Nine Heavens

Chapter 1554

Chapter 1554

"Zhengling boy take care!"

The five-color god jade and nine-color god jade protectors also bowed to salute. The three jade protectors didn't want to stay outside Liu Qianlang's dark soul gate for a moment, and then the three jade protectors were floating in the air. How did it appear, and how did it return to Liu Qianlang's mind.

"Hehe, I respectfully send off the three venerable jade protectors. If necessary in the future, I will trouble the three venerables."

Liu Qianlang sent it off with a smile.

"I'm so honored, Zhengling boy, you don't have to be polite, hahaha"

This time it was Venerable Nine Colors Divine Jade Protector Jade who spoke this time. After speaking, the three Venerables laughed from a distance, as if they were in the sky.

"Hmph! Prisoner Dog, you still want to escape!"


Just as Liu Qianlang was distracted talking to the three Jade Protectors, the Seven-Blade Soul Emperor with a severed limb used the Nether Technique to turn into a puff of smoke and was about to escape.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xiaojian waved his arms, and the spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword immediately shot out a spirit sword rainbow, which shot towards the thick smoke with a bang.

The Seven-Blade Guillotine Soul Emperor howled in agony, his hands and feet, which had been horribly chopped off, were all cut off by the sword rainbow shot by the small sword, and turned into a bloody mass of flesh, falling headlong on the ground.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang didn't want to see the other party howling in pain, a green light suddenly shot out from the emerald green mountain in his hand, and then he saw the seven-bladed guillotine emperor with severed limbs and the unconscious burning golden sickle prison emperor on the ground in emerald flames. neutralized into nothingness.

"Xiao Jian, when I see the prison emperors of various hells, even though they are slaughtering, don't torture them. They are already unkind, but we can't be unrighteous, otherwise we will be no different from them!"

After killing the two prison emperors, Liu Qianlang shook his head and sighed.

"Okay, just listen to the master. The master is kind, I really hope the master recovers the spirit body, but the dragon soul is still fierce, destroying these demons to death!"

Xiaojian muttered when he heard the words.

"Well, Xiao Jian, what are you mumbling about?"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang was staring at the colorful ball that his mentor had given him, contemplating some things, but he didn't hear what Xiao Jian said, so he asked.

"It's nothing, Xiaojian is so strange! How did the master restore the immortal soul gate? Could it be that the hatred and obsession in the master's mind, as well as the hatred and obsession in the dazzling hell, the ear-cutting hell, and the severed limb hell entered you Has your mind changed?"

Xiaojian deliberately changed the subject, and looked at his master suspiciously.

"This is all thanks to the fourth brother and you. It turns out that the fourth brother has already calculated that I will have this ghost cultivator's spiritual poison. Just now, because I was affected by the righteous spirit in the golden sedan chair on the top of the sun, the demon body reacted tremendously. , one of the remaining seven kits gifted to me by my fourth brother, a faint blue kit, suddenly flew out of the body sea.

Then I left the words "Unseal the Moyu Skull Profound Realm, summon the colorful ball, the rainbow life spirit invades the eyes, and the fairy soul returns!", and then it turned into a divine light and flew into my mind .

This sentence is the seal of the fourth brother. In the seal, the fourth brother was sealed with the unsealing divine power to unlock the black jade skull profound realm. I immediately used this unsealing divine power to unlock the seal I arranged for the black jade skull, and then Call out the colorful ball.

As soon as the colorful ball appeared, my demon body miraculously restored to its original fairy body. Then I immediately discovered that the colorful clouds emanating from the colorful ball kept entering my eyes, and from the eyes into my mind.

At that time, the countless Nether Soul Dragons and Wanshi Zixiao who were fighting in my mind with hatred and obsession seniors from all generations, when I saw the colorful red clouds flying towards them, the hatred and obsessions scattered for a while, and finally all disappeared. Relief is gone.

Countless ghost soul dragons were also devoured by the seven-colored red haze outside their bodies, and they returned to their original appearance, that is, the three major spiritual core gods, the Jade Guardians and all the Jade Guardians.

Without the interference of hatred and obsession, my cultivation spirit poison will naturally dissolve, the cultivation spirit poison will disappear, the Nether Soul Gate will turn into the Dark Soul Gate, and my Immortal Soul Soul Gate will regain the dominant position, so my Immortal Consciousness will naturally It was back to normal.

Hehe, thank you Xiaojian, if you didn't help me without giving up, I would definitely not be able to let the fourth brother's Shouzheng kit sense my danger and escape the catastrophe. "

Liu Qianlang has been devastated by the dragon soul and demon body for a long time, and she is in great pain. She suddenly regains her spirit body and feels infinitely refreshed. Looking at her silver-clothed appearance, she is extremely gratified to sense the flashing flying lights in her mind. You Lan kept the kit upright, she was very happy, and said with a smile.

"Hee hee! The fourth younger brother you mentioned is Uncle Tianzun, right? He is really powerful. Didn't he leave the master long ago? He can count the things after you parted. It's amazing! If I see you in the future He, I must learn a few hands from him. Maybe I can figure out when I will become a real person like Brother Nine Swords.

Hehe, it's best to be like Brother Jiujian, meet a beautiful woman like Sister Zixia, and then accompany me day and night. "

Xiaojian heard the master repeating the words of the fourth younger brother, frowned and recalled Jiu Jian's memory, and immediately knew that the fourth younger brother mentioned by the master was Song Zhen, the divine divination lord of Langyuanmen, so he praised him a lot. Immediately, he thought of Jiujian and Fairy Zixia's affectionate look, and then said with a strange smile.

"Haha. You are still a brat, you think a lot. You also tell me what happened to you after I left Hengling Buried Vortex."

As soon as Xiaojian heard his master ask about his experience after breaking up with his master, he immediately coughed a few times, and said it in an expressive voice, talking about his sadness, and moved himself to tears.

After listening to Liu Qianlang, even though everything was over, she still had lingering fears. Xiaojian in front of her was naughty and naughty, and indeed she was so kind to herself, so she comforted Xiaojian with infinite love.

"Master, is this rainbow ball really as miraculous as those three old men with white beards said just now? Without it, it will cause the time and space explosion in the dark spirit world you mentioned!? Why is it called Lingyuan Lingnuo Shenyu?" ?”

After Xiaojian finished talking about his experience, he quickly forgot about it, and then became interested in the colorful ball in Liu Qianlang's palm. Ask the owner in disbelief.

"I didn't know anything about it before. This is one of the six treasures that my mentor gave me."

"Hee hee! I know this, I am also one of them, I am the Excalibur of Summoning Souls back then, right?

The other four treasures, one is Immortal Soul, one is Blue Spirit Beast, one is Yaotian Golden Mirror, and the last one is "Book of Destroying Worlds", am I right? "

Xiaojian briefly traced back to the past of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spirit Sword, and immediately fell into the same memory as Liu Qianlang.

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