Nine Heavens

Chapter 1456 Forming an Alliance

Chapter 1456 Formed an Alliance

Similarly, in Song Zhen's heart, there is only the avenue of good fate, and there is no distinction between the human race in the world of the bright spirit and the world of the dark spirit. Anyone who upholds the principle of good fate, no matter where he belongs, is Song Zhen's admired friend. On the contrary, it is the sworn enemy!

Prince Xun An led the tribe through countless hardships and hardships, in order for the tribe to have a happy place to live, without the heart of wildness, let alone the intention of swallowing hegemony. In my heart, I only want to comfort my ancestors and build a country for the people again. This is the way of great kindness and destiny, and he is Song Zhen's most admired friend.

Thank you Prince Xun An and Yue Lan, Jie Er and You Xiao Xiao Hong Dot for welcoming us back. What we have lost is irretrievable, so we have no choice but to keep it in our hearts, but in the future, Song Zhen hopes to see someone who will help you to rebuild a beautiful new country. "

Song Zhen thought about it for a long time before coming here. In order to dispel his worries about finding the dark emperor and express his great benevolence, he always used his name in Mingling World.

"Thank you! The most honorable friend of our Heavenly Witch Clan!"

After hearing the words, Emperor Xun An finally let go of his hanging heart, saluted again, and said emotionally.

"Haha. We are so far apart, so it's inconvenient to talk. Are you guys coming to our Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk, or are we going there?"

In order to ease the atmosphere, Song Zhen asked with a bright smile as he twisted his black and white eyebrows.

"Hee hee! The Emperor of Darkness, Auntie Yuelan Empress, of course let the distinguished guests enter our dark energy disk. I also want to ask sister Xiaohong Dian'er how she is doing now?"

"Ha ha."


Little Hongdian, who was squatting on Yuelan's shoulder, kept tilting her head to listen carefully to the conversation between Song Zhen and Emperor Xun An. Song Zhen's voice didn't stop, and he said in a coquettish voice first.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing, and they became active when they were angry.

"Hurry up and invite Brother Song and the two respected sisters-in-law!"

Prince Xun An and Yue Lan immediately greeted all the compatriots of the Tianwu clan to welcome Song Zhen and Lan Shuang, and Ye Xiang flew in. Song Zhen led his two beloved wives to fly behind the dark-seeking emperor's flying disk, and took away his own chaotic Luoxiang Wuji disk.

"Congratulations to Emperor Xunan, congratulations to Junior Sister Yuelan! It turns out that the Emperor has already proclaimed himself emperor, and married Junior Sister Yuelan. How about celebrating the establishment of the Emperor's new Empire of Light and Darkness?"

Song Zhen heard that Emperor Xun An and Yue Lan had married since he was a little red, and he was deeply happy that the two people who had suffered many disasters walked together, and he blessed and laughed loudly.

Although Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang were not very familiar with Yue Lan, but when they saw that the other party was as the name suggests, graceful and beautiful, with fortitude in their eyes, they immediately fell in love with them, and they also said blessings, and then they went forward and left to hold each other. Touching Yuelan's slender hand, she spoke.

Here, Song Zhen and Emperor Xun An hugged each other tightly, and took a long time before nodding their heads and taking their seats.

Then Song Zhen summoned countless fairy fruits, vegetables and fine wine from the golden pagoda gifted by the third elder brother Liu Qianlang, turned into more than ten thousand beautiful jade tables and chairs, spread fairy fruits, rare vegetables and fine wine on them, and greeted everyone with the dark-seeking emperor Beside it, there was a burst of auspicious words of blessing, not only to celebrate the wedding of Emperor Xun An and Yue Lan, but also to celebrate the reunion of everyone after a long absence.

In front of the delicious food, everyone temporarily hid their sadness in their hearts. For the first time in countless years, the people of the Tianwu clan talked and laughed so happily, tasting wine and savoring all kinds of delicacies in the fairy fruit.

The sound of laughter, like the sound of nature, cleansed everyone's heart. They enjoy this moment to the fullest, and everyone hopes that the present will last for a long time, that time will stop at the moment by the side of the road, and it will never run again. Or hope that the bright and dark dreams of the future will come true soon.

A stable and happy life is too tempting. Everyone yearns for it and pursues it!

"Hehe, Emperor, Song Zhen has never understood. Back then, how did you recognize that I was taking advantage of the gap? Even I didn't know it at the time?"

Song Zhen and Emperor Xun An were talking over wine and asked with a smile.

"It's very simple. My sister, Princess Anxiang, and I are already very familiar with the aura of the dark spirit world. After seeing you, we have sensed the faint aura of dark spirit in you. The second is Brother Song's unique black and white eyebrows, and At that time, there were faint flashes of five-color aura in the rainbow of pupils.

When I found out before my sister that Senior Brother Song is the God of Divination in the Dark Spirit World, which is famous throughout the Dark Spirit Universe, I was very excited and immediately informed my sister. My sister is also very happy, because we know that the divining god is a person who advocated the neutrality of the Huiling beast race in the Mingling world and the Darkling human race in the dark spirit world in the past, and opposes war.

So as long as we get the help of Senior Brother Song's Xingchen Dao forces, we will no longer be afraid of the destruction of the five-color universe Aoyou's forces when we return to the dark world of the dark spirit world, and there will be no more disasters in rebuilding the dark energy kingdom in the dark world worried.

However, my sister and I talked to Senior Brother Song a few times, and we were disappointed when we found that Senior Brother Song's memory of the dark spirit world was sealed by you. Except that you can unlock the seal yourself, we have no way to do it, and we don't know the way to unlock the seal of your memory.

At that time, we were worried that Emperor Aoyou Luo, who had been staying in the Nether Inner Prison, would chase and kill you, so we had to decide to leave you. But we don't want to give up, and only Brother Song can help us in the future. So my sister and I decided to give it to Senior Brother Song under the pretense of giving it to Senior Brother Song in the name of the Divination Goddess Chaos Luoxiang Wuji Disk.

I will give you one of the flying artifacts used by our two gods and dark energy to escape, and put the five-color divine jade, the only national treasure in the dark world of the gods and darkness, into it. I hope that one day when Brother Song's memory of the dark spirit recovers, he can use the five-color jade Shenyu also restored the power of the dark spirit, and then returned to the world of the dark spirit. Then we will turn to you for help.

Although, we don't know when Senior Brother Song will recover the memory of the dark spirit, but we have been looking forward to this, and we will send you a breath of the dark spirit from time to time to find out whether you have awakened the memory of the dark spirit. Especially in the past year or so, we have been wandering aimlessly in the world of light and darkness.

We can't find the site of the ancient country. I don't know how many cosmic explosions have passed here. The ruins of the old country have long been beyond recognition and cannot be identified. However, I dare not choose a place to stay at will. The dark energy surges under the land of the light and dark world. If we fail to find the pulse of eternity and build a country on it, not only will the new country be difficult to establish, but all our clansmen will die because of it.

At the same time, we were also worried that Emperor Aoyuluo would hunt us down at any time, so we had to keep drifting in the time and space of the light and dark world. Constantly sending you distress calls. Later, just as we feared, Emperor Aoyuluo finally came back to hunt us down, so you received our more urgent distress signal! "

The Dark Emperor answered Song Zhen's questions in detail, and by the way, gave a brief introduction to the general situation after parting with Song Zhen.

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