Nine Heavens

Chapter 1557 Seven Colors Divine Jade

Chapter 1557 Seven-color Divine Jade

Such legends are not sure to be true for all the criminal officers and women in Hell, and I have never seen a sister in distress who has met a tortured prisoner and fell in love with a tortured torturer who turned into a crippled woman. official.

But based on this weird heart, the attitude of the torturers here towards criminals, especially male criminals, can be described as extremely weird.

When they think of the infinite pain, they will torture the criminals mercilessly, but when they look forward to a bright future, they will get better for the criminals inexplicably.

Therefore, it is not surprising that we see the ridiculous words and deeds of Xiao Che, Xiao Gu and all the girls.

The Dingyang golden sedan continued to travel through the gray-and-white space-time of Twitching Hell, and Xiaojian's eyes became more and more blurred. Seeing Xiao Che by his side and all the women outside the sedan chair, their figures were constantly changing between beautiful and disabled, and their soul thoughts continued to become hazy.

"Master, save me."

Xiaojian smelled a faint fragrance in his nostrils, smelling this fragrance, he felt comfortable all over, couldn't help breathing out, and wanted to sleep very much. Xiao Jian finally moved his lips, said these words, his body tilted, and fell asleep in Xiao Che's arms.

Then, the colorful ball in Xiao Jian's hand was held by Xiao Che.

"Oh! My God, this is the seven-color divine jade, the source of life and spiritual core of the seven-color universe! The divine power contained in it must be able to cleanse the alien body Gu in our body. Sisters! We are saved, hehehe"

Xiao Che didn't pay attention to the colorful ball tightly clenched in Xiaojian's palm just now. Now Xiaojian is lying in his arms, his clenched fist loosened, and colorful rays of light shot out from between his fingers. At the same time, he sensed an extremely powerful spiritual power breath.

Seeing this colorful glow in his eyes, the powerful mental power shook his body, and Xiao Che felt it was very familiar. After thinking for a while, he finally remembered where he had seen this colorful glow.

At that time, one day countless years ago, my father's first-rank Dou Ling full-rank Star Doutian general air controller suddenly received an order from the Aoyou clan's emperor Aoyou to land, asking his father to go to the seven-color universe time and space to ask for it from the Lansheng clan emperor. A bottle of seven-color Shenyu Shenhua, as the auspicious divine light in the sky for the billion-year celebration of the five-color universe time and space.

Dad was very happy after receiving the mission, and with such a rare opportunity, he immediately thought of letting his lovely daughter learn a lot, so he took himself and traveled to the seven-color universe time and space under the protection of thousands of star fighting spirits.

Daddy Air Control is an upright and open-minded person, and he has long been close friends with the Jilong family, so he was warmly applauded, and made an exception for his father to stand at the entrance of the seven-color jade cave and watch the Lansheng clan enter the cave to absorb the seven-color jade. the process of.

At that time, I was by my father's side, so I clearly saw the original appearance of the seven-color jade, and at the same time, I sensed the mysterious spiritual power of the spiritual source of life that the seven-color jade could not describe.

The feeling at that time was unforgettable, so when he saw the colorful ball, even though the seven-color jade was covered with a layer of rainbow, Xiao Che was sure that the thing in the little sword's hand was the seven-color jade.

"Xiao Che, what nonsense are you talking about? What is this place? This is the chaotic time and space! Seven-color divine jade, even in our dark spirit world, people in the five-color divine jade time and space have never had a chance to see it. How could it appear in Here, stop joking!"

In front of the Dingyang golden sedan chair, the beautiful and ugly women, who are constantly changing and interacting, turned their heads and looked at the bead curtain of the Dingyang golden sedan chair, holding a colorful shining bead in their hands and said.

"It's true. My dad and I have seen it with our own eyes. It's unmistakable!"

In order to prove that his statement was correct, Xiao Che shouted anxiously.


It doesn't matter when Xiao Che shouted, the eyes of all the women suddenly shot coldness, Xiao Gu gritted his teeth and asked: "You mean, the person who stole the three spiritual cores of the spiritual source was your father, the first-grade Dou Ling full-rank Xing Doutian Will the air control do it?"

"No! It's not Daddy! Daddy has always sympathized with the human race in the dark spirit time and space. How could he do such a thing? Besides, if it was Daddy who did it, wouldn't Daddy be number one in the dark spirit world with supernatural power? Emperor Youluo has been imprisoned in the Aoyou Star Prison until now, and my mother and I, like you, were implanted with the Alien Body Gu by Emperor Aoyou, and have fallen to this point!"

When Xiao Che said this, he even shed tears.

"This? I'm sorry, Xiao Che. You are right. It shouldn't belong to your father. Your father is upright. This is recognized by our five-color universe time and space. But how did you have this seven-color jade?"

Hearing Xiao Che's words and seeing her grief-stricken look, the angry woman just thought about it for a while, and thought that Xiao Che would not lie, so her face softened, and sympathy appeared in her eyes.

Xiao Gu and Xiao Che have been playmates since they were young, and their father and Xiao Che's father had the same experience in air control and were imprisoned in the Aoyou Star Prison, so the relationship between the two is very good in this hell. of. Seeing Xiao Che crying, Xiao Gu couldn't help feeling distressed and asked.

"It's him, I found it in his hands."

Xiao Che tilted his head and glanced at Xiao Jian with a blushing face, and explained to the sisters flying high in the sky in front of the Dingyang golden sedan chair.

"Oh! So that's the case. It seems that this child and that righteous boy are really different. No wonder your mother is uncharacteristically and won't let us hurt these two people. Could it be that your mother also discovered the existence of the seven-color jade?"

Xiao Gu nodded and sighed, talking to himself.

At this moment, the cramping pulse is in the prison palace of hell.

King Gu Cheyou, who is also Xiao Che's mother, flew to sit on the palace throne, waved his sleeves, and Liu Qianlang, who was under the thousand steps, saw gray and white threads of light outside him shatter and float away. Then he looked at Liu Qianlang with inexplicable expectations in a cold expression.

"Hehe, King Gu Cheyou doesn't intend to continue to bind the spirit master?"

Liu Qianlang twitched her white hair slightly, moved her arm that had been tied up for a long time, and asked calmly.

"Why bother to ask knowingly, is there any person who is being helped is still calm, if there is, there is only one explanation, that is, the person being helped is willing to be tied up. If you want to escape, you can do it at any time. Such a person, in fact, is the prison emperor. You shouldn't be bound, because if I don't bind you, it seems that you will come to me and kill me, right?"

King Gu Cheyou's figure was also between that of a disabled woman and that of a beautiful woman, constantly changing, his voice was sometimes old and sometimes clear and asked back.

"You're not stupid, do you know why the spirit master was willing to be captured by you, and killed you without seeing you?"

Liu Qianlang didn't answer directly, but also asked rhetorically.

"For a person whose goal is to destroy seventy-nine layers of hell, he suddenly stopped the butcher's knife for only one reason, and that is to find that opponents can become friends!"

King Gu Cheyou answered quickly.

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