Nine Heavens

Chapter 1440 Lonesome Brother Shang

Chapter 1440 Lonely Brother Shang

However, the compass that Wuhen has been accustomed to holding in his hand is floating in the void in front of the chaotic space where red and purple blend in the distance. This was intentionally left by Wuhen. I hope that the third brother Liu Qianlang can see it when he comes here one day, and he can remember that he once had a sworn brother who betrayed him in the past.

After the blue compass floated in the void for three days, another boundless place in the Fifth Human World galloped from a chaotic space where yellow and purple blended. Flying free and easy figure.

This figure obviously sensed the existence of Youlan Compass, and quickly flew to Youlan Compass.

This person was Liu Qianlang, who gently held the Youlan Compass in his hand, immediately raised his eyes to look around, and shouted excitedly: "Sixth Brother, where are you? Third Brother knows you are still alive!"

Liu Qianlang's excited shout echoed between the rivers and mountains of the fifth world and the vast sky and clouds, but there was no response for a long time. Liu Qianlang called out for a while, and stopped calling out, thinking that maybe the sixth brother was dissatisfied with himself because he finally defeated the five transformations of the world, and didn't want to see him.

Thinking of this, Liu Qianlang held the Youlan compass tightly, and said to himself: "Sixth brother, no matter what, the third brother has never denied you as a brother. Including eldest brother Wu Yazi, fifth brother Kong Sheng, and others. With Cailing, in the heart of the third brother, you will always be my relatives, Liu Qianlang.

Because when we became sworn brothers back then, you didn't know your destiny, and I didn't know that the future would run counter to yours. Although you are on the path of betraying me one by one, every time I see you, I can see from your eyes that the true love of the past is always there.

It's just because of the hard fate, the true love of sworn love sinks deeply in your eyes and hearts, no matter how vicious your words are, Liu Qianlang can feel an unbearable pain in your heart.

Sixth brother, third brother will not force you to come out now, but one day I will miss third brother, remember to come to third brother. The third brother is always waiting for you! "

After Liu Qianlang said these words, he looked around for a long time before turning around unwillingly and manipulating the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword to leave. However, at this time, the compass in Liu Qianlang's hand suddenly made a slight cracking sound, and then turned into pieces of blue snowflakes, and the pieces of blue snowflakes flew away from Liu Qianlang's palm, and began to circle around Liu Qianlang Flying around in a circle.

After flying around Liu Qianlang for more than an hour, all the Youlan snowflakes condensed into a person wearing a light blue fairy robe, shaking the dust with one hand, and holding a Youlan compass in the other.

"Sixth Brother!?"

Liu Qianlang took a closer look, and saw that it was Wuhen, the sixth younger brother he was looking for, couldn't help being surprised, and immediately stepped forward and shouted.

"Thank you, third brother, for being able to recognize sixth brother Wuhen as a heartless person. If the third brother sees the phantom of me, Youlan Compass, one day, it means that the third brother in Wuhen's heart still has me in his heart after all.

Do you know the third brother, although Wuhen was reincarnated from the underworld, he couldn't change the fate of being against the third brother. But the third brother is the most important existence in Wuhen's heart. In fact, Wuhen doesn't want the third brother to die, but hopes to guide the third brother into the Nether Hell and continue to be our third brother.

However, my thinking was really naive. It wasn't until the third brother destroyed the first, second, and third Nether Laws of the Human World that Wuhen knew that Wuhen was just a little puppet controlled by the Nether Hell, Absolute Sun Lost City That's all.

We are nothing but a tool for enslaving the five worlds of the Nether Hell. I exist, they benefit endlessly, we perish, but they don't care. After knowing this, Wuhen Haosheng regretted the countless things he had done to the third brother.

But it's too late, brother Wu Yazi and I, fifth brother Kong Sheng and seventh younger sister Cai Ling have caused you too much trouble and harm, it's already an unchangeable fact.

It's useless to talk about the past, Wuhen used the compass to meditate, and what he wanted to tell the third brother was that the most frightening power of the Nether Hell is not the Jueyang Imperial Capital, nor the seven or forty-nine hells, but the seven or forty-nine hells. The domain of ghosts and immortals and the thirteen secluded places at the bottom of seventy-nine layers of hell.

There are a small number of ghosts and immortals with unimaginable strength, ghosts and immortals, and they are also connected with some immortals and gods in the two realms of the cloud and sky. I once heard that the two worlds of Yuntian and those ghosts and immortals have long been colluding and want to make a decision to kill the boy of four spirits. In the near future, they will implement many terrible means to deal with the third brother, the third brother must be careful!

In addition, Wuhen had to tell the third brother that although the third brother had destroyed the four emperors of the underworld, the five transformations of the world, and the seventh enchanted queen, there was still the ninth red sun. And the leader of the Ninth Red Sun is the second brother Huang Qi! "

Wuhen Youlan Snowflake Phantom said this, paused for a while, and finally said with a sob: "Third brother take care, sixth brother is gone!"

Then the phantom of the blue snowflakes suddenly collapsed, turning into blue snowflakes all over the sky, blown by gusts of wind, scattered in all directions, and quickly disappeared.

"Sixth Brother——"

The Wuhen Compass snowflake phantom quickly appeared and quickly disintegrated, and Liu Qianlang's eyes filled with tears when he choked up his words, manipulating the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword to frantically chase after pieces of dissipated blue snowflakes, screaming mournfully.

Only Liu Qianlang's cry of pain echoed in the world, but no trace of Wuhen's voice could be heard again.

Liu Qianlang learned that Wuhen was dead, and the five transformations of the world were completely destroyed by him, but he didn't have the slightest feeling of victory. Hearing that his second brother Huang Qi was the leader of the Ninth Red Sun, he was even more heartbroken.

Liu Qianlang's heart is bleeding, and the seven sons of Juying are now dead and dead. The fourth brother Song Zhen returns to the world of dark spirits. The eminent monk in the temple turned out to be his future opponent. Such a fateful arrangement, how can Liu Qianlang, who regards brotherhood as his destiny, not feel pain!

"Ha ha."

Liu Qianlang suddenly summoned Tanshang Wine, and controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword to fly aimlessly in the purple sky of the fifth world, laughing wildly and drinking wildly.

Suddenly, Liu Qianlang felt so confused, could it be that this is the avenue of good fortune he pursued, for this? My sworn brothers died one by one on my journey, is everything I have done worth it? right?

Laughing and drinking wildly, Liu Qianlang kept asking himself, every time he recalled a brother's face, it was a heart-piercing torment.

It was not until a day later that Liu Qianlang gradually regained his composure, and then sat cross-legged among the purple clouds in the sky of the fifth world, closed his eyes intently, thought about it, and fell into long-term contemplation.

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