Nine Heavens

Chapter 1525 Farewell to Youyue

Chapter 1525 Farewell to Youyue

"Prison Emperor! Look, they destroyed our glaring gates of hell, and even captured Yinlin Qingmang!"

Just as Immortal Youyue was being rectified by Liu Qianlang, dazzling cyan clouds suddenly roared from the depths of the dazzling hell, on which was shaking a black hell ghost with a clear body and cold.

Each ghost held a several-foot-long steel ice pick in each hand, whistling and galloping, calling it Carrying Wind. The one galloping at the front is the real Hell Green Mang Beast that the Great Immortal Youyue said was going to report the news, and behind it, on top of the clouds in front of it, is a hill-sized man covered with steel ice cones. evil spirits.

The Hell Green Mang Beast glanced at Liu Qianlang and the others from high altitude, and saw that Liu Qianlang was manipulating the spirit mountain in his hand to firmly cover Immortal Youyue in the emerald green spirit. The dazzling hell prison emperor said.

Hearing the words, the piercing Hell Prison Emperor whizzed forward, and waved his arms to command tens of thousands of clouds to immediately surround Liu Qianlang and the others. The cold eyes flickered for a while, and looked up and down Liu Qianlang, Xiaojian Wantiao Spirit Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Sword Dragon, and Rainbow Light, the shuttle of the spirit crystal and diamond flower, and did not speak for a long time.

After sizing up for a while, the Prison Emperor's piercing eyes fixed on Liu Qianlang, the cold wind howled in the space, Liu Qianlang's white hair flew wildly, and the sky brocade silk robe and golden cloak shook. The piercing Prison Emperor let out a cold snort, staring at Liu Qianlang's eyes, the cold waves in his eyes washed away.

The other party surrounded but did not attack, Liu Qianlang didn't even take a look at the vicious encirclement of the other party, as if the other party had never appeared before, and continued to urge Lingshan in his hand to uphold the spirit of the Great Immortal Youyue.

The master is like this, Xiao Jianxin understands it, and also holds the sword and flies quietly above the tens of thousands of roaring Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spirit Dragons. He is short in stature, but stands extremely majestic.

"Hehe, Senior Immortal Youyue, this junior will soon recover your immortal body, and your devastated spiritual power will also recover accordingly. I wonder what your plan is from now on?"

Liu Qianlang's face was calm, and he slowly slowed down the urging of the emerald spirit of the emerald mountain, and asked the Great Immortal Youyue with a smile. Liu Qianlang's voice was not loud, but it contained hundreds of thousands of powerful voices, which dazzled the Hell Prison Emperor and tens of thousands of flying criminals, hearing it in their ears, deafening and trembling.

A trace of astonishment flashed across the face of the glaring Hell Prison Emperor, and more guard was added to the coldness in his gaze.

"Of course, the greatest hope is to rescue Brother Leyang and Brother Xingxing in the five-color strange land of the Dark Spirit Aoyou Clan. They sacrificed so much for me, how could I abandon them! However, Zhengling Boy's kindness to this fairy is as great as a mountain , This dazzling hell is full of evil, no matter what, I should help Zhengling boy destroy this place first and then save the two brothers."

The rich emerald green hand held the flower of Lingshan suddenly surged violently, and then quickly disappeared into the body of Great Immortal Youyue.


Immortal Youyue first uttered a sky-cracking roar, and transformed into a silver unicorn more than a hundred feet long with flashing silver light, and then the silver flower flickered, turning into a white-haired and child-faced immortal in a shining silver robe, with a peaceful face and bright eyes. Charity, with a silver whisk fluttering in the arms.

Immortal Youyue, steadily and gracefully, floated to the front of the crossing shuttle, thanked Liu Qianlang, and said.

"Great Immortal Youyue, you don't have to be polite. This junior is fortunate to help the Immortal once. Maybe in the future when he ascends to the heavens, he will be able to help the Immortal. Rescuing people is the most urgent thing. The Immortal does not need to worry about this junior. Feel free to go and rescue the two immortals." These hell clowns can't do anything to the younger generation!"

Liu Qianlang returned the salute, but still didn't glance at the surroundings who were viciously glaring at the hell emperor and tens of thousands of criminal officials, and smiled.

"Well, so, I won't say any more, I will meet you by fate. Ever since Empress Nuwa traveled to the world of dark spirits, the world of Chaos Yuntian and Immortals has no longer been peaceful, and the forces of good and evil are constantly fighting against each other. There is a need for a boy like Zhengling. Only then did the celestial spirits appear.

After Benxian rescued the two brothers, he would definitely be waiting in Lingtian. If there is any disaster in the future, the three Linxians would definitely help each other with all their strength. "

After hearing the words, Great Immortal Youyue said that because she was eager to save people and knew that Liu Qianlang was really powerful, it didn't matter whether she helped or not, so she said so. And when he was speaking, he was still urging a silver crossing boat transformed into a body to fly towards the dazzling sky of hell.

"Haha, this junior thanked the three venerables first, and sent you to the Great Immortal Youyue."

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, raised his head and clasped his fists in salute.

"All kinds of auras of immortality, Buddhism, and Taoism are gathered outside Zhengling Boy. The day when the Dao is successful will soon be close to the door. Judging from the rainbow predestined flower that is gradually leaking out of your body, it seems that besides us, there is no one around you. I also met many fairy spirits of the master, he is really a fairy! Boy Zhengling take care! Hehe."

Great Immortal Youyue's laughter gradually faded away, Liu Qianlang turned his back on the dazzling hell emperor and his tens of thousands of hell judges, and kept staring at the distant cold and dazzling sky of hell.

During the whole process, the dazzling Hell Prison Emperor did not choose to attack, but the steel icicles all over his body were filled with cold brilliance, and the icy cold light became stronger and stronger. The ghostly air around him, because of the cold, had turned into ice and snow, whirling with the hurricane.

Tens of thousands of glaring hell criminals, the steel ice picks in their hands are also entwined with cold light and ice and snow. The steel ice picks in their hands were icy cold, and their eyes were even more icy cold. Everything they looked at was frozen with ice and snow.

Now they are looking coldly at Liu Qianlang whose back is facing him, tens of thousands of roaring dragons thousands of feet away beside Liu Qianlang, and a little guy in a red robe.

The surroundings are already a world of hell and ice, but there is no trace of snowflakes around Liu Qianlang and Xiaojian. Their surroundings are like an incongruous oasis that suddenly exists in the silvery white world of winter.

Although Liu Qianlang was carrying the glaring Hell Prison Emperor and tens of thousands of criminals on his back, the spirit mountain in his hand was automatically flying by his side at this moment, so the world of Nether Hell within a radius of hundreds of thousands of feet around him was transformed by his righteous spirit. the human world.

The dazzling Hell Prison Emperor is far away from the target, and he can see the green mountains and green waters of the human world, the white clouds are long, and the auspicious birds are flying in the sky. Hearing the sounds of nature in the world and the clear birdsong, there seems to be a faint fragrance of spiritual flowers and herbs.

"Xiao Jian, do you think it's better to be our fairyland on earth, or a cold, dirty and dry place everywhere?"

Liu Qianlang caressed the black jade skull on his chest, and the cool and warm aura flowed from the palm of his palm into his heart. Feeling this incomparably fond and cordial feeling, he asked the little sword that had not moved.

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