Nine Heavens

Chapter 1535 Hengling Funeral

Chapter 1535 Hengling Burial Vortex

Inside the vortex, crimson mist was bubbling, and when one bent down to look down, the depth was bottomless, and there was not a single drop of sea water.

"Master, this is the entrance to the Ear-cutting Hell. I found out about it from a sea god in this sea area. He was very happy when he heard that we were going to destroy the Ear-cutting Hell here, and took the initiative to bring me nearby. But He doesn't dare to get close, and lives in the sea at least a hundred thousand miles away."

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine prehistoric demon swords and sword shadows are flying in parallel around the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spirit Sword under Xiaojian's feet. Headed by the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spirit Sword, they form a hundred thousand magic sword array . Roaring in the sky, carrying a hurricane all over the sky, the momentum is magnificent, and there are hundreds of thousands of terrifying violence.

Xiaojian looked down and found that the entrance to the ear-cutting hell hadn't changed much from before, and said.

"Well! Go down!"

Liu Qianlang didn't say much, squinted his crimson bloody eyes, released his magic sense to explore the radius of thousands of miles for a moment, let out a cold snort in his throat, and jumped to the bottom of the huge wind and wave vortex first.

"Hey! Hee hee"

Just a moment after Liu Qianlang jumped down, Xiaojian also controlled the 100,000 magic sword array, and when he fell into the huge wind and wave vortex, two sea-blue people who shook their heads suddenly flew over the vortex. Qianlang and Xiaojian entered the huge vortex of wind and waves one after another, looking at each other and laughing strangely.

Xiao Jian looked up, and one of them was the sea god who was guiding him, looking at him with gloating expression.

"Not good, master. We have been fooled!"

Xiaojian's first reaction was that he had caught the opponent's way, and immediately yelled to remind his master.

"Hey, what are you calling, it's late! This is the burial vortex of the seventy-nine levels of hell, and inside it are all self-destructive and self-destructive resentful souls who can't bear the torture of the seventy-nine levels of hell.

Their hatred and injustice are so deep that they cannot extricate themselves, and they regard all existence as enemies, no matter whether you are good or evil, they will eat you up!

Go enjoy it, and when you're ripped and devoured, your ghost will be one of them too. "

Xiaojian controls the 100,000 magic sword array, and feels the infinite suction under the vortex pulling him rapidly, and the entire sword array involuntarily lands. The sea god who deceived himself above the vortex was getting smaller and smaller at this moment, returning to the appearance of a hellish ghost, his words were full of sarcasm.

"Hmph! How dare you lie to me? Xiaojian hates others to lie to me the most. Since you are a ghost from hell, how did you appear on this sea?"

Xiaojian was full of doubts in his heart, and at the same time as he was asking, a sword rainbow of the spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword had already condensed on the tip of the sword, ready to kill the other party at any time.

"What an idiot, I still need to ask, you have destroyed the Tongue Pulling Hell and the Dazzling Hell one after another, you think we are idiots, we have no defense at all until now. This sea area is the entrance to the nether world of the Ear Cutting Hell, we come in and out at will, what's the matter? Is it wrong?

You are so stupid, how can there be a sea god in the Nether Hell area, I just made up a lie and tricked you into the Hengling Burial Vortex, you are so stupid, you deserve to die! Hehe, the left ear is big, let's go back and report to the Prison Emperor for a reward! "

"Hee hee! The right ear is big, you are really smart, we got it so easily, okay! We just go back, there is no possibility of jumping into this horizontal burial vortex."

The two ear-cut hell devils laughed and left above the vortex.

"Cut! Who might die!"

Xiaojian sneered, and the sword rainbow at the front end of the spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was about to shoot out. However, at a critical moment, the master shouted in the depths: "Let's let them go, it's useful to keep them, come down and kill the resentful souls here with me!"

There was no doubt about Liu Qianlang's voice, so Xiaojian had no choice but to put away Jianhong angrily, and continued to control the Hundred Thousand Demonic Sword Array to fall.

In the depths of Hengling's burial vortex, the space is full of pale and pale colors, and nothing can be seen, but Liu Qianlang's ears keep hearing the dull voice of the village.

This kind of voice is everywhere. It is the kind made by extremely angry people. It is deep and urgent. It feels like a volcano erupting at any time. The infinite hatred has been suppressed for an unknown amount of time.


"Hoo hoo—"

Liu Qianlang's red hair flew around, her black ghost robe was bulging around her body, her figure was straight, her feet were spread apart, her blood-colored eyes swept coldly in the void, and she was speeding through the void.

Suddenly, a ball of pale light flew in front of Liu Qianlang, heavy and angry breathing came from within, stretched and contracted, and condensed into a ghost with a strange shape and a terrifying face that was over ten feet tall.

There are six arms, six legs, and six heads growing in a mess on the body, and six sharp bone staffs are shaking in the hands. Seeing Liu Qianlang appear, he assassinates him like a whirlwind. His momentum is like a rainbow, his body color is gorgeous, cold white, arrogant extreme.

"Bah! Kid, you dare to come here to die without even asking what this place is! Let the Liushu Hemo torture you first, eh!"

"call out--"

The six bone rods draw six cold arcs, two are dazzling, one cuts the neck, one pierces the heart, and two breaks the feet. To be stabbed.



However, Liu Qianlang's upright figure didn't move at all, just staring for a moment, six blood-colored eyes were facing the six sharp bone staffs, and the six sharp bone staffs turned upside down in an instant, piercing the terrifying The body of the ghost.

The horror ghost was dumbfounded, looking at Liu Qianlang with an incredulous expression on his face, his arrogance suddenly weakened, and then he planned to retreat and escape.


However, Liu Qianlang, the Dragon Soul and Li Gui, would not let him go. He had already roared to him, and he never looked down at him. His blood-colored eyes swept across the other dead ghosts and ghosts that were rushing quickly around the space, and his blood-colored withered claws fluttered.

The six arms, six legs and six heads of Liushu Hemo were torn everywhere in an instant, and the blood of Mingguang gushed out from his remaining body like a column.

"Ha ha."

Dragon Soul and Li Gui Liu Qianlang laughed coldly, clasped his claws together, and rubbed the remnant of Liushu Hemo into blood mist.

"Quick! Hurry up and kill this dragon spirit, he is more vicious than us!"

Liushu Hemo yelled the last sentence when the resentful soul collapsed, the voice was miserable and spiteful. The sound of howling ghosts and wolves resounded endlessly in the space.


After Liushu Hemo's death, a howling hurricane suddenly blew up in the pale and suffocating space, and the surroundings became extremely cold in an instant, bursts of whistling hurricanes and whimpers from inexplicable directions came and went one after another. Those resentful souls who quickly surrounded Liu Qianlang suddenly disappeared and could not be seen.

The sound of howling wolves and ghosts of Liushu Hemo still echoed in the whistling hurricane, Liu Qianlang flew wildly with red hair, bloody eyes squirted, nostrils twitched, breathing heavily and murderously, looking for the sudden disappearance around him The breath of resentful souls.

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