Nine Heavens

Chapter 1555 Witch Curse Evil Smile

Chapter 1555

"What Xiaojian said is correct. When I said goodbye to my mentor Cangya, it was the colorful ball that brought me into Qiongshan Wonderland. I met the four senior sisters of Taomen, and now the four sisters-in-law who protect the law. I felt the magic of Xianlu, and also made me feel a lot of helplessness in Xianlu.

Also since then, when I returned to my hometown, Qingshi Villa, everything in my hometown has changed, and my hometown is no longer alive.

Then Qiaoyuan met the fourth younger brother, and from then on, the living and dead brothers in Xianyuandong took care of each other, and Qiqi, we embarked on the road of cultivating immortals together. "

Speaking of these, Liu Qianlang missed his fourth younger brother Song Zhen more and more, and couldn't help the tears in his eyes. After a while, Liu Qianlang saw Xiaojian looking at him with some inexplicable eyes, laughed at himself, and said: "Look at me, I'm going to digress when I talk about it. In fact, I only listen to the three guards for the understanding of the colorful ball. What Venerable Jade said, I don't know anything else.

But what you asked is indeed true. I have met people from the dark world of light and dark time and space, and they have also mentioned the explosion of the universe many times.

It stands to reason that the reason for the cosmic explosion in the dark spirit world is precisely because of the disappearance of the three major spiritual sources, the spiritual core and the divine jade. That's exactly the way Emperor Aoyou Luo detonated the universe sky explosion back then. "

"Oh! Master, you must be careful, if it explodes accidentally, we will be miserable!"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's description, Xiao Jian concentrated on imagining the terrifying scene of the universe exploding in his heart, and reminded Liu Qianlang very seriously.

"Hehe, don't worry about this little sword. The seven-color divine jade of the colorful ball can cause the universe to explode, but it will not explode itself. Moreover, it contains infinite spiritual energy. If you absorb its spiritual energy day and night, it may not be good for you. It’s good to turn into a physical body.”

Liu Qianlang kept pondering Xiaojian's words in his heart, thinking that since the colorful jade has the power to transform the life of the primordial saints in the dark spirit world, it might also have the ability to materialize spiritual power, so he laughed.

"Is what the master said true? Let Xiaojian help keep it from now on. Hehe!"

Hearing the words, Xiao Jian was half-doubtful, stretched out his hand to snatch the colorful ball from Liu Qianlang's palm, and said with a smile.

"Well, that's fine. However, the little sword must be kept safe. This is a time-suppressing treasure in the seven-color universe of the dark spirit world. In the future, when we go to the dark spirit world, we will return it to its original owner."

Liu Qianlang was not surprised when he saw that Xiaojian took away the colorful ball, he just reminded him with a smile, and then raised his eyes to scan the vast space of Severed Limb Hell.

Afterwards, the light of the rainbow and the splendor of the spirit crystal flashed under the feet of the shuttle, and he said: "Follow up, immediately revive this amputated limb hell, and create a beautiful wonderland on earth again!

While Liu Qianlang was speaking, he had already flew thousands of miles away with the emerald green mountain in his hands, and wherever he passed, the netherworld immediately turned into a beautiful place in the fairyland.

"Hee hee! You run so fast, you can't miss me!"

Seeing his master flying away, Xiaojian played with the rainbow ball calmly behind him, and suddenly his feet trembled, and the spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword instantly left a long rainbow behind him, and chased after Liu Qianlang.

"Hey! Little master, do you still want us?"

When Xiaojian was happy, he forgot about the hundred thousand sea spirits and the Dingyang golden sedan chair, and when he flew tens of thousands of feet away, he heard the shout of the hundred thousand sea spirit king behind him.


When Xiaojian heard the shout, he exclaimed, and laughed secretly in his heart, how could he not have an army of 100,000 Hailing guards of honor. The spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword spun in a circle, and Xiaojian flew back with a smile, got into the golden sedan chair in Dingyang, and shouted coquettishly: "Get up the sedan chair, shout!"

"Dragon Soul Demon Li, Guihun Excalibur! Sword roars in hell, sees ghosts and kills ghosts, crosses demons and kills demons! The ghost road is free, everyone kneels down, hears the wind and creates miracles."

Ninety-nine and eighty-one Hailing sedan chair gods knew the slogans by heart, no matter who was sitting in the sedan chair, or the master was no longer a demon, lifted the golden sedan chair on the top of the sun, and flew into the sky, shouting slogans.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one Hailing sedan chair gods in front shouted once, and Lan Huanghuang's 100,000 Hailing phalanx army shouted once, the sound was like a tsunami. An army of one hundred thousand sea spirits flew into the sky and waved the flag, on which was flashing the Demonic Dragon Roaring Sword, and countless sea spirit retributions were inlaid on Hailing's forehead or the blue fairy robe.

"Hee hee! From now on, the first sentence will be changed to 'White-haired Flying Immortal', you know, my master is no longer a demon, and has regained the body of a fairy. It is inappropriate for you to shout like this!"

Xiaojian was carried by ninety-nine and eighty-one Hailing sedan chair gods to fly in the sky, and the guard of honor behind him was overwhelming, lying on his back in the golden sedan chair on the top of the sun, playing colorful balls, not to mention how happy he was. But always listening to the slogan was a bit awkward, so I corrected it and shouted.

"Yes! Dear little master! White-haired Flying Immortal, Guihun Divine Sword."

Baiwan Hailing was abnormally obedient, and immediately corrected the slogan. Then Xiaojian no longer cared about the situation outside the Dingyang golden sedan chair, and concentrated on playing with the colorful ball.


"Huh ha ha ha."


I don't know how long it took, Xiaojian suddenly found that the deafening slogan of Hundred Thousand Hailings could no longer be heard, and instead, there were bursts of witchcraft-like evil laughter in his ears.


Xiaojian instinctively opened the bead curtain of the Dingyang golden sedan chair, and looked out, ninety-nine and eighty-one Hailing sedan chair gods were still running in the void, but their movements were mechanical and blunt. The mouths were opening and closing, and the evil laughter heard just now was actually made by them. The 100,000 sea spirit phalanx tens of thousands of feet in the sky is also making the same sound.

Seeing all this, Xiao Jian's heart was shocked, and then he looked ahead, looking for the master's figure, but the space was full of gray and white tones, and the line of sight couldn't see far away, and he couldn't sense the master's breath at all.


Xiaojian shouted vigorously.

"Haha, giggle."

However, Xiaojian's cry was amplified by continuous loops, the voice was weird and frightening, even Xiaojian felt goosebumps when he heard his own voice.

Xiaojian heard that his own strange laughter was mixed with a deceptive and evil laughter.

"call out--"

Then Xiaojian felt his face turn cold, his scalp tingle, bursts of cold hurricanes hit from all directions, and the golden sedan chair on the top of the sun kept shaking. In the line of sight, gray and white clouds are flying rapidly in the surrounding space.

"Oh! What a handsome baby. She's still a spiritual sword spirit. It's a pity that her skin was peeled off, her tendons were pulled, her pulse was pulled, and she turned into a pile of immobile flesh and blood!"

"Hoo hoo—"

A gray-white cloud suddenly appeared outside the beaded curtain of Dingyang's golden sedan chair, and the gray-white mist within it rolled from the inside out, revealing a pale wrinkled face without a trace of blood, exhaling heavily, and speaking sharply.

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