu'er who was called Ziyang girl by his side. After nodding, Jiu Jian said.


As soon as these words were spoken, tens of thousands of dragons roared, carrying the hurricane of heaven and earth from millions of miles away, roaring towards the pitch-black gate tower.

Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng and the Eight Great Protectors met, and they agreed with each other through voice transmission, so, looking at the red robe and nine swords and the Zixia neon skirt, the shameful Lake Grandma Xiu'er controlled tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Sword Dragon When rushing into the central area of ​​the four giant rainbows, they also approached the pitch-black gate tower for a certain distance.

Always keep the four giant rainbows enclosing the gate tower to ensure that no ghost energy in any form can escape.

"Haha, the master has finally appeared. What kind of weird tricks are there in this broken tower that makes the master so troublesome?"

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