Nine Heavens

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469: Outstanding Descendants

Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou and Liusha are all fifteen or sixteen years old. They are all beautiful and beautiful, but they are still mischievous. They vibrate the wings of the sky, chasing each other, joking and laughing non-stop .

Yaya roared and galloped on the red-horned demon bull king. Now she has experienced countless experiences. She has tasted the ups and downs of life. Although her heart is infinitely happy, she is very stable, her mentality is much more mature, and her face is very calm. Not as naughty as the six younger sisters.

Looking at the five great rivers and mountains in the world that my teacher Liu Qianlang has led everyone to travel in the past month, only she has been carefully listening to Liu Qianlang's various pointers and instructions, and will always remember the master's words forever . .

The nine Nascent Souls are now masculine and handsome young men. Although they each have their own characteristics, they are all handsome and upright, with a heroic aura between their brows.

They each stepped on their own divine cauldrons, flying into the sky, and distributed around the soul father Liu Qianlang. Although they didn't need to protect anyone, they were already accustomed to the way they acted. Six naughty sisters are covered in it.

"Elder Sister, Daddy Hunzun! Didn't we agree that we are here to go sightseeing, but it's been more than a month, so what can you talk about?

Going out to play with you is so boring. If I had known, I would have gone to Dongtianyang Heming Mountain with Paerniang and the others. It's still sister Xiaomei, little devil turtle, red fairy, five-color boy, five-color spirit ginseng sister, they are smart, and they are all going to follow Pa'erniang.

Yingmei, Roumei, Liusha, Dierjie, Xiaolanmei, now in the first world, we are familiar with everything here, how about we go to Dongtianyang to find Paerniang? "

After the four sisters of Tianling galloped around for a while, seeing Liu Qianlang's unhurried look, they didn't know what to say, endlessly, the elder sister Yaya kept listening, feeling so boring, suggested.



This sister hit it off immediately, Tianling immediately winked at Liusha, Liusha understood, and immediately flew to Liu Qianlang in a charming and charming way, and said: "Master, I received a message from Mrs. Pa'er just now, let us go Dong Tianyang asked her to play with her.

It is said that there are many human deeds about Daddy, Shuangerniang, and Youniang. Let's go to Mrs. Pa'er, go play and listen, okay? "

Liu Qianlang saw that Liu Sha was the youngest of the four Tianling sisters, because the fourth brother and the two fourth siblings were not around, so she loved him and Dan Rou more and more. Knowing that the little girl was deliberately lying for the sake of having fun, she didn't tell the truth.

Because just now Yaya was thinking about transmitting herself, and planned to return to the second world to help grandparents Qiankun and Elder Qiankun do something after arriving in Cangshan. It happened that Elder Qiankun mentioned that Pa'er and Xiaomei were both there.

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, "Haha, when did Liusha learn to be so obedient, that's fine, you go, now the five worlds are safe everywhere, you can feel at ease as a teacher wherever you go, but don't be playful, three In the future, we must return to Cangshan Mountain!"

"Understood, I wish Master and Senior Sister and brothers have fun, let's go find Mrs. Pa'er and the others."

As soon as the six sisters heard that Liu Qianlang agreed, they quickly agreed in unison and sweetly, and their hearts were full of joy. One person flew in the direction of Dongtianyang.

"Master, you heard them lie to you again. Master was not like this before. Seeing how smart you dote on them, you can see how smart they are. When you see them flying away in a hurry, you know it's another plan OK."

Seeing the six junior sisters leave happily, Yaya smiled and blamed her mentor Liu Qianlang.

"It's good to make them happy. Your father and two mothers are not here, and Dan Rou and Liu Sha have been wronged. As long as they are happy, I feel relieved. Just now, my teacher suddenly couldn't get the Qishang Spring of your father and two mothers." signal, I don't know why.

Today, as a teacher, I will take you to understand the five human worlds so far. If you want to go back and discuss with your elders to find out why, you can also go to the second human world to help your grandparents. Take me to greet you two and Le Shanzun. "

Hearing that my stepmother and stepmother, at that time because of the affairs of Langyuanmen, I couldn't go to the dark spirit universe with them, and I couldn't give up my master and all the teachers and wives who were just like my father and mother. It's brooding.

At this moment, when the master suddenly said that the adoptive mother and the adoptive mother had disappeared, my heart tensed up, and my face turned pale in an instant, and I asked in panic: "Master, parents?"

Thinking of Song Zhen and Lan Shuang, foster father and adoptive mother, and Ye Xiang's love for her in every possible way, after more than five years without seeing her, Yaya's eyes turned red and she was about to shed tears.

Seeing Liu Qianlang, he quickly smiled and said:

"Hehe, it's all right. Don't forget that your father is the famous Star Dao Lingzhu in the dark spirit world, the most famous astrological supreme Zhan Kongzi in time and space. Didn't we just receive them and you to find Uncle Dark Emperor and Aunt Yexiang?" Convergence news? Now that the new dark energy kingdom of the gods and the kingdom of heaven and witches has been successfully established, your father and the others are planning to deal with the forces of Emperor Aoyuluo.

They cooperate with each other, your father and two mothers are no longer fighting alone, with the support of the Heavenly Witch Divine Kingdom. What's more, I gave your father the Ghost Death Warrior Gu as a gift, so I can resist any accidents. Go ahead and be happy, our future will be better. "

"Well, that's good, the master will find out the reason, and he must tell the disciples in the distant voice of the soul, Yaya, let this go, and the younger brothers will take good care of the master!"

When Yaya heard this, seeing Liu Qianlang's resolute and calm face, she immediately calmed down a lot. After saluting to her mentor, she looked left and right at Jiuying who was flying around, and ordered.

"Yes! Senior Sister, congratulations to Senior Sister!"

The nine infants are all clear-eyed, and they have always respected this beautiful and heroic senior sister. They all responded with salutes, and watched the senior sister walk away stepping on the red-horned demon bull king and turning her head three times.

"Hehe, nine dear children, don't be restrained by me anymore, go chase your six naughty sisters, and play with them happily for a while, just go back to the old palace of Langyuan Gate in Cangshan Mountain for your father."

The pretty figure of her beloved disciple Yaya disappeared behind the sky, Liu Qianlang smiled and said, looking at the nine handsome Nascent Souls from left to right.

"No! All the Spiritual Venerables have repeatedly told us that we must protect Daddy. Daddy is now the most honorable Earth Immortal in the five mortal worlds and the head of Lemen and Lexianzun! I heard from all the Spiritual Venerables that the Jueyang Hell is located in the third mortal world. There is another vision at the entrance, so we can't leave Daddy, or Uncle Yuanfang, Aunt Juan and Aunt Shifeng will be worried."

Yiying Liu Chao heard the words, immediately smiled and shook his head, not planning to leave.

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