Nine Heavens

Chapter 1536 The Theory of Immortal Demon Sword

Chapter 1536 Theory of Immortal Demon Sword

Liu Qianlang knew very well in his heart that the reason why the two ghosts in the Ear-cutting Hell led him here was that there were only two results. Either he and Xiaojian died here, or all the resentful souls here were killed by him and Xiaojian. kill. And these two results must choose the latter.

All the resentful souls here, regardless of whether they were good or evil when they were alive, are all demons at this moment, and so are Xiaojian and himself. Demons never need to worry about anything when killing people, as long as they achieve their own goals. My purpose is to kill all these resentful souls, and then go to the ear-cutting hell.

Probably because of the methods and aura of the dragon soul and the ghost Liu Qianlang frightened the other party. After the swiftly pounced wrathful spirits in the vortex space disappeared, they fell silent for a long time.

However, the space in the Hengling Burial Vortex kept getting colder, suffocating, the hurricane roared, and the sound of whimpering and the breath of death filled the air.

"Whirring whirring!"

Dragon Soul and Li Gui Liu Qianlang had a ferocious face, breathing heavily and terrifyingly.

It is not only the psychic eyes that are still powerful, but Liu Qianlang shoots out blood-colored rainbows from the depths of the sea of ​​eyes, shooting to all directions of the space, as well as the bottom of the vortex that is thousands of miles deep.

However, after a short period of analysis, Liu Qianlang quickly discovered that those hidden resentful souls did not let them kill him at all. It's just that he found that he was not easy to deal with, and his body turned into a hurricane shape, which completely surrounded himself and the falling sword at this moment.

There are countless opponents, and they are approaching him and Xiaojian inch by inch with extremely cautious and imperceptible movements. Seeing what the other party meant, he wanted to get close to an absolutely certain distance, and kill himself and Xiaojian in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, the dragon soul and Li Gui Liu Qianlang roared wildly, and suddenly activated the wanderer Wuji's movement skills, turning into countless phantoms, but in a matter of seconds, the phantoms transformed the mysterious resentful soul of death into Taoism The hurricane tore between the applause, but howled for a moment, and none of the surrounding dead souls survived.

"Whirring whirring!"


The dragon soul and ghost Liu Qianlang laughed wildly, the pitch-black ghost robe shook, straightened and continued to descend rapidly towards the bottom of the burial vortex of the Hengling, and soon after, the screams of countless dead ghosts being killed by Liu Qianlang continued to be heard.

The speed of the Dragon Soul, Li Gui, and Liu Qianlang's slaughter was so fast that even the small sword that fell like a whirlwind and the Hundred Thousand Primordial Devil Sword Array had no chance to confront the enemy head-on, but only killed some resentful souls who fled upward.

"It's so fucking cool, I'm really convinced of your master now. Back then, your master broke into the ghost sword mound in the ghost demon abyss alone. Although he defeated my Cangmo sword, I was not convinced at that time, because he was just a so-called The reason why the little descendant of the Righteous Way Immortal School defeated me was not because of his strength, but because of your Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.

It's different now, your master doesn't have your help, only relying on his own spiritual demonic energy, he can turn the magical energy into a sharp spiritual blade, use it freely, and kill all kinds of ghosts and resentful souls at will. This level of demon spirit cultivation has never been seen or heard of by the Cangmo Divine Sword since its inception, and it has completely surrendered today.

Being able to have such a sword master who combines good and evil into one, finally, my Cangmo Divine Sword exists between heaven and earth in vain. "

"Xiaojian controls the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword. The sword of spirit is located in the center of the 100,000 Primordial Demon Sword Array. When it is urging the 100,000 swords and rainbows to kill and escape the resentful souls, one of the Primordial Demon Swords, the Spirit Sword, Sword Soul sighs with emotion Said.

"You just know that the little sword has memories about you in the dream. Although the master defeated you in the ghost sword mound, it only destroyed your real sword body, but not your sword soul. Do you know why? "

Xiaojian controlled the Great Desolation Demon Sword to sink with all his strength, and asked back when he heard the words.

"Of course I don't know, I've always wanted to ask, but for more than ten years, the sword of fighting defeat has been ashamed to ask. I also ask the spirit of the sword of Jiutian Xianyuan to enlighten me."

"Hehe, Cang Mo Shenjian is being polite. The reason why the master did this is naturally out of respect for you. The master said that the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Great Desolate Demon Swords are also the Great Desolate Sword God and the Demon God. The creator of the sword, Du Mo, worked hard on the sword of chivalry.

It was once used by the first batch of people created by the Nuwa Empress. The sword is innocent, and the first batch of people are innocent. However, during the Chaos Immortal God War, the first batch of people who participated in the Immortal God War were all slandered as Chaos Evil God. You, too, have been slandered as the Demon Sword, and such injustice continues to this day.

After the Great War of Immortals and Gods, 99,999 people holding the sword of the Demon God Sword died tragically and turned into numerous bones. The Immortal Sword bears the name of Demon Sword and is pursued by countless immortals and gods, wanting to destroy it. Du Mo knows that his sword heart is still good, but he has been called in vain, but he can't confess to heaven and earth.

So Du Mojian Zu found the mysterious Nether Abyss where the Nether Sword Tomb is located in the first human world, and scattered the bones of 99,999 sword masters who died in the battle of immortals and gods. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Great Desolation Demon Sword, that is, the Nether Sword Tomb later.

There is still a glimmer of hope in the mind of the ancestor of Dumojian, that is, the hope that the 99,999 Honghuang Dumojian will one day be able to get rid of the shame of being slandered, rectify its name between heaven and earth, and demonstrate the style of swordsmanship.

These, when the master challenged you, he already knew from the ancient gods and fairy scrolls, so he respects you and feels unfair for you. I don't challenge you, fight demons with demons, and fight the spirits of one side.

On the other hand, after destroying your real sword body, all your sword spirit spirits have been completely incorporated into my body. The meaning of the master has two layers. Either one day you will find the right material to restore your true majesty, or one day you will join me in the same soul, we will coexist and blend together, and hundreds of thousands of immortal swords will roar in the sky, and they will all recognize my master as the sword master.

As for how to choose, the master is naturally up to you, he will not force you. The master is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. I think you all know why it has become like this now. "

Although Xiaojian was born not long ago, he has a great ability to connect with memories and think about the past and present. He quickly made clear the origin of himself and the 99,999 Great Desolation Demon Sword, and his words are very pleasant moving. Cang Mo Shen Jian Jian Hun was very grateful when he heard it.

"Zhengling Boy really lived up to the entrustment of Nuwa Empress. With a wave of the heavenly river, he transformed into the world and entered the world, creating countless miracles. Now, in order to eliminate the seventy-nine levels of hell, he endured humiliation and willingly transformed demons and killed them. Then Choosing to self-destroy is really a state of high morals for a fairy.

Such a master, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword has the wisdom eyes to recognize the master. If you can recommend and accept it, we are willing to return our souls to you. We will synthesize the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword to create more magic for the master. Just, I wonder if your master is willing to accept us? "

The Cang Mo Shenjian and all the Primordial Demon Swords were excited, Cang Mo Shenjian said sincerely.

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