Nine Heavens

Chapter 1441 Cloud Heaven Immortal Land

Chapter 1441: Cloud Heaven and Immortal Land

Liu Qianlang pondered deeply for a long time, and realized a qualitative leap in the path he has traveled in the past and the path he will take in the future. Then he controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword that had turned into a Yinhong dragon, galloping wildly.

Holding the Lingshan Mountain in his hand, he flew proudly among the five worlds, enjoying the sight of the world and the sun and the moon when he was completely righteous again in the five worlds. While feeling infinite emotion, I rekindled my greater hope of pursuing the future.

After this long period of thinking, Liu Qianlang formed his own thinking about the distribution of the five human beings, the rules of existence, and the process of passing life from birth to old age.

Once the Nether Hell Absolute Yang Lost Territory is eradicated, especially after the Nether Hell's yin and yang reincarnation path is eliminated, the five human beings will no longer be deliberately manipulated and violated by the Nether Hell's evil spirits, and will no longer suffer from illness or die naturally. That is to say, all five people If there are no accidental casualties, the common people and all creatures in the world will return to the former state of immortality.

In this case, all living beings can only continue to reproduce without decreasing in number. Obviously, the time and space resources of the five human worlds will be greatly consumed. In the long run, there will inevitably be new conflicts and conflicts between the five human beings competing for resources. struggle.

So Liu Qianlang thought of the five principles of gradient evolution of people in the world. According to the differences in the strength of aura in the five human worlds, the first human world is set as the Qiling Realm Human Race Realm, where all the most ordinary human races and creatures live. And set up the sky and fairy land to provide opportunities for those with outstanding wisdom to have strength and vitality.

The second human world is set as the realm of monks and monks in the Faling Realm, where all the powerful people and other creatures who entered the immortal way in the first human world are accepted to live in the second human world.

By analogy, the third human world is set as the human race realm of Xuanling Realm, the fourth human realm is set as the Transmortal Realm, and the fifth human world is set as the Real Spirit Realm. All of them are equipped with Yuntian Xiandi, where the powerful people are concentrated and constantly evolving.

When some powerful people finally surpassed the fifth human world, Yuntian Xiandi, the five human worlds would baptize them into the time and space of the second world of Yuntian, allowing them to find a larger space for independent development.

This gradient evolution principle, Liu Qianlang called it "the law of heaven and earth." Under this rule, no high-level person in the human world should use any means to oppress any living beings in the world that he has lived in before. Once it is violated, it will be slaughtered and slaughtered by the corresponding organization of Yuntiandi, Zhuxiantang, and its soul and soul will be wiped out, and it will never come back to life.

Under this basic evolution, Liu Qianlang set up the "law of moving a thousand years old." That is, every time a low-level human being lives to a thousand years old, ordinary people will eliminate their original bodies and implant their souls and primordial spirits. In every human world, there is a mother mountain and a sea of ​​milk. After thousands of years, a new body grows, and then returns to the original human world to continue living.

This can greatly reduce the excessive consumption of resources in the five human worlds caused by the excessive reproduction of creatures. At the same time, the primordial spirit and soul will be relocated and planted to absorb the aura of high-level human beings, which is also an excellent opportunity for the corresponding people to open up their wisdom.

"The rule of millennium shifting," this is the basic requirement. If some human race or creatures want to improve their wisdom in advance, they can apply to the corresponding organization in Yuntianxian every hundred years. After obtaining permission, they can He was sent to the last world of Niangshan and Milky Sea to achieve his goal.

In addition, for some people who died unexpectedly, such as falling off a cliff, dying from practicing martial arts, etc., there will be a special Human Soul Soul Regulatory Agency, Yuanshentang, who will always pay attention to the soul essence of anyone and other living beings. The God will have his birth stone in the Yuanshen Hall, which is stored in the life-turning-knowledge wheel.

In case of an accident with a certain life, people from the Yuanshen Hall will immediately gather their souls and gather their souls to keep the Yuanshen immortal, then collect them, escort them to the corresponding human mother mountain, and plant them in the sea of ​​milk, and they will naturally revive after a thousand years up.

After the five human beings achieve immortality, people in each human world can visit each other. Because of their great strength, people in the high-level human world can tell their relatives and go back to the low-level human world where they left to visit their family and friends. However, if people of low rank want to visit people of high rank, they must be escorted by a special agency and return regularly.

This is the basic setting for the existence cycle of the five human beings in the future, and then Liu Qianlang used the Lingshan Mountain in his hand to distribute the five human space-time resources more reasonably.

At the same time, the five-dimensional space-time layout before the five human worlds has been changed to five parallel time-spaces, but the first human world is still in the center of the second to fifth human worlds in orientation, and the other four human worlds are connected to each other, ringing in the first human world time-space universe.

The advantage of this is that the time and space changes in the five worlds, especially the concept of time, have a unified law, which is convenient for the continuous evolution of the five worlds.

For Liu Qianlang to think this way, it is obviously against the heavens and the earth. All the rules of the five human worlds in the past were all determined by the heavens, and then they were controlled by the netherworld. But now that he is slaughtering the Yang Miyu Territory, he wants to rule the world, which is clearly an enemy of heaven and earth.

For this, Liu Qianlang had already thought over and over again, knowing what he would face in the future, but he still decided to do so, and he had such ability at this moment.

Liu Qianlang manipulated the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and used the shadow-escaping magic technique. After flying across the five worlds for several months, when she reappeared in the second world after Niangshan Ruhai, she immediately summoned Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, and Cheng Shifeng. , Langyuan Sect, Sirius Sect, Emerald Soul Palace, and Lingyao Tianditang, all the high-level minds discussed and explored their basic principles about the five worlds of "clouds, heavens and lands, thousands of years moving between, and three halls governing".

In the end, after more than ten days of discussion, Liu Qianlang finally fully approved the future operation of the five human worlds. Then the army of four spirits also formally merged into one, collectively called Langyuanmen, Liu Qianlang still served as the head, and was revered as the soul master in the world.

After Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Juan and Cheng Shifeng joined Langyuan Sect, their sect titles were still retained, but the titles were slightly adjusted. The names of Liu Juan's Cuihun Palace and Cheng Shifeng's Spiritual Demon Heaven and Earth Hall remained unchanged, and Cheng Yuanfang's Sirius Sect was changed to Sirius Sect.

At the same time, the four celestial spirit boys summoned the four-color star palace above Cangshan Mountain in the first human world, and their corresponding star palaces, to their corresponding black jade skulls, celestial demon meteors, soul-controlling vines and blue spirit crescent moons, As the habitat and flying weapon of my own space-time army in the future.

Next, the army of the four spirits of Langyuanmen began to be busy for half a year, instructing the five mortals to establish the "cloud heaven and fairyland, the thousand-year shift, the three halls" and so on.

All these things Liu Qianlang handed over to her elder sister Liu Juan, brother Cheng Yuanfang and younger sister Cheng Shifeng, as well as your beloved wives.

And he summoned Shui'er, Liaoyan, the poisonous witch, and his beloved disciple Yaya, who were still practicing the magic skills of the heavenly witch in the Moyu skeleton, and said goodbye to the army of four spirits temporarily with a smile, and took them to the first human world.

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