Nine Heavens

Chapter 1455 Nengpan meeting

Chapter 1455 Nengpan meeting

When the dark-seeking emperor led his people's dark energy disks to fly in formation, Song Zhen and his two beloved wives were also speeding up to approach them hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Husband, is that the dark power plate of Prince Xun An and his sister Princess An Xiang that you mentioned? Why are there so many, and there are countless green stars falling down on them! It seems that no one is chasing them. Emperor You Luo doesn't seem to have one."

Both Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang have learned the technique of remote vision of the dark spirit world taught by Song Zhen, and it is not difficult for them to look at the time and space scenes of the light and dark world hundreds of millions of miles away.

The two looked at it for a while, and found that there was only one huge black and white shining dark energy disk flying, and the countless other dark energy disks flying behind were very small. From a distance, it seems that a huge moon is leading countless stars to fly.

Didn't see another huge dark energy disk chasing them, Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang looked at each other after looking into the distance, with very puzzled expressions in their eyes. Ye Xiang looked sideways at her husband Song Zhen and asked.

"Yes, I have already contacted the Prince of Darkness. We are late, and Emperor Aoyuluo has already left."

When Song Zhen answered Ye Xiang's question, he had a sad expression on his face, tears were shining in his eyes, and his black and white eyebrows were trembling and wriggling.


When Ye Xiang and Lan Shuang saw each other, they felt amazed. They knew their husbands more like their wives. The two had only seen their husband so emotional for the third elder brother Liu Qianlang, and they had rarely seen him so sad. asked, looking at each other in astonishment.

"Princess Anxiang and Xiao Xing'er are gone!"

Song Zhen's lips trembled a few times, a line of hot tears fell silently, and he said in a trembling voice.

"Who are Princess Anxiang and Xiao Xing'er, and where have they gone? Husband, don't be too sad."

Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang felt her husband's pain in their hearts, Lan Shuang persuaded softly.

Song Zhen stabilized his emotions for a while, and then he and his third brother Liu Qianlang met Princess Anxiang, Xiao Xinger, and Prince Xunyan in Nether Hell, as well as their subsequent experiences, plus everything that Prince Xunya told him now. I told the story to my two beloved wives.

"Unexpectedly, there are such admirable and admirable women in the dark spirit world. It is really worth being sad and proud of them! It is a pity that we have no chance to see their beauty.

well! Why is there such a sad thing in the world of light and darkness? I heard from the third brother that all the old peak masters of the Xuanling Sect in the past have died, the smiles and flowers of Yunshan Changshui, the old Qinghua Palace master of Qinghua Palace And so on are gone! Now that I first arrived in the dark spirit world, I heard such sad things! "

After listening to Song Zhen's words, Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang cast admiring gazes at the distant flying team of the dark energy disk while sighing.

"Princess Anxiang is kind by nature. In order not to harm the five human beings in the chaotic universe of the Mingling world, she would rather consume her soul energy and mental power continuously, so that her body becomes weak and sick. Even if she recovers later, she is still thin and slender. After unknown After much torment and pain, he finally returned to the homeland of the Dark Energy Kingdom.

There is also Xiao Xing'er, who is about the same age as Yaya, naturally naughty and cute, lively and sunny, cheerful and loves to laugh. I'm still looking forward to seeing them, however."

Song Zhen choked up as he spoke, and at this point, he couldn't bear to say any more, shaking his head in pain.

"All of this originates from the nether world of our Mingling world, the chaotic universe, and the nether world appeared because of the appearance of Emperor Aoyuluo and the dark prince. These pains are inevitable by chance. Husband still needs to learn from the pain and turn sorrow into Power, to help Prince Seeking Darkness eliminate the power of Emperor Aoyuluo.

Otherwise, such suffering seems to never end! The bright and dark dreams of the husband and third brother, as well as the departed Princess Anxiang and Xiao Xing'er, never come true! "

"Sister Lan Shuang is right. If Princess Anxiang and Xiao Xing'er were alive, they would definitely want us to do the same. Husband, cheer up, let us comfort her with the actions of realizing the dream of light and darkness!"

Ye Xiang also said the same thing when she heard that Lan Shuang comforted Song Zhen.

"You don't have to worry, my husband is just sad, but I know what to do in my heart. We will go to meet Prince Xun An now, and help him establish a new kingdom of God An Neng, stabilize his footing, and then try to deal with Emperor Aoyuluo .”

Song Zhen glanced left and right at the two beloved wives who were worried about him, and felt apologetic in his heart. He had worked hard all the way, and he should have taken care of the two beloved wives, but it was the two beloved wives who kept encouraging him. So he immediately put away his sadness, squeezed out a smile, and said with a heavy nod.

The dark-seeking emperor controls one hundred thousand huge divine dark energy discs and leads a flying army of small divine dark energy discs, spinning and galloping in bursts of ninety-nine and eighty-one star-degree rings in the light and dark world. Chao Song Zhen controlled the divine dark energy disk and galloped towards it.

Several hours later, two huge divine dark energy disks floated steadily in the void facing each other.

Song Zhen and his two beloved wives stood in the chaotic Luoxiang Wuji disk, looking at the dark emperor who was also standing in the dark energy disk of the opponent's god, and Yuelan, Jie'er, and others who accompanied him beside him. The little red spots on Yuelan's shoulders.

The two sides made eye contact, with thousands of joys and thousands of sorrows in their eyes. They watched silently for a long time, full of words, but found that only silent communication is the most intimate expression.

After a long silence.

"Zhan Kongzi of the dark spirit world finally recovered the memory of the dark spirit world, and returned to the place where he was born! Xun An was originally a person in the Mingling world, and he settled here with his ancestors. Speaking of which, I am not the original ancestor here. People, but Xun An is still taking the liberty to say, welcome back Zhan Kongzi and the two wives!"

The emperor looking for darkness, his eyes flashed sharply, after staring at Song Zhen and his wife for a long time, he clasped his hands together, bowed down and saluted and said.

In fact, the reason why the dark-seeking emperor made his words so clear was because he had always had a concern in his heart, worrying that Song Zhen was the one born in the dark spirit world after all, while he and his compatriots were not. Ever wondered, after Song Zhen's dark spirit's memory recovered, would his justice balance still be on the side of the Mingling world?

If so, he is naturally the friend of the other party and can form an alliance. If not, even if it is not an enemy, the other party does not seem to welcome himself and his clansmen, who are from the Mingling world to enter the dark spirit world, people from foreign time, space and universe.

This kind of heart is also the reason for the embarrassment that Emperor Xun An has been silent all the time, and suddenly met, which was originally an infinitely sincere word in his heart, but he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Song Zhen was staring at the dark-seeking emperor's eyes, and deeply felt the other party's concerns. When the dark-hunting emperor finished speaking, he said, "Whether it is the time and space of the Mingling universe or the time and space of the dark spirit universe, it is important to know that there is nothing wrong with it." As the third brother said, only the Dao of Good Fate is eternal, and time and space are just the tolerance of the Dao of Good Fate.

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