Nine Heavens

Chapter 1437 Destroy the Hades

Chapter 1437 Destroying the Hades

When Liu Qianlang heard Cheng Shifeng's words, he was also inspecting the strange, dark strange city. He had also experienced the glimpse that day, and found the haunt of the evil spirits in the Jueyang Miyu, and he was secretly happy.

However, at this moment, he is investigating again and again, not to bother to discover the Ghost Emperor Capital, he is looking for how the Lost City of Absolute Sun is connected with the five human worlds, or how the Lost City of Absolute Sun specifically controls the five human worlds.

Liu Qianlang once asked Luoer, the God of Dongluo, about this, but Luoer only said that the Nether Hell stole the five magical trees he cultivated and used them to control the five worlds. For example, use the Sun Moon God Tree to control the first world, the Golden Heart tree to control the second world, and the Nether Gate tree to control the third world, but Luoer doesn't know how the other party is laid out and how it is applied.

"Aw - woo -"

When Liu Qianlang and Cheng Shifeng were exploring the Jueyang Imperial Capital, everyone in the Four Spirits Army was very interested in this huge and dark city of ghosts, discussing and speculating one after another. At this moment, suddenly there was a loud noise from the ghost gates of the ghost capitals in the five directions, and billows of ghostly evil smoke began to surge out. At the same time, countless swaying ghosts and ghosts appeared above them in the evil shroud, with countless ghostly eyes shining towards them. The army of four spirits around the Jueyang Imperial Capital looked around.

At the same time, piercing, sharp, evil and ghostly voices suddenly rang out from the Jueyang Imperial Capital, which had been silent before. At the sound of the Netherworld, Emperor Jueyang immediately boiled.

"Master, those evil spirits are about to make a move. Jiu Jian will go and kill them. How about destroying their prestige?"

Nine Swords and Ziyang Fairy are floating above the tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword Dragons in the sky. The dragons roar in the sky. At this moment, the five-party Netherworld Army has been destroyed. Nine Swords couldn't help asking anxiously when he saw that his master hadn't attacked for a long time.

"Okay! Nine Swords and Ziyang Fairy immediately lead the sword dragon formation to slaughter, but don't love to fight. After the round of the city, let the opponent be in chaos, return to the team immediately, and then redeploy the attack."

This time Liu Qianlang didn't stop him, but gave some advice, and then he saw Nine Swords bursting into laughter, waving the bright red Nine Heavens Immortal Sword lightsaber in his hands and Ziyang Fairy holding Ziyang in his hand to control tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword The stegosaurus roared and rushed towards the Underworld City, the capital of Jueyang Emperor.

In the Lost City of Absolute Sun, only a quarter of an hour ago, Emperor Absolute Yang Hades was still immersed in the joy of the ghost dance, drinking and indulging all night until the morning of the Netherworld.

The reason why Jueyang Mingdi was so excited and laughed uncontrollably was because he was 100,000 sure that the Nether gate was destroyed under the attack of the proud emperor's grandson, the six-faced, nine-armed Yinlang Vanguard Marshal and the five-party Netherworld army. quick thing. Therefore, drinking, feasting, singing and dancing for days is not only to indulge oneself, but also to celebrate the triumphant return of the army at any time.

And then, hehe, Jueyang Mingdi enjoys thinking about it, is happy to see everything, and even forgets that he is an extremely vicious ghost, and regards himself as the Xiangdi of the world and the merciful emperor of heaven.

However, Emperor Jueyang Ming suddenly sensed a frightening aura of righteousness and immortality in the southern direction of Jueyang Miyu, and the intoxicated happiness was swept away, followed by a burst of consternation.

"What happened to the border of the Golden Light Dam in the Southern Nether Gate? Go and investigate immediately!"

In astonishment, Jueyang Mingdi immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart, and then ordered people to fly out of Mingdu to spy on the military situation in southern Xinjiang. However, the person sent there flew back into the Nether Palace within less than the teacup time.

"Emperor Ming, something is wrong. Emperor Jueyang has already been surrounded by an army of eight inexplicable righteous spirits galloping from all directions, and his subordinates can't break out of the encirclement at all. The army of hell winged dragons and the army of the five-party underworld have already suffered accidents.

Now that the Jueyang Emperor's Capital is also in danger, what should be done? Emperor Underworld please decide immediately, the other party's terrifying army of dragons has already galloped in, and it will rush into the Jueyang Emperor's Capital in less than an hour! "

At such a critical moment, the people sent by Jueyang Mingdi didn't have time to speak, and they couldn't care whether Jueyang Mingdi liked to listen, so they guessed and analyzed the current situation almost accurately. After saying that, he watched Jueyang Mingdi's decision with infinite expectation.


When Emperor Jueyang Ming heard the words, he was so angry that he jumped up. Now that all the army in Jueyang Lost Territory have been slaughtered, what else can he do! The billions of troops of the five-party underworld army have been wiped out by the other party, so the hundreds of millions of imperial city guards in the imperial capital

How long can the army last!

In anger, Jueyang Mingdi's evil ghost revealed its true nature, with evil smoke bubbling all over his body, his face was ferocious, and his ape-like sharp claws suddenly sucked the evil ghost warrior who spoke just now into his chest, tearing him to pieces alive, and screaming at the same time strange call.

Then, an evil cloud of red fire from the nether world surged under his feet, flew out of the netherworld hall, and soon appeared on the top of the smoky city of Jueyang Imperial Capital.

Emperor Jueyang Ming mobilized the powerful evil ghosts and ghosts to analyze the army of four spirits thousands of miles away, and found that Liujuan's army in the northwest turned out to be the army of souls from the Nether Prison, the weakest of the army of four spirits where. After thinking about it in my heart, I immediately formed an idea of ​​fighting and saving my life.

Then quickly deploy troops, take command in person, wave the commanding flag of the underworld guard army, and release countless kinds of underworld birds, underworld beasts, and alien ghosts and spirits. Watching the dragon army with nine swords in the distance, they send troops together, with a mighty momentum of one hundred thousand Then he galloped away in the direction of Liu Qianlang.

Not long after, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Sword Dragon controlled by Nine Swords and the army of ghosts and beasts from the Jueyang Emperor's capital were killed in one place. Some time after the start of the great battle, Jueyang Mingdi handed over the command banner to a general, and led another ghost army to break out in the direction of Liujuan in the northwest.


After Liu Qianlang dispatched the Nine Swords Pioneer, he quickly saw the military situation of Jueyang Emperor Capital and the intention of Jueyang Underworld Emperor, and then snorted coldly without any further hesitation. Immediately shouted loudly: "The army of four spirits, attack from all fronts! Sister, pay attention, Jueyang Mingdi is trying to escape through you, stop and kill him, no mercy!"


The countless vast forces of the army of four spirits suddenly roared and turned the world upside down, flying shadows flying all over the sky, and instantly rushed towards Jueyang Imperial Capital from all directions.

After several hours of fierce battles, all the underworld ghost army in the capital of Jueyang Emperor was wiped out by the army of four spirits, and Jueyang Underworld Emperor was also brutally slaughtered by Liu Juan.

In the following situation, the army of four spirits appeared within tens of miles of the Jueyang Imperial Capital at close range, and there were only a few remaining evil ghost forces curled up in the Jueyang Imperial Capital, which was at the end of its strength and vulnerable to a single blow.

The leaders of the Four Spirits Army, Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Juan, and Cheng Shifeng shot a beam of divine light at the capital of Jueyang Emperor one after another after transmitting their thoughts to each other. They are Liu Qianlang's Jiutian Xianyuan Jianjianhong, Cheng Yuanfang's Xiexie Jianlan, Liu Juan's Nine Dragons Fireworks Yuxi Gang, and Cheng Shifeng's Lanling Crescent Moon Guanghao.


It took less than a moment for the four rays of divine light to shoot into Emperor Jueyang, and the seventy-seven forty-nine-story hell building that enslaved the five human worlds collapsed like this.

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