Nine Heavens

Chapter 1553 Returning to the Dark Soul

Chapter 1553 Returning to the Dark Soul

If you are still the revered Lord Huyu back then, then immediately join hands to kill this righteous boy and that hateful sword spirit, otherwise you will be shameful and lowly people who betrayed the dignity of the dark spirit world! "

Looking at the three jade protectors from afar, the seven-blade guillotine emperor with a severed limb flickered in astonishment, but he didn't believe in Liu Qianlang because of the words of the three jade protectors, on the contrary, he was not inferior.

"Shut up! It seems that you are really hopeless! Do you know how the seven-color divine jade wrapped in this colorful ball fell into the hands of Zhengling Boy?"

The Seven-Color Divine Jade Protector could not bear it any longer, and scolded with an angry face.

"Cut! Didn't you find it and give it to this so-called righteous boy?"

The Seven-Blade Soul Emperor with severed limbs sneered and asked indifferently.

"Hmph! If we have the ability to find the three major spiritual source spiritual core jades, how can we know that the dark spirit world will leave the three spiritual source spiritual core divine jades, there will be a cosmic explosion, and we will quickly search for them, and then give them to the homeland no matter what. Save the dark spirit compatriots!

After the Nuwa Empress' Rainbow Mountain collapsed, the three spiritual sources, the spiritual core and the divine jade, fell apart and fell into inexplicable places. The five-color divine jade was picked up by an evil god in the time and space of chaos, who was also one of the first people created by Empress Nuwa.

And after the battle between good and evil immortals and gods in the chaotic time and space, this person brought the five-color god jade and some remnants of so-called evil gods, and was escorted by Nuwa Empress into the light and dark world, the space-time area between the light and dark worlds.

These so-called evil gods are actually the first batch of people in the chaotic universe created by Empress Nuwa. Because they were not recognized by some opposition primitive gods in the chaotic universe, a war broke out among the original gods of the chaotic universe, and most of the first batch of people died in battle. .

These surviving beings have no place to survive in the chaotic universe, so they had to go to the time and space of the light and dark universe under the guidance of Empress Nuwa. At the beginning, they couldn't adapt to the state of time and space in the dark world of the dark spirit world, and they didn't have the food aura of the chaotic universe to provide the conditions for survival.

After suffering for several months, the food they carried with them was exhausted, and when they were about to die, the person who got the five-color jade found that he had been alive and well, and he didn't feel hungry at all because of the loss of food. After a while of probing and analyzing, I finally found out that it was caused by the spiritual energy emanating from the five-colored shining jade that I picked up.

This person was overjoyed, and immediately activated the divine energy in the five-color divine jade, saved all the surviving compatriots, and established the Divine Dark Energy Kingdom in the dark spirit world, and this person was revered as the Divine Dark Energy Emperor.

Because of his gratitude to Empress Nuwa for saving her life and creating great virtues, Emperor Shen Anneng deliberately built a Renzu Temple in the center of Shen Anneng Kingdom, respecting Empress Nuwa as the ancestor of the rainbow.

After the Shen An Neng Kingdom was stabilized, the Shen An Neng Emperor summoned all his clansmen to absorb the spiritual energy from the five-color divine jade day and night, and devote themselves to cultivating divine skills, especially himself. Many years later, these people were divided into five tribes according to the characteristics of their spiritual cultivation, namely the five tribes of red, blue, yellow, green and purple.

The reason for this division is that because the corresponding tribes practice five-color divine jade psionic powers, flames of one color dance around their bodies. tribe. Very few powerful people have cultivated more than two kinds of flames outside their bodies.

The Emperor of Darkness and Energy has a talent, and he has succeeded in cultivating flames of five colors. The flames of these colors were named the Fire of the Heavenly Witch by the God and Darkness Emperor, and taught all the clansmen to make cremation blankets. The Tianwu Fire Blanket has long been used as a flying tool for the clansmen in the time and space of the light and dark world.

At the same time, using the stone of dark energy in the light and dark world, he created the flying disc of God and Darkness, in case he needs to escape from inexplicable threats in the future. This God Anneng Emperor is none other than the original ancestor of the new God Anneng Kingdom God An Emperor.

After tens of thousands of years, the Emperor of Darkness passed the throne to his beloved son, who is now the father of the Emperor of Darkness, Prince Xun'an, and he disappeared inexplicably.

Regarding his disappearance, including his descendants, no one can say clearly, but there is a piece of cosmic information that I captured later that is very credible.

It is Shen Anneng's conjecture by some powerful heavenly witches, saying that the emperor Shen Anneng must have gone to find the source of the five-color divine jade for the long-term peace of his descendants. "

"Bah! What are you talking nonsense about? Does what you say have something to do with the seven-color divine jade in Zhengling boy's hand?"

Hearing what the seven-color god jade protector had said, the seven-blade guillotine with severed limbs roared impatiently.

"You idiot, am I explaining to you where the three major sources of spiritual core and divine jade now exist? Listen carefully, after the disappearance of the dark and energy emperor, the five-color divine jade almost unanimously accompanied his descendants.

And the seven-color divine jade fell into a sea area in the first human world of the five human worlds in the middle space and time of the chaotic universe, and that sea area was called the Yaoxing Shenhai in the first human world. The seven-color divine jade happened to be obtained by an immortal who practiced there, and later passed it on to his disciples, and later his disciples passed it on to Zhengling boy.

However, regarding the original role of the seven-color divine jade as one of the three spiritual core divine jades in the dark spirit world, Zhengling boy's ancestor, master, and himself do not know.

It wasn't until an hour ago that Boy Zhengling knew all this through the kit left by Zhan Kongzi. The memory of the Shenyu Cave that we had been sealed by Emperor Aoyu Luo was awakened by Boy Zhengling.

Then our ghost soul returns to the soul of the dark spirit, and the ghost soul gate of Zhengling Boy naturally becomes the dark soul gate. So the Dragon Soul Moli you saw has returned to the original appearance of the Zhengling boy.

As for where the Nine-Colored Divine Jade exists, although I don't know now, the Nine-Colored Divine Jade Protector's dark soul consciousness has been fully restored, so it is not difficult to find it. "

After the seven-color god jade protector told the current situation of the three spiritual core god jades, he nodded with nine-color god jade and five-color god jade protector, and then turned to look at Liu Qianlang.

"I am very grateful to the Holy Grace of Zhengling Boy, so that we did not become sinners who killed the five human beings in the chaotic universe in our ignorance. Since we have failed to protect Shenyu, we have naturally become Shenyu's abandoned disciples. No longer qualified to protect the divine jade.

The boy of Zhengling, with great wisdom, great virtue, and great kindness, is not only the savior of the chaotic universe, but also the savior of our dark spirit world. It is up to you to save the future of the dark spirit world. Now that we can become a few strands of dark souls from the dark soul gate of Zhengling Boy, and continue to have the opportunity to inspire and enlighten the common people of the universe, it is enough to exist.

We have already testified for Zhengling Boy. If Zhengling Boy has nothing to say, we will go back. As for the villains of the dark spirits in the seventy-seventy-ninth hell, it's all up to the righteous spirit boy to deal with them. "

The seven-color god jade protector saluted and said.

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