Nine Heavens

Chapter 1504 Absolute Sun Purgatory

Chapter 1504 Absolute Sun Purgatory


"Grandpa! How did you do this!?"

Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, was very happy because of his advanced magical skills, and planned to make Liu Qianlang happy too, but before he had time to announce the good news to Liu Qianlang, he suddenly saw a huge golden skull.

At a glance, it was obvious that this huge golden skull was the grandfather who had been missing for countless years. In an instant, grief came from his heart, and he flew towards the huge golden skull, crying loudly.

Hearing the crying, Liu Qianlang shifted his gaze to the little golden monkey Xiaoliu, shook his head and sighed, without saying anything. Because it would be hard for anyone to see their loved ones suffering in such a difficult way. Letting the little golden monkey cry might be the greatest comfort to him.

Long before the little golden monkey absorbed the energy of the galaxy, Liu Qianlang discovered this huge golden skull. But at that time, beside the huge golden skull, there were another five skeletons like ordinary people sitting cross-legged. Just when the little golden monkey Xiaoliu absorbed the energy of the galaxy, it suddenly turned into dust and disappeared.

The huge golden skull, Liu Qianlang also concluded that it must be the grandfather of the little golden monkey Xiaoliu, who was undoubtedly the owner of the city of stars countless years ago. However, Liu Qianlang couldn't understand the skeletons of five ordinary people.

Because of this, Liu Qianlang turned his attention to the huge black rock, hoping to get answers from the records on it. But it's a pity that there are countless mysterious and strange white handwriting in sight, and the handwriting is completely unknown. It's not as good as his beloved wife Luo Er, at least according to her.

The little golden monkey Xiaoliu has been crying bitterly, Liu Qianlang couldn't bear to disturb him, so he contacted his beloved wife Luo Er again. The answer he got was extremely ridiculous. Luo Er only knew the first three characters of the innumerable numbers engraved on the huge black rock. And beside these three words, there is a translation of Dixian characters. There are no translations for all other words, so Luo Er is also a stranger.

Not getting any more help from Luo Er, Liu Qianlang had no choice but to turn his eyes to the strange writing on the black boulder again, concentrating on analyzing it, hoping to find a way to decipher this strange writing, so as to know the detailed content recorded above.

Liu Qianlang used all the characters he knew, from the Lu, Feng, Shui, Wu, and Yun peoples of the ancient Coconut Kingdom to the human characters of the Liu Kingdom in the modern Qing Dynasty, from the human and immortal talismans, the earth immortal characters, and the Yunxian characters, Heavenly Immortal script, Golden Immortal French to Nether Skeleton Ghost script, Demonic Demon Scroll, I thought about everything I knew, including the strange variants of various scripts.

However, to Liu Qianlang's disappointment, none of the writing was the same as, or even similar to, the white writing on the pitch-black boulder. Therefore, Liu Qianlang had no choice but to find another way and study slowly.

Most of the handwriting and strokes in sight are the abstract lines of the sun, moon, stars, countless inexplicable animals, etc., and then combined into characters without fixed shapes. Every word seems to have a meaning that is ready to come out, but none of them can be determined.

Because the first three characters were translated into "Hell" by Dixian characters, Liu Qianlang first separated the strokes of these three characters, and then combined them according to the original characters. After trying again and again, I finally discovered some structural rules of these characters.

But it's still a pity that it's useless to know the combination rules. First, I can't read it, and second, I don't know the pronunciation and meaning of any words except "Hell".

Liu Qianlang was never a person who would give up when encountering difficulties. Even so, Liu Qianlang was very excited, found a glimmer of light, and continued to work hard. Time kept passing by in his thinking and staring. Because of concentration, he has long forgotten the cry and existence of the little golden monkey Xiaoliu.

I don't know how long it has passed, and in Liu Qianlang's thoughtful thoughts, there is a sudden sound of little golden monkey Xiaoliu sobbing and reciting in his ears:


In the century of the Star River City, the 99.9 billion year of the Dragon and Phoenix Era, the human race in the dark spirit world repeatedly broke into the Mingling world, killing and mutilating all kinds of creatures in the galaxy. Let the once peaceful and peaceful Dragon and Phoenix era be full of disasters and murders everywhere. A large number of beasts and birds were slaughtered and died, and countless dragons and phoenixes were also hunted and killed because they were born beautiful and noble. In just a few hundred million years, they were almost extinct.

At this time, the beast clan of the new spirit ape spirit clan appeared and grew rapidly, soon covering the time and space area around the Dragon and Phoenix Period in the spiritual world of Mingling World, and the Dragon and Phoenix Period entered the Spirit Ape Century. The spirit ape spirit clan is weaker than the dragon and phoenix in stature, but they are only a thousand feet tall, but they are full of wisdom, and soon built a city of stars around the soul of the Mingling world.

Seeing this, the human race in the Dark Spirit World immediately started to destroy the Century of the Spirit Ape. They had led the Dark Spirit Star Fighting Army of the Dark Spirit World many times to invade the Star River City of the Century of the Spirit Ape.

At the same time, unknown human races appeared on the edge of Mingling World. At first, these unknown human races had no malicious intentions and did not pose any threat to the distant Galaxy City. However, for some reason later, the dark spirit human race in the dark spirit world colluded with some supernatural beings among these unknown human races, as well as some spirit gods sprouting from the edge of the bright spirit world, and began to offend the interests of the city of stars.

In order to change the unbearable future of Mingling World, the Lord of Galaxy City passed on his son-in-law Tianlong King and his beloved daughter Lu Xinya, and then came to the edge of the Commanding World. Choose here to build the "Purgatory of Absolute Sun" in the deep place under the inexplicable human race

The original intention of this Xinghe city lord has absolutely no intention to slaughter and exterminate the unknown human race here, and he found that most of the unknown human race here are kind and weak people. There are only a very small number of human races who do evil, but those who do evil are often powerful people.

The original purpose of establishing "Jueyang Purgatory" is to educate bad and evil people. After going through seventy-nine levels of hell, when they become human again, they will not only live forever, but also be good forever.

The Absolute Yang Purgatory has nine floors in depth and seven layers across. The reason why it is called "Extreme Yang" is to tell those who enter the Absolute Yang Hell that they will bid farewell to their sinful life. Either he will atone for his sins in Jueyang Purgatory for eternity, or he will undergo countless torments and pains, and after awakening from cultivation practice, he will change his face again and be a new man.

The first floor is called: Absolute Yang Hell, where the suffering hell has a total of 280,000 years, which is equivalent to 178 billion years in the five human worlds.

This layer of hell is divided into seven levels:

The first level is called Mirror Prison, where the prisoner suffers 10,000 years in hell, which is equivalent to 13.5 billion years in the human world.

Even if all wicked people are sent to this severe hell, because of their evil deeds, their nature has long been unrepentant, and they will never admit to the heinous crimes they committed in the world or anywhere else. Therefore, the prison emperor, who holds a replay mirror in hell, will re-record the villain's life and deeds with a replay mirror in his hand, making him speechless, and then implements the punishment of pulling out his tongue.

When pulling out the tongue, one would curse while pulling it out, torturing and pulling out slowly, causing the wicked to suffer unbearably. In this way, 10,000 years of the hell calendar is equivalent to 13.5 billion years in the human world.

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