Nine Heavens

Chapter 1419 Entrance to the Landlock

Chapter 1419 Landgate Entrance

Millions of miles away, Cheng Yuanfang suddenly heard Nine Swords bursting into a hearty laugh, and then saw his brother Liu Qianlang stepping on the Chaos Cauldron, spiraling upwards around the ten thousand-ren pitch-black giant tower, and finally stopped at the top of the tower.

"I have a general grasp of the situation in the tower. Now we will act immediately and launch an attack on the Nether Hell. For the sake of safety, the nine infants and the eight guardians will stay outside the gate tower and firmly seal the space around the gate tower.

Make sure that any vision that escapes from the tower is monitored and sealed. If it is a ghost, it will be slaughtered and annihilated immediately. I, Yuanfang, Fengmei and Nine Swords, Fairy Ziyang, the mother of the shameful lake, went deep into the nether world to attack.

Now the deity wants to restore the original appearance of the gate tower, force all the poison of the nether world back into the gate tower, and then we will immediately act according to the plan. You guys just get ready."

As soon as Liu Qianlang's words fell, the emerald green mountain in his hand suddenly shot out thousands of thick emerald rays, containing nine strands of chaotic divine power, pouring in from the top of the pitch-black gate tower.



In an instant, the pitch-black tower began to fade from top to bottom in an instant, and then the lock tower burst into its original white and crystal clear color.

When the pitch-black color faded, the pitch-black smoke inside was boundless, lingering and tumbling, as if there were countless evil spirits and souls, making bursts of whimpering and miserable howls.

"Oh! So this gate tower is so dazzling and magical!"

Seeing the huge pitch-black tower millions of miles away suddenly turning into pure white, and the huge rippling fairy rainbows flashing outwards frequently on the tower body, I couldn't help but exclaimed.

Cheng Yuanfang, the eight guardians and the nine infants were also amazed, especially the nine yuan infants, who were young and lively, shouted in surprise.

"Far away, Fengmei, Nine Swords, Fairy Ziyang! Get ready, I will immediately clothe you with the magic light of instant escape, and then follow me into the gate tower. Jiuying must listen to the eight guardians and put away the gate tower The world outside is Qingning, brothers and sisters-in-law, be careful, we are going!"

Liu Qianlang used his hand to support Lingshan to drive away the poison of ghosts soaked in the body of the ground gate tower without wasting any time. Immediately with a wave of his giant sleeve, three strange and changing auras shot at Cheng Yuan's dark wolf castle, Cheng Shifeng's blue spirit crescent moon, and tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Sword Dragon hovering above their heads.

Then he gave a word of care to the eight guardians and the nine nascent infants, and in the next second he stepped on the dragon sundial and was the first to enter the white and gorgeous tower.

The people in the back also took care of each other. Cheng Yuanfang controlled the Dark Wolf Castle and shot into the gate tower second. Nine Swords and Fairy Ziyang controlled tens of thousands of roaring dragons to enter, and Cheng Shifeng fluttered in the blue spirit crescent moon at last.

"Boom! Boom!"

"The Nether Hell must be very interesting, but it's a pity that Hunzun's father won't let us in!"

On the ninth cauldron of time, Liu Guang called out a pair of white giant hammers, collided and roared, and said regretfully.

This pair of giant hammers is one of the nine pairs of hammers forged from the countless soul hammers collected by Soul Lord's father in the Realm of Random Hunting recently.

The nine pairs of divine hammers are the hammer of chaos with all colors, the hammer of majesty with the color of mist, the hammer of the prehistoric with the color of autumn yellow, the hammer of the emperor with colorful colors, the hammer of Pangu with the color of bronze, and the hammer of jet black. The Hammer of Fu Cang is the color of the sky, the Hammer of the Moon is the color of the deep blue, the Hammer of the Golden Crow is the color of fiery red, and the Hammer of Time is as white as snow.

Since I am the guardian of the cauldron of time, I naturally got the hammer of time. The brothers got the treasure, and they all put it away and were reluctant to use it. A few days ago when he entered the Nether Spring, he had already discussed that if he entered the Nether Hell this time, he must use the divine hammer given by Hun Zun's father to kill him and turn the Nether Hell upside down.

However, the result.

Liu Guang watched Hunzun's father lead the two spirit masters and his own sword into the dazzling white gate tower, which was ten thousand ren high, and couldn't help feeling regretful and complaining for a while.

Although the other Nascent Souls were not as obvious as Liu Guang, their eyes were full of regret.

"Haha, it's a pity that the nine nephews couldn't enter the Nether Hell to kill the evil spirits, but staying outside the lock tower is even more of a heavy responsibility! Our role in this action of killing the hell is by no means inferior to slaughtering the evil spirits one thing!

Soul Venerable arranged this way entirely because we are all in consideration of the advantages of fighting in the immortal formation, which is more suitable for guarding the gate tower than killing evil spirits. When they invade the depths of Nether Hell, there will definitely be a large number of terrifying ghosts and witches who will jump into the lock tower and then flee outwards. At this time, we need to get rid of them immediately.

This kind of battle to encircle the evil spirits who are trying to escape is by no means easier than the combat mission under the nether hell. It's time for you to show your talents. Do you know what all the work we've worked so hard for is? "

At this moment, due to the evacuation of Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng outside the gate tower, there are only two of the four light rainbows left.

Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang saw Jiuying Liuguang's displeasure, burst into laughter, and said the above words.

"Thank you Uncle Jinlang Hufa for your teaching. I understand what Uncle Jinlang Hufa means. In fact, no matter what position each of us is in, the key is to ensure the success of this mission. Everything we do is to achieve five Ultimate peace and happiness among individuals, so whatever you do is very important.

Ninth brother, don't feel sorry anymore, Uncle Jinlang Hufa is right, whether it's killing evil spirits in Nether Hell, or blocking and escaping evil spirits outside the lock tower. Everything we do is equally meaningful. To a certain extent, it is of great significance to kill any evil spirit outside the lock tower.

Because the strength of the five human beings is relatively weaker, even if a few ordinary evil spirits jump into it, it will be a disaster in the human world! Therefore, our responsibility is really very important. Brothers, please raise your spirits and complete the task successfully with the eight guardian uncles and aunts! "

Jiuying heard Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang's words, thought about it for a while, and couldn't help nodding. Liu Chao, the chaotic baby, saluted deeply, and also comforted the brothers.

"Well, all my nephews are wise and wise. It is definitely not that easy for them to enter the Nether Gate. We should still have some time to relax. You might as well adjust your breath to practice and adjust your spiritual power to the best state!"

After hearing Liu Chao's words, Chasing Soul, Suoyue Dao, Demon Killing Lord and others nodded happily when they saw the other Liu Qianlang Yuanying, so they suggested it.

Everyone immediately agreed, re-examined the Guanghong area they supported, and made sure that nothing happened. They all sat cross-legged on their artifacts or spiritual pets, and entered the realm of cultivation or breath adjustment.

Inside the gate tower, Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng, Nine Swords, and Shameful Huxiu'er are all surrounded by pitch-black, ghostly smoke and poisonous mist. All five of them were covered with a layer of positive aura, which was for self-protection and illumination.

Liu Qianlang stepped on the Shenlong Tiandial, which had been shrunk down to a size of only Zhang, and galloped inside the pitch-black gate tower, and soon appeared at the entrance of the gate tower.

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