Nine Heavens

Chapter 1477

Chapter 1477 Taiying teases sister

"Hehe, who is so bold as to offend our little sister Lan and tell our Brother Ying to scold them!"

While Xiaolan was muttering unhappily, nine handsome young men suddenly floated down from the sky. The leader of the youths was wearing a myriad of colors and strange fairy robes, looking at Xiaolan's petite figure and asked with a smile.


"Nine baby brothers, why are you here? It's great. Who else is there? They are all five sisters. They left them here and left. I'm so mad!"

Seeing Liu Qianlang's nine big Nascent Soul brothers coming, Xiaolan suddenly gained courage, threw herself into her arms, and said coquettishly.

"How could it be, your five elder sisters, who treat you like a baby, how could they be willing to make you angry. Slowly tell the Jiuying brothers where sister Tianling and the others have gone. Father Shui Ling told us to come and take care of you , so that you must go to Cangshan within three days."

Liu Chao raised his eyebrows and smiled, looked at the younger brothers, and said.

"Hey! You see, they went to help a sister Lian'er to collect spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and rainbow spirit shells in Dongtianyang. They went there when the sun was always high, and they haven't come back until now, so they will stay here later. Look at those spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells."

As Xiaolan spoke, she pointed her small hand towards the edge of the deep pool below the Ziyan Waterfall.

"Hehe, where is another sister Lian'er? Younger than Lan'er?"

Jiuying Liuguang heard the words, walked up to Xiaolan curiously, squatted down and asked with a smile.

"She said that she is from Qianque Lake, the golden capital at the foot of Longyun Mountain. She is quite cute, and she leads a little golden monkey and flies around in the sky on a rainbow silk. It's very interesting."

Xiaolan said it vividly, her eyebrows and hands moved together, making Jiuying burst into laughter. After asking some more questions, I finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"Hehe, don't worry, from what Lan'er said, that Lian'er must be Xiao Fei who was with the head spirit master's father five years ago, and that little golden monkey is Xiao Liu. But it's strange, why Xiao Liu hasn't left Xiao Liu Flying. I heard from my father that he has returned to his hometown, the city of stars."

After a little thought, Liu Chao deduced Lian'er's identity.

"Anyway, it's good that you sisters are fine. Father of the sect leader, Aunt Hunling, Uncle Nengling, and Aunt Qiling are retreating to practice the crossing shuttle this time. I heard that the entrance of the Absolute Sun Hell in the third world It seems that there has been another change, so it is better for us to persuade the younger sisters to return to the soul brides.

In this way, we can also go to the third world for a long time to cooperate with Uncle Weier to pay attention to the situation at the entrance of Jueyang Hell, so as to ensure that there will be no accidents before the master spirit master father and the others succeed in practicing the shuttle. "

The second baby, Liu Hong, was wearing the mist-colored fairy clothes, and his gestures revealed calmness, and he nodded slightly and said.

"Second brother is right!"

All the Yuanying brothers agreed, and Liu Chao was even more convinced.

"Sister Lan'er, do you still remember where they went, can you show us the way?"

The nine Nascent Souls reached an agreement, and Liu Chao waved his sleeves to collect the spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells by the pool, and leaned over to ask Xiaolan.

"Hee hee! Of course I know, my sisters and I stole there, no no, picked up these spirit diamonds, spirit crystals and spirit shells, and then Miss Lian'er almost got into a fight with us. But, later on, we She has become a good partner again, so the sisters all went to help her."

When Xiaolan heard that the nine baby brothers were going to take her to find the sisters, she was so happy that she didn't say anything about stealing other people's treasures, and she missed it.

The nine Nascent Souls looked at each other and smiled, and the fifth infant couldn't help laughing and said, "I said, how can Sister Tianling be so kind, to take the initiative to help outsiders, so it's a mistake!"

"Hehe, fifth brother, it's a little unfair for you to say Tianling like that. In fact, Tianling has a kind heart with a knife and a bean curd heart, and he protects every sister from the bottom of his heart. No matter what mistakes they make , all alone for them.

It's just that his personality is a bit rebellious, and he doesn't like to be subdued in anything. Even so, whenever she made a mistake, Shui'erniang punished her, and she said no. Tianling has a straightforward personality, bold and bold, daring to love and hate, but he is somewhat domineering than us! "

As the head of the Nine Infants, Liu Chao takes on many tasks in the Langyuan Sect on a daily basis, and is exposed to a variety of things, so when thinking about and evaluating personnel, he can draw very considerable conclusions. After what he said, Fifth Baby immediately nodded to express his approval. Several other Nascent Souls also agreed with what the eldest brother Liu Chao said.

"You guys can't stop talking, are you still going to find your sisters?"

While the nine Nascent Souls were chatting and laughing, Xiaolan became unhappy, glared at each of them, and said angrily.

"Haha, big brother, let's go, you see, you are angry at the little one. By the way, big brother, on the way we came, brother Yun came to deliver delicious food to Senior Sister Yaya, and he seemed to give us some. Let's return Didn't you eat it? Didn't you say that if you find a few younger sisters, you will give them to whoever is obedient?

Let's go to Sister Tianling and the others to see who is the most obedient, so we can give her delicious food. oh! I remember those delicious ones are honey-scented lingonberries, right? Oops, I just ate one, and it smells so good that I can't die. It's really fragrant, sweet and moist. hiss-"

Jiu Ying has always been mischievous, seeing Xiao Lan's angry look, he suddenly thought of the meeting between Liu Yun and Liu Yun on the way to Cangshan Mountain on the way here, the ten of them have always hit it off.

Seeing the eldest brother, how could the nine younger brothers lose the rare opportunity to ask for advice, so the ten of them sat on the clouds and chatted happily, talking about cultivation until sunset, and Jiuying had no choice but to come to Dongtianyang according to the order of the master spirit master's father Find the six sisters.

When Jiu Ying and Liu Yun parted ways, they threw two bunches of honey-scented lingonberry and spiritual fruit to the nine brothers. The nine brothers ate one bunch together, but they were not willing to eat the remaining one, so they put it away and planned to bring it to the six younger sisters. At this moment, the seventh baby Liutai suddenly remembered, and said loudly on purpose. At the end of the sentence, a few drops of saliva flowed out on purpose.

"Ha ha."

After hearing this, Liu Chao and other brothers knew that the always funny seventh younger brother Mrs. Liu was deliberately teasing Xiao Lan. Among them, it instantly swayed into the sky.

During this process, Xiaolan's little mouth was tightly closed, Wang Wangxiu kept looking at the expression of the seventh baby Liu Tai, and finally couldn't help it, and asked in a very obedient and obedient manner: "Hehe , what a big brother. Is Laner good?"

"What do you think? Sister Lan'er looks the best when she's not angry, just like she is now."

Liu Taiqiang held back his laughter and asked seriously.

"Really, Sister Tianling and the others said the same thing. Lan'er will be obedient in the future and won't get angry casually. Let's go down."

By saying this, Xiaolan means that you can give me the honey-scented lingonberry and spiritual fruit. But Mrs. Liu deliberately pretended to be confused, and tilted her head to look elsewhere.

When Xiaolan saw it, she immediately became angry and pouted, but immediately thought of what she said just now, and held back for a while, her dark eyes swept across the faces of the nine brothers again and again, but none of them paid attention to her.

This time, Xiaolan stopped doing it, and put her two little hands on her waist, wanting to get angry. Mrs. Liu was about to cry when she saw this little one, and hurriedly sent half a bunch of honey-scented berries and spirit fruits to her arms like magic.

Xiaolan was about to open her mouth to reprimand the nine elder brothers, when she suddenly saw Mei Meier, and when the words came to her mouth, they suddenly turned into a string of silver bell-like laughter, and then said: "Thank you, big brother! Hehe. It smells so good!"

Then I couldn't wait to sit in the ghost boat and eat happily. No matter where the nine baby brothers flew the ghost boat, they also temporarily forgot a few young ladies in the delicious food.

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