Nine Heavens

Chapter 1470

Chapter 1470 Fu Yuan Tian Lun

"Ha ha."

"Don't listen to the sensational words of your fathers, the situation at the entrance of the Third World's Absolute Sun Hell, Daddy knows very well, you don't need to be so nervous, don't you doubt Daddy's strength, or don't believe in your own super sensing ability?

Now our father and son have a very tacit understanding, even if we are far away from each other, we can instantly sense each other, and then use the shadow-escaping magic to gather together immediately. We have such a tacit understanding, what are we worried about? Let's go, seeing all of you looking handsome and heroic, so serious, wouldn't it be a bit of a disservice? "

Liu Qianlang looked around at the nine love babies and said with a smile.


"Okay then, let's listen to Daddy Hunzun, if Daddy is well, then let's go after the six younger sisters."

Hearing the words, the nine Nascent Souls thought it was true, they couldn't help but looked around at each other, and then Liu Chaos said.

"Well, go ahead, don't let them go crazy too much, and remind them to come back after three days. Hehe."

Liu Qianlang nodded, smiled, and watched the nine Nascent Souls leave happily.

Looking at the beautiful sky among the blue sky and white clouds in the first human world, and the nine Nascent Souls galloping in a graceful arc, Liu Qianlang was very pleased to have these descendants. Everyone is smart and motivated, not to mention Yaya and Jiuying, even Tianling's four sisters, righteous daughter Daddy and Xiaolan are the same.

However, when Jiuying's figure turned into the flowing clouds in the sky, there was a slight ripple on Liu Qianlang's calm face, and then he accepted Wanlong and combined them into Yin Hong Liuxia's Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and quickly moved towards him. The Cangshan Old Palace flew away, and during the speeding, it had already released the message to summon the leader of the Four Spirits Army.

In the first world, Cangshan Mountain Qingcang Peak, Qingcang Palace.

At this moment, Cheng Yuanfang, the head of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, Liu Juan, the head of the Emerald Soul Palace, Cheng Shifeng, the head of the Lingyao Tiandi Hall, and Liu Qianlang's beloved wives Shui Er, Miao Yan, Yun Qianmeng, the head of the Palace of Love Flower, Jin Ling The princess, and the newly married flame poison witch Liaoyan.

Cheng Yuanfang's four beloved wives, Siying Meihu, and Liu Yun, the first chief disciple of the Xuanlingmen Taicang Peak of the Twelve Shocking Peaks of Longyun Mountain, who came here on purpose, were all accompanying Liu Hedong, Fengyue'er and his wife, Cheng Hua and Qin Ning and his wife are chatting and reminiscing about the past in the Enqing Palace.

The atmosphere is festive and peaceful, full of happiness and family happiness.

"Brother Qianlang is still so busy. Every time we get together, there are always things that can't be finished. This time, he also led a large group of mischievous ghosts. There is also the third sister-in-law, Pa'er, who shakes a floating star fan all day long." , Now I heard where the second elder Qiankun is in the second world, but the second elder Qiankun likes it."

While everyone was chatting and joking, Cheng Shifeng mentioned Liu Qianlang who had been away for more than a month, the former Mr. Wenyang, and his third sister-in-law Pa'er recently, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, you are all busy, so you don't need to come to see us. It doesn't matter if you get together or not, we will see you anyway. Now the five worlds are too peaceful. When we return to the first world, we will inevitably miss this kindness." Palace, so I couldn't help but want to take a look, and then we can go back to the Palace of Grace within the Star Palace."

Liuhe Dong, Fengyue'er, Cheng Hua and Qin Ning, because of the meticulous care of the children of the four spirits, although they are already over middle age, they seem to be more energetic, their appearance is still young, and they are full of immortality .

If you have nothing to do, learn some immortal magic from your sons and daughters and disciples of Langyuanmen. Don't seek the way, just for happiness.

Qin Ning said with a smile when he heard the words of his beloved daughter Cheng Shifeng, who was so promising that he couldn't even believe it.

"What about others, Xian Nan, look at how happy your two brothers are now, you should work hard. And Juan'er, how are you and the gate general doing now?"

Feng Yue'er also smiled, looked at Liu Juan and Cheng Shifeng who was talking, and asked.

Cheng Shifeng and Liu Juan couldn't help but blushed at the same time when they heard the words, and lowered their heads shyly.


"Father, mother, uncle, you are going to have a double happiness. The two of them, the two of them, love each other, so sweet!"


Before Feng Yue'er finished speaking, Princess Jin Ling smiled coquettishly, and said to Cheng Shifeng and her sister Liu Juan in a funny way. It caused the surrounding peers to burst into laughter.

"Fuck you, you naughty girl, you are not big or small!"

Cheng Shifeng was young, blushing for a while and drooping his head without saying a word. But Liu Juan is a few years older than all her siblings. Hearing what his younger brother and sister Princess Jinling said, he blushed and smiled. Then, someone who had never seen it before, chased after Princess Jin Ling and slapped her.

"Ha ha."

"Huadi, did you see that Juan'er is so naughty, have you seen it before?"

Liuhe Dong and Fengyue'er looked at each other, then Liuhe Dong looked at Cheng Hua and Qin Ning couple, and said with a big laugh.

"It's really the first time. Our Juan'er seems to have finally found the one she loves. Jin Ling'er is right. It's time for us to prepare a fairy wedding for the two children. Haha."

After Cheng Hua accepted the words, he also burst into laughter, and then everyone continued to talk about many happy things.

"Grandson bids farewell to the four respected ancestors! Farewell to the mothers and all the respected mothers! When I have time in the future, I will definitely come again to pay my respects!"

After a burst of laughter, Liu Qianlang and Miao Yan's beloved son Liu Yun bid farewell to everyone, and finally smiled happily at Miao Yan, riding the blue-horned demon bull king and floating into the sky, respectfully saluting all the way to face everyone.

"Hehe, time flies by. We were separated in the bamboo forest back then. I thought we would never see each other again, but our four children had some amazing fortunes. Not only were we reunited again, but we also had so many friends. Ruyi's daughter-in-law and a group of lovely grandchildren. I am so happy, every day I wake up from a dream and find that I am smiling."

Looking at Liu Yun, who is now a handsome and handsome young man, with a lot of Liu Qianlang's demeanor, Feng Yue'er saw it in her eyes and her heart in her heart, and said sincerely looking at a group of children and grandchildren.

"Yes, do you still remember some of the words we said when we lived in Qingshi Xiaoyuan in Qingshi Villa? At that time, the four of us felt that the four children would experience a lot of extraordinary things when they grow up. Looking at it now, our feelings at that time are still the same. true spirit.

As you said just now, what I was most worried about at that time was that since the future of the four children might be extraordinary, it might follow that the four of us would end up alone. Although I used to think that it was a fixed number in life and no one could change it, but having lovely children and watching them fly away, being happy for them is hard to give up.

God loves us so much. Haha, not only can we still live with our children, but also let our family flourish and prosper. Isn’t it normal for such an ending to be smiling happily in sleep? up. "

Hearing Feng Yue'er's words, Liuhe East was moved again.

Afterwards, everyone enjoyed themselves and walked into the mountain and lake garden in a crowd, admiring the flowers and looking at the scenery, and continued talking and laughing happily.

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