Nine Heavens

Chapter 1436 Four Spirits Gather

Chapter 1436 Four Spirits Gather

Nether hell, in the misty green morning season, above the sky, the dark Xuanyang is glowing with the evil light of the evil rainbow and green, soaking in the space where the mist and clouds of evil smoke monsters are floating everywhere.

In such a space, there are four huge objects floating.

One is the infinitely gorgeous Lost City of Absolute Sun, the other is Cheng Yuanfang's pitch-black castle of the Sirius Sect, the other is the seven-eyed dragon controlled by Liu Qianlang, and the other is the Lanling Crescent Moon transformed into a huge boat by Cheng Shifeng.

At this moment, as soon as Liu Qianlang, the head of the Langyuanmen, appeared, the six forces of the Langyuanmen in the Lost Sun City that had been with Liu Juan for three years naturally returned to Liu Qianlang's seventh eye. On top of the dragon.

And Liu Juan is floating on the head of the Lost City of Absolute Sun, holding the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks in her hand, guarded by nine generals from the Gate Clan behind her, and accompanied by thirteen elven kings flying around. After a while, it looked more pure and sassy.

Liu Juan's complexion was fair and calm, she smiled all over the city, and then smiled all over the country, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, a trace of ice arrogance, she looked around Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng for a long time, and said: "Brothers and sisters, we finally meet again! It's great! ! It’s just Song Zhen’s younger brother.”

Liu Juan has always had a deep impression of Song Zhen, and she also deeply likes him as a person. She felt very sorry to see that he was not present. After all, such a victory was what Song Zhen most wanted to see.

When Liu Qianlang heard that her sister mentioned Song Zhen, her heart suddenly trembled. Ever since her brother left, she always thought that he was always with her when she was doing things. How many times did she call out his name until she realized that her brother had left her? . Countless times of sentimentality, and countless times of nostalgia and helplessness.

Sometimes Liu Qianlang even thought of using the method of shadow escape to look for him. However, the situation was urgent and I couldn't help myself, so I had no choice but to keep blessing my brother in my heart. When I really thought about it, I recalled the little things the two brothers had together in the past, and chatted for comfort.

Liu Qianlang's eyes were moist, but he didn't want to bring his sentimentality to everyone, so he said with a smile: "Sister, don't worry, one day, Song Zhen will meet us again, and then we will achieve an unimaginable victory! "

"Yeah, I hope that day will come sooner. The bright and dark dreams you mentioned are so desirable. The unimaginable victory that Qianlang talked about is the bright and dark dreams! If it weren't for this dream, how could you and Song Zhen be together?" Have the heart to separate!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Juan smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it was for this dream that Song Zhen went back to the world of dark spirits. He has been away for more than a month now, and I don't know what happened to them. I hope everything goes well for them."

Liu Qianlang inspected the army of four spirits and nodded deeply.

"Heck, Daddy God of Wealth, Die'er misses you so much, I finally see you again!"

While Liu Qianlang was talking to Liu Juan, the others were also greeting each other. Not long after the war was decided, all the long-lost people were very excited when they met each other, and they talked to each other and had endless words.

Die'er, Liu Qianlang's righteous daughter, never forgets Liu Qianlang's favor to her in the past. At this moment, she opened her arms and threw herself into Liu Qianlang's arms, raising her head and calling out affectionately.

"Hee hee, Daddy God of Wealth, and me."

Blue Butterfly, who turned into a beautiful little girl, was wearing a blue veil dress, but she was only four or five years old, and she also ran along with Die'er.

"Hehe, Die'er has grown taller again, her cultivation has improved a lot, and Blue Butterfly has also evolved. I'm so happy for you as a father!"

Liu Qianlang stroked Die'er's head and said happily.

"Heck. Thank you, Daddy of Wealth for your praise. Daddy of Wealth is even stronger than before. But why hasn't Daddy of Wealth come to see us for three years? Mother of God of Wealth said, Daddy of Wealth must have met some beautiful woman again, so he doesn't want us anymore ,Yeah?"

Although Die'er was three years older, she still speaks childishly without restraint, and she actually said seriously the joke that Princess Jin Ling missed her husband.

"Die'er! Don't talk nonsense, why did Goddess of Fortune say that?"

When Princess Jinling heard the words, she immediately stepped forward and laughed at Die'er.

"Why didn't you say it, there are many more."

Die'er's follower, Blue Butterfly, immediately refuted Princess Jinling's words, and said vividly the words of Princess Jinling, Fang Tianyingfang, the lord of Qinghua Palace, and Yun Qianmeng who missed Liu Qianlang. The three of them were so ashamed that they blushed in front of everyone, but the little guy became more energetic as he spoke, with expressions and movements.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Her words made the army of the four spirits, especially Liu Qianlang's army of dragons, Huanfeng Shenlong and others burst into laughter.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang looked apologetically at the three beloved wives in the wine glasses one by one. Regardless of the presence of everyone present, they all embraced deeply and looked at each other deeply.

"Haha, boss. Didn't you say that there is still an army of the underworld? Why don't we take advantage of the victory and fight it out? Wouldn't it be that only the Jueyang Emperor Capital and Jueyang Hell are left! The war ends as soon as possible, so we can stay with us all day long." Ladies and gentlemen, respectful sisters-in-law."

Cuigan Shenglong was wearing a big green dragon robe with a fluttering green beard. He was used to addressing Liu Qianlang in the past, and laughed loudly.

"Well, what Brother Cuigan Shenlong said is right, according to the plan of the head, as soon as the battle here is over, we will immediately gather back to copy the last Mingkong army stationed in the Golden Light Dam area of ​​the ground gate.

However, don’t worry everyone, the commander of the underworld army has already been slaughtered by us, and now the commander of the army is changed by our people. The real formidable enemy we are facing is actually the mighty Ghost Immortal Force of the Immortal Immortal Realm that may come soon.

What we have to do now is to quickly annihilate this underworld army, go straight to the Jueyang Imperial Capital, and then destroy the first level of the seventy-nine levels of hell, Jueyang Hell.

Brother Cuigan Shenlong said the key point, we are now divided into four spirits, set off immediately, and follow me to destroy the billions of ghost troops gathered in the golden light dam of the gate! "

"Just lead the way quickly!"

Liu Qianlang said his intention to set off, and Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng responded one after another. Next, Liu Qianlang controls the Seven-Eyed Dark Dragon, leading his most proud magic soldier in the front, Cheng Yuanfang controls the Dark Wolf Castle, Liu Juan controls the Lost City of Absolute Sun, and Cheng Shifeng controls Lan Lingwan Yue, together they headed towards the way Liu Qianlang came from before.

A few hours later, the underworld army of the Golden Light Dam at the ground gate was swallowed by the army of four spirits. At this time, Nine Swords, Fairy Ziyang, Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, and Cheng Shifeng's Huanjun all gathered together.

This made the army of the four spirits grow to an unprecedented scale, and after a brief adjustment, they roared towards the capital of Jueyang Emperor.

Because of the help of the shadow-escaping magic, the army of four spirits surrounded the capital of Jueyang Emperor mysteriously within a short period of time.

"Wow! Brother Qianlang, it turns out that the strange black city that we saw and quickly disappeared when we destroyed the third world's underworld is the Jueyang Imperial Capital!"

When the army of four spirits was floating steadily above the Jueyang Emperor's Capital, Cheng Shifeng saw at a glance that Mingdu within the encirclement had once glanced at Jinghong.

I saw thick smoke of various colors bubbling above the pitch-black strange city, the whole city was in the shape of pentagons, and each city gate was a huge mouth of hideous and inexplicable ghosts and beasts.

There is a strange tree in front of the city gate, and the strange trees in three directions have turned into rotten stumps, only the strange trees in the east and north are still proud of the sky.

Cheng Shifeng took a general look at it, and then shouted at Liu Qianlang.

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