Nine Heavens

Chapter 1573 Dark girl

Chapter 1573 Dark Spirit Woman

"Of course I don't believe his words, but I believe in my Ni Wo Xin Pill, no matter how powerful a person is, once he takes Ni Wo Xin Pill, the more he doesn't want to say anything, the more he will say something.

The three major spiritual sources, the spiritual core and the divine jade, are about to reappear in the dark spirit of the three universes of the dark spirit. As a fortune teller in the way of stars, he probably has already figured it out, so he is so triumphantly mixed in our star fighting spirit army , publicized everywhere, and deceived the public with demonic words.

What do you say, Zhenzhou Divine Treasure is released, and the world is dry! If I hadn't happened to see Dajun fanning the flames when I happened to read it, I don't know when I would know that the three spiritual sources, the spiritual core and the divine jade, would appear.

Now that the five-color divine jade and the seven-color divine jade have appeared, I believe that the nine-color divine jade will also appear soon. But, what a pity! The Xingchen Dao astrology fighter died before I could find out the whereabouts of the Nine-color Divine Jade. So I immediately call gold to withdraw troops, maybe the Nine Colors Divine Jade is already in the hands of the Jilong family.

If we continue to attack rashly, the Jilong clan and the Lansheng clan cooperate, and the Jilong clan controls the divine power of the Nine-color Divine Jade. We will drive straight in and be surrounded by them. They will activate the Nine-color Divine Jade, and we will be wiped out in an instant.

Now that the whereabouts of the Nine Colors Divine Jade is unknown, we can't take any chances. And the five-color divine jade is within the Heavenly Witch Divine Kingdom in the light and dark world, and the seven-color divine jade is near our five-color divine jade cave.

At this moment, it is better to win the treasure than to take the risk of fighting. Once the three major spiritual sources, the spiritual core and the divine jade, are in our hands, we will truly be invincible in the universe, and some grand plans and great achievements of this emperor will be easily realized.

Jier can immediately go to the Light and Dark Realm to steal the five-color divine jade, then go to the Five-color Divine Jade Cave to find the seven-color divine jade, and then go to the Aoyou Star Prison to forcefully stuff my Niwoxin Pill into the air-controlled Star Dou Lingtian Put it in your mouth. If you ask him about his friendship with Zhan Kongzi back then, maybe he will get some clues about the Nine Colors Divine Jade.

At the same time, I secretly sent a few mysterious people to sneak into the time and space of the Nine-color Divine Jade to find out whether the Nine-color Divine Jade is really in the hands of the Nine-color Universe Jilong. Let's take a two-pronged approach and get the three major spiritual core spiritual jades as soon as possible! "

After thinking about it, Aoyou Luodi felt that the only way to get back the three spiritual cores and divine jades was to do so, so he ordered the water spirit demon Lan Ji to say.

"Air control? Oh, I remembered, that person is famous for his divination skills in the three universes of the dark spirit. Back then, he, Luo Di, and Zhan Kongzi called him 'Xiaoche Wanzhou divination sage', which can be said to be the dark spirit of the three universes." No one knows, no one knows.

But then they were all defeated by Emperor Luo's careful design. Zhan Kongzi was forced out of the Light and Dark Realm, and the air control was repeatedly suppressed by Emperor Aoyu Luo, and finally his wife and children were separated. The air controller was imprisoned by Luo Di in the Aoyou Star Prison, and his children, male and female, were exterminated, and his wife and daughter were dispatched to the Purgatory of Absolute Sun in the chaotic universe outside the dark spirit world at that time.

I remember that when his wife and daughter left, they were so ugly and embarrassed, they were ravaged by Luo Di's Alien Body Gu, making them as hideous as demons. well! Thinking about how they looked at that time, who would believe that they were once a family member of one of the saints of the dark spirit world. It's only because the air control doesn't know how to praise, so you can't rely on Luo Di! "

Hearing the name Air Control, Lan Ji, the water elf, was filled with anger that had never been extinguished, and her face became very ugly in an instant, but she said it lightly.

"Hehe, that was countless years ago. Now that you have become a local lover, don't you still miss the air control and hate King Gu Cheyou?"

Seeing the change in the expression of the water spirit, Emperor Aoyuluo was full of triumph in his heart. Back then, he not only successfully won the heart of the Dongyuan fire witch Zhansha girl, but also became his own empress. Then, this water elf used to love the air control so much, she didn't end up throwing herself into her arms by doing a little trick on her own.

Thinking of this, Emperor Oyoro held the exquisite head of the water elf, and examined her beautiful face, as if appreciating a work of art, scrutinized it carefully, smiled slightly, with a hint of coldness and sarcasm at the corners of his mouth.

"Hmph! Air control is nothing. He is only worthy of marrying a star fighter who only knows how to fight and fight as his wife. For a soul girl like me, let him dream!"

Lan Ji, the water spirit, snorted coldly when she heard the words, and then said: "Ji'er has been depressed for a long time, and I can take advantage of this treasure hunt to release some of her depression. Don't worry, Luo Di, Ji'er will definitely fulfill her mission, Luo Di Di take care, Ji'er is leaving now!"

"Hmm! For such an important matter, the emperor can only trust Jier, and be careful. Luo Di may not have the three spiritual sources of spiritual core jade, but he cannot do without Jier."

When Emperor Aoyouluo spoke, Lan Ji, the water spirit, had already shot high into the sky with a pool of blue water from the spiritual spring. Hearing what Emperor Aoyouluo said, she was so grateful that her eyes were full of tears.

"It's so pitiful, another stupid woman is going to be abandoned! Luo Di is so hypocritical! I really don't understand why these two women are so stupid, you have deceived them into being so obsessed, and let the one you love not love, And to hate, desperately to revenge and kill."

Lan Ji, the water spirit, took the Niwo Xin Dan given by Emperor Aoyuluo, and shot out the light and dark flying disk. After entering the sky, a cloud of light green light mist suddenly surged in the dark corner of the light and dark flying disk, and then Pingting walked out into a charming Dark spirit woman.

I saw her seven-color expression, phoenix head and phoenix eyes, her gaze was flowing, her figure was graceful and pretty, she walked like a lotus, and she sighed tenderly.

"It's you! Why did you come here? Didn't the emperor say that we won't meet before I completely unify the dark spirit universe? Why did you break your promise? I'll warn you again, don't talk nonsense, I'm sincere to Ji'er of!"

Hearing the sound, Emperor Aoyou Luo suddenly turned his head, looked at the woman in light green clothes, and felt a wave of waves in his heart, which he had been coveting for a long time. But on his face, he looked like a gentleman, pretending to be angry and said.

"Hmph! Do you think this girl is willing to come to see you, a hypocrite!? What a joke, since you like Lan Ji so much, why do you want to give her the pills? Do you think Lan Ji really loves you? Well, stop deceiving yourself. The former Dongyuan Huowu Zhansha girl is not, and the current Lan Ji is not, it is all caused by your rebellion. The more they love their lover, the more close to you.

They are controlled by heart poison without knowing it, but you don't know it in your heart, you are a despicable villain! am I right. "

The woman in light green clothes floated forward, looked directly at Emperor Aoyuluo, and said with a sneer.

"So what, in the end, they were not played by me in the applause. One of their lovers escaped, and the other was imprisoned by me. And they, Dongyuan Huowu, didn't know everything until they died. Ji'er is still treating me now." Desperate. Haha, besides these, is anything else important?

Why do you care about this? Could it be that you are in love with this emperor? Don't tell me, you are really beautiful, just like the standards of describing beauty in the chaotic world. I like it very much! "

Emperor Aoyu Luo said shamelessly with a wretched face.

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