Nine Heavens

Chapter 1537 Dragon Soul Devil Li

Chapter 1537 Dragon Soul Demon Li

"Now my master is a devil with hatred and obsession. He is a real devil. Cangmo Shenjian and all the predecessors of the Primordial Demon Sword, you have to think about it. You have been wronged and wronged, and the fairy sword was slandered as a demon sword. Unfortunately, I missed it once before. That is involuntary.

And today you choose my master, this is the initiative to recognize the devil as the master! Have you really thought about it? "

Although Xiao Jian hoped that the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine great desolate swords would unite with his own soul to protect the Lord, but he also knew in his heart that the future of himself and his master would almost be the end of perishing or being cast aside by the world, so he asked very seriously .

"Haha. If you don't want to be good, why would we choose you to show up at the moment of demonization. The sword fairy should choose the righteousness of the sword heart, why care about the reputation on the surface. We will laugh proudly in the hell on earth for the sake of the common people, and even Yuntian time and space, I know in my heart that the direction of great good is good, so I won't pollute the original heart of the fairy sword.

We have made up our minds, even if the Zhengling boy does not accept us, from now on, we will protect the Zhengling boy around, the sword is with us, unless we wait for the sword spirit to disappear. However, we firmly believe that in the universe, evil prevails over good, and the righteous boy chooses to be demonized for a while, and there must be a cosmic avenue Tianlun who will eventually lead him back.

Our chaotic universe needs the boy of the spirit, the world of the bright spirit needs the boy of the spirit, and the world of the dark spirit also needs the boy of the spirit. The dream of light and dark cannot be realized without the boy of the spirit, right? "

Cang Mo Shenjian let out a long and hearty smile, showing a decisive heart to recognize the master.

"Hey! If that's the case, what are we waiting for, go down and help the master, and kill this resentful soul at the bottom of the burial vortex!"

Xiaojian smiled happily when he heard the words, and immediately controlled the Hundred Thousand Returning Soul Sword Formation, shining thousands of sword rainbows, slashing and slashing into a thunderbolt lightning of the Mikong Excalibur, and swooping down.

The Hundred Thousand Returning Soul Sword Formation, the infinitely powerful spiritual Jianhao, is like the waves of the ocean, pouring out of the sky and swallowing everything.

The resentful souls who were slaughtered and fled by the dragon soul, Li Gui, and Liu Qianlang below had nowhere to hide. After struggling for a moment in the vast spiritual sword, they turned into nothing.

At the bottom of Hengling's burial vortex, at this moment, after Liu Qianlang went through a series of violent killings, there was only the last powerful opponent left on the opposite side-the Hengdeling King.

Liu Qianlang's red hair flew wildly, his red eyes burst out, his pitch-black magic robe shook, his face was ferocious and cold!

On the bloody and withered hands, there was the spiritual blood of countless wraiths who had been slaughtered by him.

"Clap! Clap!"

The spiritual blood on the pitch-black magic robe was dripping, and it hit the ground at the bottom of the Hengling Burial Vortex, making a surprising sound.

On the opposite side, the cold wind howled, the icicles were entangled, and the wind and sand filled the vortex. In the vortex stood a monster covered in cold blue.

The cold cyan monster is several feet tall, with a huge and hateful head, inexplicable shape, distorted face, green and black, with a broken nose, broken ears, and twisted and broken limbs.

What she was wearing outside her body was actually a ghost robe with human eyes woven with human eyes, and a huge necklace on her chest, and if she inserted them, there were heads with the same ferocious appearance.

In contrast, Dragon Soul Li Gui Liu Qianlang can still be regarded as this handsome man in terms of appearance.

"Don't waste your energy, you and I hate souls and evil thoughts at the same time, and I am the death-hating spirit king who gathers all the hatred spirits in this horizontal burial vortex. What you just killed were the souls of countless death-hating and resentful spirits here. Their hatred Thoughts are concentrated on me.

This kind of hatred and obsession has now condensed and become the king. This king is just an illusory mental state. There is neither the pill of the soul, nor the bubble of the soul, nor the mind, wisdom and blood. How do you kill it?

It's you, since you've come in, don't even think about leaving. This sea of ​​death, burial vortex, and sea flow contain the aura of infinite righteous spirits, immortal heroes, and dead men. Under negative pressure, no one has a chance to get out.

However, after countless years of cultivation and comprehension, this king finally realized the method of breaking through, that is the magic skill of crossing hatred. The supernatural skill of crossing hatred, as long as the resentment factor in the body is strong enough, it can break through the negative pressure of the sea of ​​death, rush into the human world, and then slaughter everything to avenge the sea of ​​blood!

Let's cooperate with Benheng Necromancer King, the resentment factor that originally hated the Necromancer King is still not strong enough, waiting for the number of deadly resentment spirits cast from above, no matter how many, the accumulation of resentment factors is hopeless.

But you are different, you are an upright boy who turned into a spirit, and deeply cultivated the spiritual poison. This kind of resentful poison is something that can be encountered but not sought after! Let's practice together here, and soon we will be successful!

Don’t you want to destroy the seventy-nine levels of hell? I’ll help you. I hate the seventy-nine levels of hell even more than you. They tortured us to death. We couldn’t bear it. We chose to self-destruct and then were thrown Those who entered this horizontal burial vortex.

After destroying the seventy-nine layers of hell, we occupy the five worlds. With our ability, we naturally call the wind and rain, and everything in the five worlds is ours. Let us call the wind and rain, enslave any living beings, let us try to enslave The taste of the world! how? "

After Liu Qianlang and the Eternal Necromancer confronted each other for a long time, the Eternal Necromancer actually said these words in the howling cold wind.


Liu Qianlang didn't say anything, there was a dark and cold glare around him, he slowly raised his blood-red skinny palm, the sharp scarlet sword gleaming with blood, spat, and then straightened up Flash, the next second has already appeared in front of the Eternal Necromancer King.

"It doesn't matter if you have mental hatred, if you can't kill you, this dragon soul ghost can devour you!"

Dragon Soul Li Guiliu Qianlang's blood-colored claws flickered with blood light and instantly expanded, enveloping the spirit and soul that hates the Death King, and then, he opened his bloody mouth and swallowed it into his stomach.

"No! Master?"

This scene happened to be seen by the flying Xiaojian and the 99999 Honghuang Demon Sword. Xiaojian knew what the master's move meant, and shouted in horror.

"Haha, dragon soul and fierce ghost! You are ruthless, even though you can melt and disintegrate my hate spirit, ghost king and ghost thoughts, but you can't get cheap, I perish, but the hatred still exists, and it will all be integrated into your hatred and obsession. In thinking, you will soon be beyond redemption.

Before, you still had a righteous mind, a righteous spirit and a clear spirit, but soon you became a complete hatred and obsession. You only have vendetta in your eyes, and you can no longer distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. Whether it is the seventy-seventh floor of hell, the prison emperor, or your relatives and brothers, you will kill whoever you see, and every time you complete a slaughter, you will be there for a moment. Sober, let you feel the infinite pain of slaughtering your loved ones.

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