Nine Heavens

Chapter 1558: King Gucheyou

Chapter 1558: King Gu Cheyou

"Do you think that dark spirits like you who have slaughtered countless resentful souls can still be friends with me, Zhengling Boy?"

Liu Qianlang's psychic psychic eyes were infinitely deep, looking directly at King Gu Cheyou on the palace seat with thousands of floors, and asked in a cold tone.

"You use the seven-color divine jade to cleanse the alien body Gu in our body, and we secretly return to the five-color universe time and space in the dark spirit world of the old universe. When you destroy the seventy-nine layers of hell and come to the dark spirit world, we will help you overthrow Emperor Aoyuluo Domination. I think you Zhengling boy will definitely consider such a deal.

Friends don’t have to do it if they don’t want to, but this is the best choice if you want to realize your good fortune. After all, we are people from the dark spirit world, and we are all the daughters of loyal and upright ministers. You Zhengling boy will not believe what we say. That's why you didn't kill us. "

King Gu Cheyou didn't want to talk too much nonsense, so he directly expressed his thoughts.

"Hehe, the spirit master likes to talk to smart people. Such a good condition is what the spirit master can't ask for, so why would he not agree. It's just that there are many things that the spirit master doesn't understand. How could the alien body Gu be implanted in your body? In the past, I only experienced it in the strange book of chaos, and I have never seen it with my own eyes.

This kind of abnormal body Gu is especially harmful to the female body. When I saw you, I was very surprised. Since you are all from Emperor Aoyuluo, why were you implanted with this weird poisonous Gu? Could it be that there is also hatred between you and Emperor Oyoruo?

If this is the case, the enemy of Emperor Aoyuluo may really become my friend, at least we can cooperate to deal with Emperor Aoyuluo, so when you catch me, you will use your tricks.

Can you tell me in detail what kind of enmity there is between you and Emperor Oyoruo? "

Liu Qianlang smiled and nodded, waved his sleeves to call out a beautiful jade fairy seat, flew to the same height as King Gu Cheyou and sat there, and asked with a smile.

King Gu Cheyou hesitated for a moment, and told Liu Qianlang in detail about his encounters with all the women in Twitch Hell, as well as the origins of all the criminals here in the dark spirit world.

"Well, I'm going to ask another question. According to you, you don't seem to have seen the Seven-color Divine Jade with your own eyes. Why did you immediately feel that the Seven-color Divine Jade is in our hands after seeing us?"

After listening to King Gu Cheyou's story, Liu Qianlang asked a little puzzled.

"If you tell me this reason, please don't make fun of Zhengling Boy, your husband is an upright and upright star general in Xingdou Time and Space, but at home he is a heart-warming person who loves his wife and daughter.

After he obtained the seven-color divine jade and the seven-color divine splendor, before presenting it to Emperor Aoyoruo, out of love for me, he let me watch and sense it, so when he saw you, he immediately sensed the existence of the seven-color divine jade.

At that time, I was very excited, knowing that with the Seven-Color Divine Jade, the life energy in it can make us reborn, not only can cleanse the alien body Gu in our body, but also improve our life wisdom and mana to an unimaginable level, The original plan to kill you was changed immediately.

Because we don't know how to activate the seven-color jade, we must have your help. In this way, later on, I re-deployed the forces of the hell torturers, some led by me to capture you, and some led by Xiao Che and Xiao Gu to capture your sword spirit boy. "

King Gu Cheyou's words were faint, and his tone was full of longing for Gu Zhou's family.

"Alas! Speaking of which, you have also suffered infinite pain, and you were all kind people in the past. However, after being murdered, your temperament changed drastically, and you turned into devils tormenting another group of wronged people.

Those blood-red ornaments on your head, if I don't know what to say, it should be that you are pulling the veins of countless criminals who have been tortured by you in hell. You actually extracted their tendons and used them as ornaments, which shows how resentful and vicious you are towards them.

However, the source of your suffering lies with Emperor Oyoruo, not them, they are too innocent, how can you bear it, alas”

Liu Qianlang shook his head and sighed after talking.

"What Zhengling Boy said is true, and we know it well, but the endless years of suffering in hell, and the countless times of Emperor Oyoruo's torture of manipulating the alien body Gu, no matter how strong we are, we can't bear it!

One thing you don't know is that whenever we torture criminals, whenever we extract a tendon of criminals, the alien body Gu in our body senses the bloody aura of criminals outside our body, and it will temporarily relax The mutilation of our bodies makes us feel refreshed, and our appearance will recover for a short time, so we can't stop it. After a long time, we regard cruelty and viciousness as the way to escape.

However, let me say this, please do not misunderstand, the Prison Emperor is not trying to shirk responsibility. We admit the crimes we committed, so we hope to cooperate with you to overthrow Emperor Aoyuluo together in the future. "

In the short time between King Gu Cheyou's speech, his body changed hundreds of times. From a distance, it looked like an old woman in gray and white clothes was fighting for a seat with a middle-aged woman in the same clothes. It was disturbing to watch.


Liu Qianlang suddenly thought of something, sighed, and said: "The mental method of motivating the seven-color divine jade? The Zhengling boy may have disappointed King Gu Cheyou and all the criminal officials. When my teacher gave me the colorful ball back then, he taught it to me. I have many skills, but I don't have the method of mobilizing the seven-color jade, because my mentor didn't know that the colorful ball was the seven-color jade, and even if he knew it, he didn't know how to mobilize it, so naturally he wouldn't pass it on to me.

Back then, I touched the colorful ball by accident, and it helped me by automatically forming a colorful bridge. Later, I tried the action of that year, but no matter what, the colorful ball never changed again. "

"Hmph! It's so possible! You're clearly lying to me! Someone, put this annoying person in a torture prison for me, and keep him under strict watch, so there won't be any mistakes!"

When King Gu Cheyou heard the words, he immediately flew into a rage and roared.



Immediately there was a strange laughter from the left and right sides of the palace steps, and then dozens of disabled women in gray-white ghost robes flew out, swarming up, all of them were gleaming cold light with barb hook needles that were more than a foot long, and the cold light filled the air, covering Liu Qianlang's court. Liu Qianlang shot outside the palace, but Liu Qianlang did not resist.


Seeing Liu Qianlang being dragged away indifferently, King Gu Cheyou was even more angry. He shot two gray-white rainbows from his palms, smashing the thousand-storey steps below the palace seat into pieces, causing sand and stones to fly everywhere in the prison palace. Unbearable.

"Hehe, why should King Gu Cheyou be angry? Treat my sword spirit well. He is much smarter than me. Maybe he can activate the seven-color jade."

Outside the palace, Liu Qianlang was worried that King Gu Cheyou would be unfavorable to Xiaojian, so he deliberately said in a voice.

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