Nine Heavens

Chapter 1526 Little Sword Offers Advice

Chapter 1526: Little Sword Offers Advice

Xiaojian's eyes are full of joy. Since its inception, it is the first time to personally experience the beauty of the human world. Although the master's current world is not big, it is full of birds and flowers, making Xiaojian intoxicated. In the silence, he sucks the fresh air of the world. , I dare not move, for fear that all this will disappear.

"Hehe, Master, of course it's our fairyland on earth. What kind of broken place is this place? I really don’t understand why there should be such a disgusting place in this world if there is such a good place in the world!”

Hearing the words, Xiaojian reached out and stroked the lively and cute little bird that had landed on his shoulder, and glanced back at the dazzling Hell Prison Emperor and tens of thousands of criminal officials and said.

"Hearing what you said, it seems that this dazzling hell shouldn't exist in the first place. Does Xiao Jian mean that?"

"That's right, but the master's place already exists, what should I do?"

"Oh! Do you remember how Tongue Hell disappeared?"

"Of course I remember, it was the master who destroyed it!"

"Hehe, isn't it, look at my memory, the Hell Emperor knelt down in front of me begging for mercy, but I didn't let him go, I stabbed him with the nine-day immortal sword's hundreds of millions of spiritual blades like nine days Jiuye, and then killed him at the gate of this dazzling hell. Then, you destroyed everything in Tongue Pulling Hell.

Are you interested in Xiaojian? This time the monsters here will be wiped out by you, and how about I turn this place into a beautiful human world? "

"Okay, but the master must promise me that after I kill the demons here, you will let me play for a few more days in the human world after the righteous spirit, and then go to the ear-cutting hell."

"Hehe, of course, it seems that most of the demons here are here, and they will be handed over to you to play. I will go to rescue those devastated souls. See you later. Haha."

Liu Qianlang laughed all the way away, never looking at the dazzling Hell Prison Emperor and tens of thousands of criminal officials from the beginning to the end.


The dazzling Hell Prison Emperor was so ignored by Liu Qianlang, finally couldn't help but howled suddenly, he was not willing to let Liu Qianlang leave, amidst the strange screams, he roared towards Liu Qianlang and surrounded him.

However, Liu Qianlang, together with the light of the rainbow and the sparkling splendor of the spirit crystal and diamond, the shuttle of traversing suddenly disappeared in place. And then the dazzling hell prison emperor and tens of thousands of hell criminals roared in the sky, the hurricane vortex roared, and the little sword was already waving the spirit sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, controlling tens of thousands of spirit dragons to suppress them.

In addition to the tyrannical strength of the hell prison emperor, these hell criminals are compared to the small sword, and the other criminals hit the stone with an egg, and they are killed by the small sword and the tens of thousands of spiritual mad dragons for a while, and finally formed a small The sword is also watching the excitement, and the dragons fighting are dazzling. The hell and prison emperors gather together.

About an hour later, Xiaojian felt that everything in the dazzling hell was undergoing drastic changes. The beautiful world that the master changed just now was spreading rapidly.

Seeing that it expanded to the sky, and then saw the master standing on the shuttle, flying from the clouds in the sky, with arms folded, white hair flowing rainbow, and strange auras of blue, golden, and white around him. Alternately flashing, majestic and magical.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, Xiaojian saw his master return, and then looked at the situation of the dragons under thousands of miles playing the glaring hell prison emperor, and found that the glaring hell prison emperor had almost been tortured by tens of thousands of spiritual dragons.

So he laughed and said: "Hee hee! The dragons return to the sword, and the rest is left to Xiaojian."

Immediately, the group of dragons raised their heads and roared, turning into bright red spots all over the sky, flying towards the little sword, and then submerged into the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.

Xiaojian looked at the dazzling Hell Prison Emperor who was being tortured and screamed, and touched the spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword with his small hand. Suddenly, a ray of fairy sword streamer turned into a crimson light lock, and shot thousands of miles away like a snake. under. Then the dazzling hell prison emperor was firmly bound by the stabbing red light lock.

After a while, Liu Qianlang flew to the front. Seeing Xiaojian solve the battle so easily, he couldn't help feeling happy. Unexpectedly, the Tongue Pulling Hell and Dazzling Hell were destroyed so smoothly, and the confidence in further destroying the seventy-nine levels of Hell has doubled.

"How about it, my little sword is not weaker than Brother Nine Swords, I just dealt with the dazzling Hell Prison Emperor for a while, and then I watched the fun."

Xiaojian's bright red eyes sparkled, looking at his master and asking mischievously.

"Well, the strength of the little sword is beyond the imagination of the spirit master, but what?"

Liu Qianlang had a funny smile on his face, his eyes fell on the tens of thousands of glaring torturers' stumps on the ground thousands of miles away, he shook his head slightly after speaking halfway.

"Hee hee! Is the master referring to the corpses of those monsters?"

"That's right, don't you plan to spend a few days in this area of ​​righteous spirits? Don't you like to see them exist in such a beautiful place? It's so depressing!"

While Liu Qianlang was speaking, he waved his sleeves and was about to turn the hell prisoner and the dazzling hell emperor into nothingness.


At this time, the little sword jumped up, and galloped to Liu Qianlang to stop it, stepping on the spiritual sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.


Liu Qianlang was a little puzzled, and looked at Xiaojian's blushing and mysterious mist in surprise.

"Didn't the master say that these glaring criminal officers and the glaring hell prison emperor are all star warriors of the dark spirit world, and they were appointed by Emperor Aoyuluo? The master also said that Tianzun is missing now, and Aoyuluodi is besieging the dark spirit seven-color universe Time and space Lansheng clan. Emperor Aoyouluo can be said to be domineering at the moment.

That being the case, why don't we use it to hit them, wouldn't it be a pity that the master destroyed the remains of these star warriors! According to me."

With a smile in his eyes, Xiao Jian reminded Liu Qianlang with a bright face.

"Haha, that's right! Little Sword, why didn't I think of that? If the triumphant Emperor Oyo Luo saw the corpses of the Star Fighting Warriors sent from the Absolute Sun Purgatory he controlled in the Mingling World floating around in the time and space of the Darkling World, How would he feel?"

When Liu Qianlang heard Xiao Jian's reminder, he immediately understood what Xiao Jian meant. Although the method is inelegant, it can indeed attack the arrogance of Emperor Aoyuluo. So he laughed and praised Xiaojian.

Afterwards, with a wave of the giant sleeve, tens of thousands of strange, colorless, invisible, and illusory auras instantly enveloped the stumps and corpses of tens of thousands of glaring hell executioners thousands of miles below.

All the stumps roared into the air, twirled and spun for a while, forming a huge vortex of corpses, and then circled and flew towards the dark spirit time and space at the edge of the Mingling world.

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