Nine Heavens

Chapter 1563 Wisdom Golden Cicada

1563rd Wisdom Golden Cicada


"That's right! Brother seems to be right, oh, oh! Good brother, why didn't you say it earlier, otherwise, we can save a few fights."

"Hey! It's okay, this time let's pay back what he lied to us before, oh! Don't say that this shuttle is really magical, beautiful and full of spiritual power. I heard from those human monks that it can fly thousands of miles in an instant. ,real or fake?"

"Oh! Brother Lan Guang, why did you mess with that girl Shifeng? That girl is so smart, how could she have such stupid eyes as you. She is also psychic and bright. You didn't see this kid just now, and we had time to blink All of a sudden, he's yelling."

"That's right! Look at his bullish appearance, with his white hair flying around, his white clothes shaking, and when he put on a Tunlun cloak, you can tell just how good the shuttle is."

When the old man Xuanguang heard the words of the old man Baiguang under him, he stroked his beard, stared and blew his beard, shouted sorry, and immediately apologized to the old man Baiguang.

Immediately, the three old men turned around and sat on the head of the old man Bai Guang, commenting on the shuttle, as if the old man Bai Guang did not exist.

"Hey! Zhengling boy, we see that you are very capable. It is unnecessary to have this shuttle, so let us have it. We plan to go to the dark spirit world. I heard that the dark spirit world is not only people, but also birds. Flowers, nothing, hee hee! It must be fun, we want to go."

"Hehe, that's a good idea. You can also take a look at the other three Ling Tongs. I don't have the fun of the poetic girl this day. It's so boring."

"Me too. I can't see the domineering appearance of the Sirius Sect. I feel that I have no strength."

"And me, I'm a little familiar with the Thirteen Elf Kings and Xiaohong, and now I feel that life would be better than death if I leave them!"

"Huh? What about big brother, what do you think?"

The three old men chattered and sat on the head of the white light old man looking for the eldest brother, and stretched their necks to look around.

"Oh! What kind of brothers are you guys? You're almost suffocating me. Cut! Just because you still want to go to the world of dark spirits! It's in the world of five people, and the hand that turns around at any two hills, if it's not for me to lead I don’t even know who it is. Kid, you must not listen to him, if you give them the shuttle, you will definitely not be able to reach the world of dark spirits.”

The old man Bai Guang suddenly stood up, overthrew the three brothers, stepped on one of them, and said to Liu Qianlang.

"Well, why?"

The old man of blue light was stepped on his belly, holding the feet of old man Bai Guang and asked.

"Because you just know how to play. You never look ahead when you walk. If there is a cliff, you will fall off the cliff. If there is an abyss, you will fall into the abyss. You sleep in one place, and you don't know where you are when you wake up the next day. You still want to ride Traveling through the shuttle to the world of dark spirits!?

You all know that the shuttle is so expensive, it is too slow to say thousands of miles in an instant, if I leave it to you, maybe it will fly somewhere. Then I didn't know the way back, where did you say you went? "

The old man Bai Guang stared at the three psychic and dazzling old men one by one, and asked angrily.

"Hiss! The old man seems to be right."

"Flying too fast is not a good thing. If you lose yourself, you don't know how to lose it. It seems that we really can't take broken things. Our Yunzhou is better. Whether we care about it or not, at least we get lost. At that time, he can return to the original place in seconds."

"Okay then, let's go, take a cloud boat to the Dark Spirit World. By the way, old man, we came here just to take a look at this kid and be done with it?"

The three psychic bright-eyed old men yelled, and then looked up at the old man Bai Guang together.

"Bah! You fools, didn't you agree, we came to help the four spirit boys destroy the seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell, forget it if you say it!"

The old man Bai Guang pouted his beard and asked.

"Did you say that?"


"And you?"

"Can not remember."

"Old man, did you say that yourself?"

Old man Xuanguang, old man blue light and old man green light asked each other and shook their heads, and then old man blue light asked old man white light.

"It doesn't seem to be. I just said that I want to see the shuttle."

The old man Bai Guang heard the words, thought for a while and said.

"That's good, let's go. After reading it, why are you wasting time here? It happens that the southeast corner is returning to life. We don't look good, and we have no mouth to hang out with."

"That's right! Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to find the way. Let's go, the boy didn't delay your work!"

A few psychic and bright old men were busy for a while, and then controlled the cloud boat, pushing and shoving towards the southeast corner of Twitching Hell.

Regarding their appearance, Liu Qianlang laughed it off, meditated on the spot, sat cross-legged in the shuttle, closed his eyes slightly, and continued to think about the problems in his heart.

"Huh! Four bad old men, smelly old men, did you still say they were playing with others, but they left them here and ran away by themselves, so wicked! Woooo—ah——"

Just a few minutes after Liu Qianlang closed his eyes, he heard a burst of immature cursing and crying from his side. Looking sideways, it was a golden cicada with a head and hands, stroking a cute face from left to right. , crying with snot and tears.

Liu Qianlang saw that there was such a crying and howling guy next to him, so he didn't want to think about the problem, so he asked with a smile: "Hehe, little Jinchan, what's the fun here, fly to the southeast quickly, go to the five people Let's play, where is the best place?"

"Who are you? It's not a good thing at first glance. You laugh when someone is crying so sadly. I heard people say that smiling when you meet each other must be a bad thing. You must be talking about it."

As soon as Xiao Jinchan heard that someone paid attention to her, she stopped crying immediately, wiped her tears and looked at Liu Qianlang for a while, and said angrily.

"You're right, I'm old. I like to catch cicadas, butterflies, bees, and eat them with fire. This is hell. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. I was looking for a chubby Toot Jin Chan or something, I ate it on barbecue, I'm so greedy recently!"

Liu Qianlang wanted the golden cicada to leave the cramping hell, so he purposely looked at the little golden cicada with a salivating and greedy look and said.

"Hehe, it must be delicious. Where is it? I caught it for you, and then baked it for us to eat together."

However, what Xiao Jinchan said next almost made Liu Qianlang happy. He smiled and asked: "Oh! You are really good, you even eat yourself?"

"What are you talking about, you dare to roast me! If you dare not to roast me, I will make your family's ancestors illiterate for generations. They don't know a single character, and they don't even know their own last name. Do you know who I am?"

Xiao Jinchan lowered her head and glanced at herself. It turned out that the other party was planning on her, so she immediately threatened.

"Oh, by the way, what's your name, I really don't know who you are."

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