Nine Heavens

Chapter 1439 Blue Leaf Red Flower

Chapter 1439 Blue Leaf Red Flower

Following the disappearance of the Jueyang Emperor's Capital, the Yin Hong Tree of Underworld Hand and the Orange Chain Tree also slowly disappeared into strange scenes all over the sky. Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Juan and Cheng Shifeng discussed it, and finally decided that the army of the four spirits will go to the Ruhai body of Niangshan, the island of sorrow and joy in the third world for the time being.

And Liu Qianlang decided to go to the end of the fifth world to meet a person who he didn't want to see but had to meet. As for the Langyuan army, all the forces inside the Moyu Skull and the external forces converged outside the Moyu Skull, and they were temporarily handed over to the five beloved wives Yun Qianmeng, Miao Yan, Pa'er, and Palace Master Qinghua. Shared with Princess Jinling.

After the explanation, the army of four spirits roared and flew towards the island of sorrow and joy in the third world. After Liu Qianlang watched the army of victory disappear into the sky, he also activated the shadow-escaping magic and lost in place instantly.

The fifth world is boundless, two figures float out of a vast purple-red chaotic area, one is azure blue, but has no shape and no fixed form, and the other is a person wearing a bright red dress, twisting a bright red flower in her hand. Li Linghua's young woman.

The two figures landed one behind the other in the boundless chaotic space of the fifth world, with the azure blue figure in front and the gorgeous red dress behind.

"The third brother finally won. At that time, the seven sons of Juying, six brothers and sisters and six calamities began to follow him, and he also had the calamity of nine flowers and countless calamities of life and death. None of these made him fail. He really deserves to be the legendary Positive spirit boy!"

The head-like blue mist protruded from the top of the azure figure, looking towards the entrance of the fifth world, and said with infinite emotion.

"Hmph! You, the fifth law in the world, surrendered just like that!? Didn't you promise me that you would send me to the Nether Inner Prison?"

Looking at the trembling azure cloud and mist figure tens of feet away in front of her, the beautiful woman asked angrily.

"Yes, please stop crying! I Wuhen not only surrendered, but also suddenly felt that I was so small, and my third brother Liu Qianlang was so great. What have you done since I Wuhen you were born.

Only now did I realize how narrow-minded and hateful I am. Look at how beautiful the five human worlds have regained their verdure and vitality. However, I have been leading Moon, Axe, Snake, and Linghua to help Nether Hell make use of the Nether Five. It is constantly destroying such beauty.

What's even more sad is that we always thought that we were doing an incomparably great thing. When Yuehua was captured, Axehua was killed, and Snakehua and Linghua left, I still thought so. I thought they were cowardly, Weakness of will. Now it seems that Snake and Linghua are right, they recognized themselves and the five real benefactors earlier than me. "

When Wuhen spoke, he tried hard to condense his figure, trying to restore the appearance when he and his third brother Liu Qianlang were sworn brothers outside Qingliu City in the past. But no matter how hard he tried, he didn't succeed. Without the effect of the Five Principles of the Netherworld, let the spirit of the Netherworld hang from the sky in the fifth world, and the Wuhen humanoid body can no longer be condensed.

The color of the azure blue mist transformed into Wuhen is constantly fading.

"How can you just admit defeat like this? The Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons and the Sun and Moon Furnace are all in Liu Qianlang's hands. From what I know about him, he will come to see you for the last time no matter what. Why don't you take this opportunity to kill him and seize it?" Get two kinds of magic treasures, reshape the body, even if you don't work for the ghost hell, you can still dominate the five worlds.

At that time, you will be the emperor and I will be the queen, and let the five worlds serve the two of us forever. We will be prosperous and rich, and we will enjoy the world forever. Such a bright future is at your fingertips, why not plan for it! If you have the heart, you don't need to do it. When Liu Qianlang arrives in a while, I will suddenly steal two fetishes for you! "

The crying demon was furious, his eyebrows were upside down, his body was full of cold and evil spirits, and Li Ling flowers flew around his body when he was angry, urging Li Ling's magical skills, waiting for Liu Qianlang's appearance at any time.

"You really think so?"

Hearing this, Wuhen looked back with a swipe of fog, and two blue rainbows shot out of the fog, looking at the violent crying demon behind him, staring at him for a long time and asking.

"Naturally it is true, the sun and the moon are the witnesses, and the heaven and the earth are the proofs. Since the old days when the Lord of the Lines gave me and the Laughing Ghost to escape the blue light together, the Crying Demon has been full of admiration for the Lord, and vowed that if he cultivates a pure daughter in this life A person of great wisdom like Feihenzun will not marry!"

Hearing the words, the Crying Demon suddenly restrained his evil spirit, twisted the Li Linghua'er with his hands, and acted like a gentle woman whirling. There is innocence in the eyes, and the crimson cheeks are flying. He said with an absolutely sincere expression.

"Ha ha."

Wuhen suddenly let out a burst of laughter, and then said: "I never imagined that when Wuhen is about to lose his soul, I can still gain a beautiful heart!"

Laughing, Wuhen floated the mist and went around towards the crying demon, and Bobo's eyes flashed in the eyes of the crying demon, nestling in the arms of Wuhen mist tenderly and obediently.


However, what Crying Demon never expected was that countless cold blades of cold light suddenly stabbed out of Wuhen's fog body, and all of them pierced into his body without the slightest precaution. Then I saw my body kept flying away, turning into countless bright red Liling flowers, dancing and shining around, and the strange fragrance of Liling flowers wafted in the space with a radius of a million miles.

"Why did you do that?"

A hundred thousand unwilling and crying voices came from the crying demon primordial spirit that had not yet died out and asked.

"Because of brotherhood, because of the eternal beauty of the five worlds!"

Although Wuhen had no face, he said in an infinitely calm tone.

"Bah! You are about to perish, and you are talking about brotherhood. You don't want eternal life, and the eternal world doesn't care. You don't want to marry a beauty, but you want to perish yourself. You are really stupid!"

The Crying Demon scolded angrily.

"Hehe, it is precisely because I am going to perish that I don't want to lose the only and most precious thing in my heart. After more than ten years of hurting the third brother, I finally found that nothing matters, but the true love between the seven sons of Juying at that time was The most precious thing in my soul.

Since you are by my side, I must kill you. We have already hurt the third brother enough in the five transformations of our world, how could I allow you to continue to hurt the third brother alive. Didn't you say you love me, then disappear with me! "

Because of killing the crying demon, the Wuhen's fog body has consumed a lot of spiritual power, and it has become as light as wind marks, thin and transparent, and only a slight light blue can still be seen. Facing the reprimand of the crying demon primordial spirit, he smiled calmly.

"It's really shameless, how could the Li Linghua fairy take a fancy to you, a useless person, you go to death, and the flower fairy is going to be free!"

The Crying Demon cursed viciously again, and then Yin Hong's Primordial Spirit Pill bounced and shot towards the chaotic space of the fifth human world.

"Ha ha."

However, Wuhen laughed loudly, and the remaining faint blue mist suddenly surrounded the Crying Devil Yinhong's Primordial Spirit Pill. The flowers around the flowers are sometimes smeared with light blue like the shape of flowers and leaves.

This blue-leaved red flower only lasted for a while before disappearing.

"Third Brother, do you still recognize Sixth Brother?"

At the moment when the blue leaves and red flowers disappeared, there was an extremely weak cry from Wuhen, and then the two figures just disappeared in the space.

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