Nine Heavens

Chapter 1574 Little Che saves his father

Chapter 1574 Little Che saves his father

"Heck, it's shameless, but I like it. If you give me the three spiritual sources of spiritual core and divine jade, I can really consider marrying you! This girl is as ambitious as you, marrying you So what, as long as this girl gets what she wants.

Back then, since this girl helped you steal the seven-color divine jade, naturally everything was planned, but you must not break your promise, this girl is not a Dongyuan fire witch or a water spirit, and you can bully me.

If you didn’t do what you promised me back then, and I don’t care about the destruction of dark souls and withered souls, I will definitely tell the truth about your theft of the three major spiritual sources, the spiritual core and the divine jade, to Emperor Lansheng and Emperor Jilong. It must be like a cosmic demon, everyone gets it and kills it! "

"Okay! Refreshing. If you and I merge, we will unify the three-party universe of the dark spirit. After dominating the dark spirit world, there will be a chaotic universe, commanding time and space. You have never stepped out of the dark spirit world, so you don't know how good it is there. In the future, I will take you to see it, and I guarantee that it will be an eye-opener for you.

This emperor also once thought that he was the supreme existence if he dominated the Dark Spirit Tripartite Universe. Who knows that this world is too vast. Besides the time and space of the Dark Spirit World, there are more magical existences. Be in control of yourself.

Don't just be satisfied with being a seven-color universe emperor one day. Follow this emperor and you will have a more brilliant future. "

Emperor Aoyuluo was not only not angry at the other party's insults, but was impassioned.

The woman dressed in light green, her eyes flickering, she was silent for a moment, said: "The whereabouts of the Nine-Color Jade is unknown, but it is definitely not in the hands of the Jilong Clan. I got the five-color Jade and the seven-color Jade, and I hope to attack the Lansheng Clan's universe as soon as possible!

This girl calculated that the dark spirit world is being invaded by inexplicable forces from outside the universe. If you don't act for a long time, you will miss the opportunity to fight, and the consequences will be unimaginable. This girl has said so far, so she can do it herself! "

"Thank you Luhong Fengshou for reminding me, this emperor must step up his actions!"

Watching the figure of Luhong Fengshou gradually disappearing in the corner of the Shenyin flying disk, Emperor Aoyouluo was very happy when he learned that the Nine-color Shenyu was not in the hands of Jilong, and said excitedly.

After the leader of Wanfeng, Luhong Fengshou, who was in charge of guarding the seven-color divine jade in Lansheng's space-time seven-color divine jade cave, left, he stood alone in the flying disk of divine darkness, looking at the three pieces hovering over the five-color universe from far to near. Feeling disturbed by the vortex of flying corpses, I couldn't help but let out a cold snort:

"Bah! Four Spirit Boys, even if you destroy the seventy-nine levels of hell, so what, now this emperor will soon have five-color divine jade and seven-color divine jade. With their divine power to help, this emperor is invincible in the universe. What a joke, do you think that destroying a few layers of hell and sending a few vortexes of corpses can scare the emperor!?

You are waiting for this emperor to catch you one day and see how the local area tortures you. What are the seventy-nine levels of hell? This prison emperor wants to build the ultimate hell in the universe and torture you forever! Ha ha ha ha."

With a cold snort, Emperor Oyoruo let out a sinister and maniacal laugh at last. Then his feet trembled, and suddenly the flying disc of God and Darkness shot out three jet-black light rainbows, blasting the three vortexes of flying corpses into smoke.

Continuing from the previous article, Zhan Zhaogong, the celestial master of Lansheng Time and Space, stepped on a purple cloud mirror, roaring all the way, and finally came to the dark blue area of ​​​​the kingdom of sky witches in the light and dark world.

After looking around for a while, I got a general understanding of the sky situation in this part of time and space, and then I was about to shoot into it. However, at this moment, a bluer figure drew a beautiful arc, soared from the palace of the Heavenly Witch Divine Kingdom, entered the sky, and then quickly flew towards the time and space of the five-color universe in the north.

Although the red, blue, yellow, green and purple five-color divine light was hidden on the chest of this blue figure with all efforts, there were still traces of light flowing out. Although it is weak, it cannot escape the divine eyes of the celestial master Zhan Zhaogong.

"not good!"

Zhan Zhaogong, the celestial master of Lansheng Time and Space, yelled, pinched his fingers, shook his head and glanced at the still peaceful palace of the Tianwu Kingdom, and then immediately changed his plan to visit the God Anneng Emperor. shape, and chased after the blue figure.

Several hours later, the blue figure shot into the five-colored jade cave where the red, blue, yellow, green, and purple five-colored rainbow flew violently outside the cave, and then did not stop at all, speeding at high speed, passing through the dense five-colored jade cave. The gorgeous five-color light, looking around anxiously, shouted: "Brother air control! Brother air control! Where are you?"

The blue figure's shouting voice was mournful and mournful, and the voice gradually became indistinct as he shouted, and echoed in the five-color jade cave with the gorgeous five-color beams of light.

The space in the Colorless Shenyu Cave is vast, with colorful clouds flying everywhere, and a blue figure gallops in it, small and weak, almost indistinct from a distance.

However, this Youlan figure continued to gallop stubbornly, whimpering and shouting: "Brother Air Control, I finally got the five-color jade, and Jier is here to save you. That big devil, Emperor Aoyuluo, can no longer Break us up. Where are you, Jill is here to save you"

In the extremely deep central area of ​​the Five-Color Shenyu Cave, which is also where the Aoyou Star Prison is located, two female figures wearing red-sun-golden light armor are kneeling in front of dozens of people who are bound by countless chains of dark spirit and supernatural materials. Looking at these suffering people with disheveled hair and blood bubbling all over their bodies, but with firm eyes, they were already sobbing.

"Daddy! Daughter, I'm sorry for you and uncles. Daughter is late!"

One of the women threw herself into the arms of a bound man with disheveled white hair, crying loudly.

"Haha, Che'er! Look! It's really you who are here! Daji, you saw that our forty-nine descendants who have sworn ties to the heavenly generals have come to save us! The old man is right, the evil can outshine the good, Sooner or later we will see the sun again! Hahaha

My good daughter, don't cry, you are the pride of our forty-nine life and death sworn generals. Hurry up, use the seven-color jade to rescue Gu'er's father first, your Uncle Daji is the most injured, if you wait later, we probably won't survive. "

This white-haired man with disheveled hair is none other than the husband of King Gu Cheyou, Aoyou Time and Space Full Rank Star General Air Control, who was imprisoned here because he and seventy-seven forty-nine sworn brothers opposed the unjust war of Emperor Aoyouluo of.

And these two women are exactly Xiao Che and Xiao Gu who traveled a long way from the chaotic universe and traveled back.

Numerous years of suffering, family breakup, and sudden reunion, the bitter, hot, sour and sweet tastes wash your chest and throat, and the vicissitudes of the predecessors look at the future generations, with mixed sorrow and joy. Later generations look at the compassionate respect and say a thousand words.

However, no amount of words are enough to look at each other and care for each other.

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