Nine Heavens

Chapter 1506 Sealing the Phantom

Chapter 1506 Sealing Phantom

"Okay, it's good that Xiaoliu can think like this. We are naturally sad when grandpa passed away, but we need to know why grandpa passed away and what wishes he has left. While we are sad, we should inherit his last wish."

On Liu Qianlang's calm face, there was a slight smile comforting Xiaoliu.

One person and one monkey soon came to the huge golden skull, knelt down respectfully and saluted, then got up and silently looked at the huge golden skull.

"Uncle Liu, didn't you say that there is another person of great kindness? Where is his body?"

After the little golden monkey Xiaoliu paid homage to his grandfather, he looked around and asked Liu Qianlang.

"Blown away by the wind!"

Liu Qianlang said calmly.

"Oh! How did this happen, why didn't Grandpa's dharma body get blown away?"

Little Golden Monkey Xiaoliu immediately asked in puzzlement.

"Yes, you see. Your grandfather's legal body is also beginning to loosen and peel off. The reason why he exists until now is because of the galactic power we saw when we first came here, and the countless galactic rainbows are entwined and protected."

Liu Qianlang stared at the huge golden skull, and pointed it to Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey.


The little golden monkey Xiaoliu heard that when his eyes fell on the huge golden skull, the top of the huge golden monkey skull suddenly called out the illusory face of grandpa's very kindness, and then the huge golden magic body suddenly turned into golden light, floating in the white star around.

Countless dots of golden light entangled the white star for a long time, and then gathered to form a huge golden ape image, whose face was exactly that of Grandpa.


The little golden monkey Xiaoliu thought that his grandfather had been resurrected, and he was about to shoot at the golden light body of his grandfather in the sky, but was caught by Liu Qianlang behind him.

"Xiaoliu, that's the phantom seal intentionally designed by your grandfather, and it's the last seal word of someone who finally met you Galaxy. He can't communicate with you, so listen carefully to what grandpa said!?

Liu Qianlang gently reminded the little golden monkey Xiaoliu.

"Haha. The lord of this city finally met the descendants of the Star River City. After I was expelled from the Jueyang Purgatory, I found that the only way out to save the Galaxy City Spirit Ape Era and the Mingling World was to go to the Dark Spirit World Seek the life source of the five-color, seven-color or nine-color powerful human race, and then let our spirit ape family in the Mingling world evolve into a human race.

The wisdom and psychic power of the human race is too powerful. Only when we also become human race can our strength be truly balanced with that of the dark spirit human race, thus protecting the peace of the Mingling world.

Therefore, after the city lord was expelled from Jueyang Purgatory, he immediately went to the dark spirit world through untold hardships, and finally reached the light and dark world, the junction area between the bright spirit world and the dark spirit time and space, which is also called the dark spirit world.

Back then when the city lord first arrived in the world of light and darkness, he was very fortunate that he fell on the Hunyuan mountain of light and darkness, the origin of the energy universe where light and darkness share time and space.

The Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain is the initial source of the birth of the entire Mingling World and Darkling World, as well as the Light and Darkness Realm. As long as I use the materials on the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain to create a powerful thing that can travel through time and space, I will soon be able to find the five-color, seven-color or nine-color Dark Spirit Human Starfield.

However, extreme joy begets sorrow, and before I can do anything, a terrifying cosmic explosion suddenly occurred in the light and dark world, and the Ming and dark Hunyuan Mountains and I were suddenly blown back to the Mingling world by the howling hurricane of the cosmic explosion.

My spiritual power is exhausted, and I can no longer go to the dark spirit time and space again to search for the origin of life in the human race in the universe. After that, I will return to the city of stars and rivers to realize the dream of turning apes into humans. In desperation, he has been living in seclusion in the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain since then.

However, despite this, I still feel that the dark spirit world still has no war against the fairy world of the Mingling world and our Star River City, so the owner of this city is worried day and night, worrying that the Star River City will one day be destroyed by the human race in the dark spirit world.

After a long time of torment and thinking, I engraved this "Hell", and then sacrificed my life to release the last galactic power in my body, wrapping this white jade star where I live in the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain, hoping that one day the spirit apes may pass through this place and absorb my galactic power. The city's unique galaxy power, see "Hell", know my experience, and then continue my dream!

Junior! This city lord can't sense where you are from our Galaxy City, but no matter who you are, you must continue to fulfill the last wish of this city lord, go to the dark spirit world to find the source of human life, and then bring it back to our galaxy city. city!

My child, this is the only hope of our Star River City. If you can realize the wish of the city owner and save the Star River City, you will be the eternal king of the Star River City. , which means that you have absorbed it, and you are already the future king of Star River City.

Brave king of the Star River City, don't be afraid of everything, whether it is the mutated evil people from the ghost hell of the five unknown human races in the world, or the powerful Star Dou Ling forces in the dark spirit world. You have to bravely travel through the past, go to the soul of the dark spirit world, and look for the goodness of the dark spirit world. You will succeed in a while, and the soul of the city lord will always bless you! "

Feng Yuan Phantom, the little golden monkey Xiaoliu's grandfather, said the above words in one breath, and then the condensed image of the golden spirit ape gradually faded, and finally collapsed.

"Grandpa, I'm your grandson Xiaoliu. Xiaoliu has never forgotten the warm memory of your warm thug touching Xiaoliu's head. Grandpa, don't worry, Xiaoliu has remembered everything you said. Bless Xiaoliu, Xiaoliu will definitely not disappoint grandpa.

Uncle Liu said, we will go to the Dark Spirit World after we have completely wiped out the Absolute Sun Purgatory. Let us rejuvenate the city of the galaxy, Spirit Ape Century! "

Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, knelt down, respectfully sent off the little golden light that gradually dissipated from the phantom of Grandpa Fengyuan, and said very firmly.

"Well! Well done Xiaoliu, Uncle Liu and all the four spirits will help you. Now you are the future king of Star River City. Keep your chest up and let us work hard together!"

Liu Qianlang also encouraged Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey.

"Thank you Uncle Liu, Xiaoliu knows what to do. Uncle Liu, tell me now, how grandpa was kicked out of the Absolute Sun Purgatory, and what happened after Grandpa established the Absolute Sun Purgatory?"

Encouraged by Liu Qianlang, the little golden monkey Xiaoliu's eyes shone with a firm golden rainbow. Through the crystal clear white jade star under his feet, his eyes gazed at the galaxy in the black jade skull for a long time. In order to solve the doubts in his heart, he looked up Asked to Liu Qianlang's resolute face with flying white hair.

Liu Qianlang didn't answer in a hurry, but kept his eyes on the dots of golden light that had been lingering around Bai Yuxing not far away, stared for a while, and saluted, "Don't worry, seniors of the city of stars, the boy of four spirits will definitely help you!" Your descendants will fulfill your wish!"

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