Nine Heavens

Chapter 1476

Chapter 1476 Xiaoyuan Seventh Sister

Every day I go to Tianhuang Temple to send nine-color lotus flowers to my father's Dharma, and I never stop. This time I came to the East China Sea to salvage spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells for the pilgrimage to my father on September 9 this year.

My mother said, if I can collect nine nine-color spiritual diamonds, spiritual crystals, gorgeous Lingbao flowers and rainbow spirit shells covering the entire roof of the Emperor's Temple before I worship my father on September 9th, my father will appear in a Shenzhou that day, and we Then you can reunite with daddy.

So, don’t even try to take any of the spirit diamonds, spirit treasures and spirit shells that I worked so hard to collect from the tens of thousands of feet of the seabed in the Eastern Sky Ocean, I’m all counting on them to find daddy.”

As soon as the little girl said these words, Tianling's beautiful eyes suddenly burst into tears, and the sullen look on his face disappeared, and turned into a look of shame. Hearing the words, Xiaolan at the side also silently held the Lingdrill Lingbao and Lingbei in her hands behind her to her front, and slowly lifted them up.


As for others, among the six sisters, Dan Rou and Liu Sha have been away from their parents for more than five years. Hearing that the little girl put so much effort into meeting her father, thinking of her father Song Zhen and her mother Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang, she cried out loud.

"You, why are you crying? As long as you return the spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells to me, wouldn't it be okay if I don't beat you? If it wasn't for mother and father, I don't like these things at all."

The little girl on the top saw the sudden change of the six sisters below, her eyes were full of surprise. Some said helplessly.

"Little sister, it's my sister who is wrong. In fact, my sister can tell at a glance that these spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells belong to you, and your little hands are dirty. Look at this, there is still one month until September 9th." Now, let us go to the sea to salvage the spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and rainbow shells you need, shall we? Then you will see your father soon."

Hearing what the little girl said, Tian Ling thought that the little girl's mother must be comforting the little girl, so she said so. A person's dharma image has entered the temple, and the real body has died in all likelihood, so how could he come back. In contrast, my father and mother are still alive, and the little girl above is really pitiful.

Therefore, Tianling apologized for the first time in history, and the sisters around her looked at her in amazement, a little in disbelief, and her own sister sometimes admitted her mistakes.

"What are you looking at? Are none of you at fault?"

Tianling saw the five younger sisters in an instant, and ten surprised eyes looked at him, couldn't help blushing, and said angrily.

"Six young ladies, are you really willing to help Lian'er?"

After all, it was a child. When the little girl heard that the other party had six people who wanted to help her, she immediately forgot what she was angry about just now. She floated down with the little golden monkey, confiscated the rainbow silk, and looked up at the girl who was about the same height as herself. The five sisters other than Xiaolan asked in surprise.

"Of course it is true. She is our big sister. We all listen to her words. She said to help you, and we are willing to help you too. Hehe. Let's help you clean the diamonds in your hands together, and then we will Immediately continue down to the bottom of the sea to find other spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and rainbow shells. OK?"

The six sisters looked at the little girl floating down in front of them, with a pretty face, big eyes, and a small rainbow mark on her forehead. They all thought it was very kind and cute, and nodded one after another. Xiaoying knelt down and took out a Xianpa wiped the mud from her hands for the little girl Lianer and said.

"Well, thank you sisters!"

The little girl Lian'er showed a happy smile, and she handed over the few pieces of spiritual diamonds and crystals that she had just collected in her hand to a few sisters to wash by the pool, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, little sister, how do you know we're here?"

As soon as Tianling changed from his former arrogance, he even squatted down and put his arms around Xiaolan and the little girl, asking kindly.

"Oh! I found that the spirit crystals and spirit shells I collected so hard were gone. I was so sad, but there was nothing I could do. I came here in frustration to clean the three spirit diamonds I just picked. I just flew to the top of the waterfall I saw you."

The little girl Lian Er replied.

"It's like this, the senior sisters are wrong today, don't be angry with the sisters. The sisters really didn't expect that these spiritual objects would be the treasures of Lian Er's pilgrimage to Daddy. By the way, your name seems to be a baby name, your full name What's your name, can you tell your sisters?"

Tianling was suddenly curious about the origin of the good boy, and continued to ask.

"My full name is Honglian. My mother said that when I was born, I was wrapped in a colorful lotus flower and held a rainbow silk in my hand, so I was called Honglian. My mother will be fine. When we collect the spirit diamond, spirit crystal and spirit shell, I will How about taking you to our hqianqueque lake as guests, my mother and the nine aunts must like you."

The little girl, Hong Lian, got acquainted with the six Tianling sisters very quickly, she was not at all taboo about her words, she replied with sparkling eyes, and happily invited the six Tianling sisters.


The six sisters couldn't find any interesting places to play around, so they agreed immediately.

"However, the most important thing for us now is to help Sister Lian'er salvage the deep-sea spiritual diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells. Xiaolan stays on the shore to protect these washed spiritual diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells. How about we go into the sea?"

Xiaoying inspected the sisters and Honglian with gentle eyes, and asked.


Everyone answered in unison.

"However, sisters, you just need to help me collect rainbow spirit shells, my mother said. As a daughter, I must be sincere if I want to see my father. The spirit shells are for the beauty of the Emperor's Temple and can be collected by my sisters. However, the nine flowers of spiritual diamonds and spiritual crystals are for my father's spiritual infusion, so I must collect them myself."

A group of little sisters surrounded the little girl Hong Lian and flew into the sky again, and they flew towards the island that they flew to before, leaving behind only Xiaolan sitting by the Ziyan Waterfall Pool guarding dozens of pieces of spiritual diamonds and spiritual crystals. Lingbei.

At this moment, the sun was setting, and after the sisters left, Xiao Lan began to feel secretly happy. She put dozens of spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells in front of her eyes one by one, and admired them in the afterglow of the setting sun. She was both excited and excited. like.

But when the sun went down, the world became solemn and dark, even though the diamonds, crystals and shells looked more gorgeous under the light of the moon, and the magical beauty of the Ziyan Waterfall, Xiaolan could not feel at ease .

For a long time, Xiaolan was used to going in and out with the sisters in groups, but suddenly she became a person, and suddenly felt very scared, so cold, and the world was so empty.

I can't help walking back and forth with my petite figure, and from time to time, I look eagerly at the location of the sky and clouds where my sisters and little friend Lian Er have left, hoping that they will appear soon. However, no matter how much they waited, they didn't show up. They watched the moon rise higher and higher.

"Sister Tianling, Sister Yingying, Sister Rourou, Sister Liusha, Sister Dier, you don't like Xiaolan anymore, you are willing to leave her here alone. Hmph! I won't report to the seven mothers when I get back. No wonder!"

Xiaolan hugged her little shoulders and said lonely. The delicate voice drifted with the night wind in the beautiful mist of Ziyan Waterfall.

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