Nine Heavens

Chapter 1505 Seven Verticals and Seven Layers

Chapter 1505 Seven Vertical and Seven Heavy

The second level is called the Ice-cold Iron Cone Glaring Eye Prison, where the inmates suffer for 20,000 years, which is equivalent to 27 billion years in the human world.

After the prisoner was punished for lying and pleading not guilty in the first heavy prison, he used the cold iron cone to continue the harsh punishment of 27 billion years in the world, slowly blinding the prisoner's eyes. Let him always remember the fate of not distinguishing right from wrong, good from evil.

The third level is called the Red Copper Fire Sickle Ear-Cutting Hell, where the inmates suffer for 30,000 years, which is equivalent to 40.5 billion years in the human world.

There are nine executioners here who specialize in executions. They alternately burn nine sharp bronze sickles in the lava fire of hell day and night. The officer began to cut off the victim's ears bit by bit.

No matter how painful and miserable the victim is, the nine criminal officials will not be relentless, and they will continue to do so until the sentence is complete.

The fourth level is called the Seven-blade Claw and Severe Limb Prison, where the inmates are tortured for 30,000 years in hell, which is equivalent to 54 billion years in the human world.

After the victim's tongue was pulled out, his eyes were dazzled, and his ears were cut off, the punishment he received was far from over, and then he was sent to the seven-bladed pincers prison for severed limbs. In this heavy hell, there are seven guillotine officers, each of whom controls the same sharp guillotine made of strange and inexplicable materials.

They are all ruthless people. Once the tortured people arrive here, their hands, feet, arms and legs will start to be cut off.

The seven torture officers did not cut off the victim's arms and legs all at once, but cut off both hands first, and cut off the left fingertips bit by bit. After cutting off the left hand, the left arm, then the right arm, then the left foot and left leg, and finally the right foot and right leg, until the prison sentence is over.

The fifth stage is the Prison of Sharp Claws, Sharp Edges, Tendons and Pulse Pulling, where prisoners are tortured for 50,000 years in hell, which is equivalent to 67.5 billion years in the human world.

Immediately after the victim's limbs were cut off, they were thrown into the room, and immediately a pair of executioners released their strange and frightening claws with flickering cold fronts, ignoring the victim's pain, forcefully penetrated into the victim's body, and began One by one, the villain's veins and veins were pulled as slowly as he wanted.

The more the victim screamed, the more painful the twitching was. Not only that, but there were many blood-peckering birds around. Whenever they saw blood stains on the victim's body, they would immediately go forward and peck wildly, making the wounded victim even more painful.

The sixth stage is the Heart Prison of Dark Poison Steel Dagger Cone, where the prisoner is tortured for 60,000 years, which is equivalent to 81 billion years in the human world.

When the tortured passed out, screaming and surviving the above five levels of hell, they are now sent to the sixth level of hell. The victim secretly rejoiced that although the body was tortured in every possible way, the mind and brain were still awake.

Maybe he refused to accept it, and secretly swore that he must firmly remember these demons who tortured him, and one day he would become a human again, and when he decided to come to revenge, the victim's heart was immediately pierced by a steel cold dagger flowing with black venom.

The steel-cold dagger is full of barbs and stings. Every slight movement will cause the victim to die of pain. In addition, the black venom continuously infiltrates the blood in the victim's heart, making the victim's pain unspeakable. the point.

The only thing the victim can do is to wail, and then the judge will keep yelling: "Bah! What are you calling, who told you that you are the opposite door of Jueyang Hell? !"

The seventh stage is the Brain Prison, where the prisoner is tortured for 70,000 years, which is equivalent to 94.5 billion years in the human world.

The sixth level of hell is mainly to punish a wicked person who has a vicious mind and has done all kinds of bad things in his life, while the primary hell is to punish a wicked person who is full of bad thoughts.

After the prisoner was sent to the seventh level of Jue Yang Purgatory, there was no chance of buffering the slightest chance. In an instant, a total of 10,000 brain-eating silkworms, which only survived on the brains of the wicked, penetrated through the damaged mouth, eyes, and ears of the prisoner. in its head.

Then it slowly devours the brain of the victim. After eating and drinking enough, ten thousand brain damages will settle in the brain of the victim, multiply and reproduce, and their children and grandchildren will continue to move in it.

It wasn't until the sentence was over that the brain of the prisoner had only a few remaining thoughts, and the only nose left that had not been cut off could barely sense the body and smell the breath of the surrounding world. .

The second level, punish evil thought prison

"Don't read Xiaoliu. Uncle Liu understands. These are the Xinghe characters of your Galaxy City. So you can recognize them all. Through your recitation just now, I finally understand the pronunciation and meaning of these Xinghe characters."

Liu Qianlang has already quickly read all the content of the Seven Verticals, Seven Layers, and Nine Suns Purgatory. Although this Absolute Sun Purgatory is designed to educate the wicked, the various methods of torturing the wicked are equally evil and abnormal, which made him shudder.

Therefore, he couldn't bear to let the young golden monkey Xiaoliu be poisoned and stimulated by it, so after engraving the content on the huge pitch-black boulder in his heart, he immediately destroyed the pitch-black boulder with his sleeves.

"Uncle Liu, this Jueyang Purgatory was originally built here by my grandfather. It said it was to educate the five evil people in the world. I only saw the first vertical seven hells, and I haven't seen the rest. Why did you destroy the "" "Hell" boulder? Besides the structure level of Jueyang Purgatory, what else was written at the end, why did my grandfather come here?"

The little golden monkey Xiaoliu's face was still stained with tears, but his breathing gradually calmed down.

"Xiaoliu, it's not that Uncle Liu insisted on destroying the stone inscription of "Hell", but your grandfather asked for it after seeing the stone inscription. Your grandfather said: "After reading it, destroy it immediately, and don't hesitate." It’s harmful to others!’ Therefore, after Uncle Liu saw it just now, he immediately destroyed it.

Come on, Xiaoliu, let's pay homage to your grandfather and another benevolent person first, and then let Uncle Liu slowly tell you the content behind this "Hell" and the reason for your grandfather's death. "

After Liu Qianlang understood the structure of the seventy-nine levels of hell, he naturally became more confident in destroying the seventy-nine levels of hell. The former star river city survived for a long time, at the expense of his grand duke's heart.

"Well, Uncle Liu is right. Grandpa came here to build the Absolute Sun Purgatory for the continuation of the city of the galaxy and the few beasts and birds of the spiritual god Long Tianfeng. Unfortunately, he lost his life. Xiaoliu should be for Grandpa Be proud and proud, and grow up to be a great spirit ape leader like grandpa."

Xiaoliu Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, has experienced the recognition of mother and child, practiced for many years, and now saw the death of his grandfather, he matured a lot in an instant, and spoke sonorously and forcefully.

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