Nine Heavens

Chapter 1575 Skeleton Sky Witch

Chapter 1575 Skeleton Sky Witch

"Yes! Daddy!"

Che'er wept, and replied crisply, and then with the colorful ball flashing in his hand, he and Xiao Gu immediately flew towards a location thousands of miles away from the air control.

About an hour later, the air controller saw his daughter Xiao Che flying towards him again, but the seven-color jade in his hand had turned into the five-color jade in his own time and space.

He couldn't help feeling very surprised, and when his daughter flew closer, he asked, "Che'er, how did you get five-color divine jade and seven-color divine jade at the same time?"

Xiao Che floated down and settled down, remained silent for a while, and said: "This is not a safe place, and Emperor Aoyuluo will soon find out that there has been a change here. All the seals on the uncles have been smashed, and sister Xiaogu will use them to protect you." Protected by the seven-color divine jade, it was taken to a safe place outside the five-color divine jade cave.

Don't ask daddy for now, after daddy is safe, Che'er will naturally tell daddy. Daddy is activating the dark spirit power in his body to protect the key acupoints in his body, and I immediately mobilized the five-color god jade power to break the seal that binds Daddy.

"Alright! A new generation replaces the old one. Seeing Che'er's supernatural power, I am really happy to be a father. Daddy has already prepared it, let's do it!"

The full-rank Xingdoutian general air controller felt that the daughters before and after were a little different, but after thinking about the countless years of separation, some changes are not surprising, so he didn't think too much about it, and said.

"Boom! Boom!"

I saw the five-color divine jade in Che'er's palm, like burning coals, suddenly ignited, red, blue, yellow, green, and purple in five colors flashed, and then shot out a series of sharp light blades. The sharp light blade was like lightning, cutting towards the seal chain on the air controller.

After the sealing chain made a crisp sound, the air controller suddenly stood up and shook his body, and the sealing chain was shattered in an instant, flying everywhere, like flying sand and rocks, and made a loud explosion-like sound.


After regaining freedom, the air controller hadn't stabilized yet. His daughter, Xiao Che, couldn't help but say that when he pulled up his father, the air controller flew wildly out of the five-color jade cave.

When the two of them rushed towards the entrance of the five-color divine jade cave sprayed out by the gorgeous rainbow of light, another little Che pierced through the five-color beams of light and appeared at the place where his father was bound just now.

"Huh? Daddy, Daddy—"

Xiao Che thought he had found the wrong place, so he hurriedly looked around, but he couldn't see his father at all, so he shouted anxiously.

"My nephew, stop shouting. Your father is fine. He was rescued by your former Auntie Lan Ji. She changed into what you were just now, and she was rescued with five-color jade!"

When Xiao Che was looking around anxiously, a cloud mirror surrounded by purple radiance suddenly shot out of the five-colored rays of light, on which stood a kind-looking person dressed as a fairy, and his eyes Like a pond, the five colors are deep, the long beard several feet long is fluttering in the wind, and the white dark spirit robes around him are swaying like waves.

This person flew closer, stopped suddenly, looked at Xiao Che, and said with a loving face.

"Uncle Zhanzhao, why are you here? You saw Aunt Lan Ji rescued Daddy?"

Xiao Che took a closer look, he knew the other party, and the other party was his father's friend Zhan Zhaogong, the celestial master of the Lansheng clan, who was an old friend of the Seven-color Universe Time and Space, and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Yes, not only did I see your father being rescued by Lan Ji, I also saw Xiao Gu and your uncles just now, they are all safe.

Originally, I calculated, speculated, and came to find out the signs of the seven-color and five-color divine jade that I saw in this world. I didn't expect that the two major spiritual core spiritual jades would be in your hands.

This is really very lucky, what you, Uncle Zhan Zhao, are most worried about is that they will fall into the hands of Emperor Aoyuluo, so that although our dark spirit world regains the treasure, the universe will also be turned upside down!

Also, please love my nephew to leave the Five-Color Shenyu Cave as soon as possible. Uncle Zhan Zhao just deduced that the five-color Shenyu Cave's life energy will soon be exhausted. If you don't go out, you may be buried here! "

Zhan Zhaogong looked calm, but his tone was beyond doubt.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhan Zhaogong, for coming to tell me, this junior will obey!"

Tianshi Zhan Zhaogong heard the words, nodded slightly, controlled the purple cloud mirror to turn around, and suddenly passed away, Xiao Che glanced around, and followed him like a shadow.

Several hours later, there was a roaring sound in the five-color jade cave, and then a sudden explosion. The red, blue, yellow, green, and purple five-color lights instantly turned into brilliant clouds all over the sky, drifting and dancing in the sky, changing the once dark and gloomy time and space of the five-color universe. The state of the universe, since then, the dark spirit five-color universe has entered the age of light.

The universe is bright, and the five-color universe time and space, which was once vast and confused, has become more vast and boundless.

In the central area of ​​the vast five-color universe time and space, which is where the Five-color Shenyu Cave once existed, a huge five-color Shenzhou appeared. From a distance, it looked like a giant ship shining in the sky, floating steadily.

There are groups of figures floating above the front of the five-color gods, headed by a huge white jade skull that is dazzling in white, sitting cross-legged, with seven orifices of red, blue, yellow, green and purple five-color light threads entangled in and out.

Its face is hollow, but its posture is serene, with palms folded, and slightly raised head, it seems that it has jumped over Emperor Aoyu Luodi's five-color jade palace, and is looking in the direction of the light and dark world.

On the left, middle and right above the white jade skull, there are three traversing shuttles floating, and a psychic and shining figure is floating on each of them. The three figures, with an infinitely strong aura of righteousness outside their bodies, are full of energy and have deep eyes.

The person in the middle is a woman with fluttering green hair, wearing a neon dress full of magical spiritual diamonds and star flashes, flowing green and emerald green, with a face that is alluring with a smile, and then smiles that are all over the country, with a hint of arrogance and stubbornness at the corners of her mouth.

Wrapped around this person is a pure white god handkerchief, a bright red bird, and a group of paper-like spirit kings. In his hand is also holding a jade jade seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks, the jade seal is as red as blood, like a red sun bursting.

There is also a woman on the right of this woman, with long blue hair blowing in the wind, but she is a few years younger than the woman in the middle, wearing a fairy dress with blue background and white flowers. The blue psychic looked forward with bright eyes, full of mischievous taste.

In her hand, she held a magic whip of flying stars and flowing light, and the whip was like a dragon, extending thousands of miles, with a gallant and heroic appearance. The orchids on his body seemed to bloom at some point, exuding the fragrance of orchids. Even in this dark spirit world, there are still colorful butterflies dancing around him.

People are beautiful, colorful and colorful, and dark spirits are more affectionate in time and space.

On the left of the woman in the middle is a stalwart man wearing a pitch-black magic robe. This man has a slightly dark complexion, with chaotic eyes standing on his forehead, and his eyes are as bright as blood. The jet-black devil hair was floating back, under the thick eyebrows, a pair of even darker psychic eyes, scorching waves, like the vastness of the sea.

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