Nine Heavens

Chapter 1562 Unexpected Visitor

Chapter 1562 An Unexpected Visitor

After hearing Cangmo Shenjian's words, Xiaojian couldn't help but feel a little worried, and said: "So it's like this, I hope the master will become acquainted with these extremely magical powers in the universe as soon as possible, otherwise it will be really dangerous. However, there is another way, that is, Let's quickly destroy these seventy-nine layers of hell, and then immediately go to the dark spirit world to kill Emperor Oyoruo, then we don't have to worry about it!"

Xiaojian thought very simply, thinking that after killing Emperor Aoyouluo, the world of light and darkness would be peaceful. How could he have thought that Emperor Aoyu Luo was just an ambitious leader of the Aoyou Clan. If he really wanted to make the light and dark world peaceful, besides killing, there would be many other things such as the establishment of time and space roads.

"Hehe, I hope so. In the southeast, the sky is bright, and it can be seen that King Gu Cheyou and her people are releasing the wronged souls here to the five worlds. It seems that you need to help. Except, if you put it back in the human world like this, wouldn't it be a disaster."

When Cang Mo Shenjian heard Xiao Jian's words, he just smiled and didn't say more, the sound of Jian Xiao's murmur gradually subsided.

"That's right, thank you Cangmo Shenjian for reminding me, Xiaojian will go!"

Xiaojian was startled when he heard this, and immediately galloped towards the southeast of Twitch Hell.

Twist in the prison of hell.

Without a prisoner from hell, the light locks on Liu Qianlang's body also disappeared, but Liu Qianlang did not leave the prison, sitting cross-legged in the void, staring down at the emerald-colored Lingshan with concentration, falling into deep thought.

How to activate the seven-color divine jade?

Liu Qianlang has been thinking for a long time, looking at the real seven-colored divine jade rainbow ball in his palm, he still can't figure out the answer.

"Hey! You guys, we finally found this bastard! You say, it's really evil. Others cultivate immortals and try their best to run to the sky, but he said yes, and he just went to the ground with all his heart. Just drill, and you can drill It's so deep that we four brothers are looking for it!"

"Don't forget, he is a righteous boy, unlike the four of us, each one is extremely selfish, as long as he lives well, he doesn't care if others can't bear it."

"Haha, I think we've all changed. We're no longer selfish. We've been playing among five people for more than half a year, but we haven't hurt a single human being."

"Doesn't matter, the world is really good now, Zhengling boy really has two brushes. Although it is the world, there are beautiful mountains and rivers everywhere, exotic flowers and plants, beautiful scenery and people are even more beautiful. I am reluctant to leave.

well! Back then, you said that the first batch of us provoked someone, why did you call us the evil gods of the fairy world, and after a few battles, we died, died, why can't we last as long as the five human worlds now? Let's go on happily. "

"Shut up, you, you were happy for a few days, and you brought up something annoying again. Shut up quickly, or we will throw you down!"

"Okay, I'm just saying a few words of emotion! Compared with the five human worlds, this place is not so big. Let's go over and have a look. I heard that kid threatened to destroy seven or seventy-nine levels of hell. Why did he just destroy how many levels of hell? , was caught!"

When Liu Qianlang was thinking, he suddenly heard a familiar noise, so he withdrew his thoughts, looked up to look for the reputation, and through the mountains and ridges and the clouds, he saw a cloud boat swaying and swaying in the morning. Floating in this direction.

There are four old men with funny faces on it, wearing white, black, blue and green Taoist robes, sometimes they get together, sometimes they turn around and sway, gesticulating and talking. Liu Qianlang's psychic ear discerned a little bit, and couldn't help feeling happy, because those four were exactly the four psychic bright-eyed old men.

"Haha, the four seniors haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't know where they have gone for a while. How have you been?"

Under Liu Qianlang's body, the light of the rainbow and the splendor of the spiritual crystal and diamond flashed, and he sat on the shuttle, and in a second, he appeared on the side of the cloud boat of four psychic and bright old men, clasped his fists and saluted and asked with a smile.

"You have seen how my little friend of the old man Bai Guang was caught. Boy, thank you for remembering us. We are very at ease. I heard in the world that you broke through the seventy-seventy-nine hells alone, so we came to have a look Do you need help, if not, we will go back."

The old man Baiguang saw that there were many more fairy rings around Liu Qianlang's body, and they were thick and plump, his white hair slightly raised, and he looked radiant. He looked around the old man Xuanguang, the old man green light and the old man blue light very gratifiedly, and said with a red face .

The four old men were really impatient. They had just arrived, and before they finished speaking, they turned around and were about to leave.

"Cut! Your little friend is not bad, isn't our little friend bad, kid? Don't you always like to keep your Langyuanmen disciples in the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain? What about the three of us, let them out, we have to look!"

The old man Xuanguang glanced behind Liu Qianlang, he didn't see his former owner of the sea of ​​eyes, he glanced at the old man Baiguang, and said to Liu Qianlang.

"Yes! We miss them!"

The old man of blue light and the old man of green light hurriedly agreed with each other with their hands on their hips.

"Hehe, junior, I'm really sorry, sister Liujuan Soul Spirit Master, brother Yuanfang Sirius Sect Nengling Spirit Master, younger sister Shifeng Qi Lingling Master and their direct subordinate forces all took the crossing shuttle to the Dark Spirit World to find the fourth brother Song Zhen has gone. Now more than a month has passed."

Liu Qianlang was very familiar with the dispositions of the four psychic bright-eyed old men, and said with a smile.

"Wow! Old man, it turns out that you lied to us. Didn't you say that all the boys with four spirits are in the seventy-nine hells, but this kid is here, and you are fooling us to accompany you to see this kid. See if we don't kill you."

"Hey! Hey!"

The three old men were really rude, they immediately chased the old man Bai Guang who ran away with his head in his arms, kicked his butt, slapped his shoulders, and beat the boat all over the place. Seeing Liu Qianlang, he had to laugh secretly.

"Who told you to be playful? Don't inquire about it yourself. Since I have worked hard to smell their news, I will naturally turn to myself. Don't fight, next time you will inquire about the news by yourself soon!"

The old man Bai Guang laughed for a while, and was quite happy when he was beaten.

"Hmph! I also said, you didn't bother to ask for news before, why did you take the initiative this time? It turns out that the three of us have been counted on. Call me again, so that he can remember."

The three old men swarmed up, riding the old man Bai Guang under him, and tidied up his beard and eyebrows.

"Ahem, okay, okay. I'm doing this for your own good. Don't you want to see what the shuttle looks like? You can see it now. If we go to the world of dark spirits, we don't know that the year of the monkey will arrive. Well, how did we meet so soon?"

The old man Bai Guang was a little out of breath under the pressure of the three psychic bright-eyed younger brothers. He glanced sideways and saw the shuttle at Liu Qianlang's feet. His eyes lit up and he shouted.

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