Nine Heavens

Chapter 1609

Chapter 1609 Take advantage of the invitation to reward the treasure

"Yu Huang's father and all the Uncle Longs are really serious, they finally met Zhengling boy, why did they use the boundary beads to test Zhengling boy's magical skills.

Just one hundred thousand sea spirits and Chumeng sword spirits killed the smoky tortoise bastards, nine blood-red dragon river overlords, and millions of annoying blood-kuva turtles.

The strength of Zhengling boy's subordinates is so terrifying, wouldn't it be even more powerful to be the master.

They are very successful, and they want to try any expert they see. This kind of hobby is really bad. This princess Yunyu apologized to Zhengling boy on behalf of Yuhuang's father and all the dragon uncles.

At the same time, I would also like to thank Zhengling boy for being able to remember the name of this princess alone in the mist. This princess is really honored. "

Seeing the sober Liu Qianlang, Yun Ling felt even more joyful, she put away her charming demeanor, and immediately became graceful and virtuous.

"Hehe, my spirit master and Xiaojian, the hundred thousand sea spirits are already disturbing the Dragon Palace of the Northern Territory, and Princess Lao Yunyu is here again. I am really ashamed.

The princess condescended to come here, presumably there must be something wrong, please enlighten me. "

Liu Qianlang and Yun Yu toasted each other a glass of wine, Liu Qianlang finished drinking and asked with a smile.

"Oh, it was the Dragon Emperor's father who wanted our sisters to come together and invite you to have a meal together.

But not long after I came in, I received news from my sisters that since Hundred Thousand Hai Ling and Xiao Jian like to play freely.

Then I won’t force you, just let you play as you please, but let me tell you that the Guishoufang Banquet will be changed to Guixian Que Banquet three days later.

Daddy Dragon Emperor said that it was specially prepared for you future celestial beings, so you should attend anyway. "

After listening, Yunyu smiled slightly, poured wine again and answered Liu Qianlang.

"Okay! The Dragon King of the Four Regions is so kind, my spirit master is more respectful than obedient, and I will definitely arrive as promised in three days!"

Liu Qianlang thought for a while, and at the same time observed the beauty in front of her consciously or unconsciously, and said very simply.

"That's really great. After the Guixian Que banquet, there will be a Dragon Palace fishing to recruit a son-in-law. Whoever loses the nine-ring colored fish that only appears once every 81 billion years will be the one."

When Princess Yunyu said this, her face turned red suddenly, and she didn't say any more.

Suddenly changing the subject, he asked: "I may listen to Yuhuang's father chatting with the dragon king uncles, they said that Zhengling Boy has great supernatural powers.

Possesses the three great fetishes bestowed by the ancient demon god Nvwa. These three fetishes are the Nine Cauldrons for Refining the Soul, the Sun Moon Furnace of the Primordial Spirit, and the Yin-Yang Sports Arena.

Using these three gods and some magical nourishing techniques, Zhengling boy not only raised the human souls of the five mortals to the limit of 9981 souls, but also raised the human wisdom of the five mortals to an unprecedented level .

Moreover, all the past, and even the ancient souls of the Nether Outer Prison and the Inner Prison have been restored to the physical body of the yang world. Such divine power is a beautiful thing.

Not only that, Zhengling Boy also created the technique of immortality for five human beings, and the technique of rebirthing spirit bodies in Niangshan Milk Sea. Re-establish the five human principles, the order of the Tao, the laws of the world of all spirits, etc.

After hearing these things, the princess was really envious, thinking about her dreams, and wishing to see the Zhengling boy.

One is to express admiration, and the other is to be curious about the three gods of Zhengling boy. I don't know if Zhengling boy will be kind enough to let the princess see the three gods, which can be regarded as gaining insight. "

When Yun Yu spoke, her face became more charming and charming, her eyes were full of tenderness and desire, and she looked straight into Liu Qianlang's eyes.

"Hehe, of course you can, how noble Princess Yunju is, and how rich this Bojielonghe Dragon Palace is. Princess Yunjie is able to be interested in several magic weapons of this spirit master, which can be called the good fortune of this spirit master.

However, I would like to ask Princess Yunju to forgive me, among the three great fetishes, the soul-refining Jiuding is not on the body of the spirit master at this moment. I had no choice but to feel wronged by Princess Yunyu and let's take a look at Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace and Yinyang Sports Arena. "

There was a sense of generosity in Liu Qianlang's eyes. When he smiled and spoke, his soul moved, and Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace and Yinyang Sports Arena had already appeared on the white jade table.

"Wow! It's so beautiful and amazing! They can be used to create the primordial spirit and the human body!? This princess is lucky to be able to see the two great gods at once, and you are very polite, Zhengling boy."

Suddenly, thousands of rays of light flickered in front of Princess Yunyu's eyes. She closed her eyes for a long time before adapting to the colorful space vision, and sighed in surprise.

Princess Yunyu frowned and concentrated, narrowing her eyes to carefully observe the Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace and the Yinyang Sports Arena.

Outside the Yuanshen Sun and Moon Furnace, the two colors of blue and red shine alternately, forming circles of light ripples, rippling mysteriously around. And inside the furnace, the red and blue flames also jumped out of the furnace mouth alternately, dancing like fire lotus.

Looking at the entire Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace, it is like a gorgeous fireball surrounded by red and blue flames, magnificent and magical.

The yin and yang gymnasium looks relatively calm, and there are always two contrasting colors constantly bulging inside the altar. Sometimes black and white correspond, sometimes red and green.

"Princess Yunyu is right. Empress Nuwa used them and the Nine Cauldrons to create the human race. The Nine Cauldrons are used to refine the yin and yang souls of the human race, and the Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace is used to refine the soul of the human race. , and the yin and yang sports arena can shape the human body."

Liu Qianlang, with no expression on his face, looked at the forgetful Princess Yunyu for a long time before saying.

"That is to say, if a human spirit body has the soul of the primordial spirit, as long as there is a yin and yang gymnasium, it can restore the physical body, right?"

Princess Yunyu asked while squinting her eyes intently at Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace and Yinyang Sports Altar.

"Well, it's not just the human race. Now that I've studied refining many times, the Yin-Yang Gym can complete the creation of any spirit body and physical body.

For example, dead evil turtles like bastards, as long as their primordial spirits and souls are immortal, they can use the yin and yang gymnasium to restore their physical bodies. "

Liu Qianlang nodded, and carefully looked at Princess Yunyu's expression through the gorgeous treasure rainbow and said.


When Liu Qianlang was so suspicious, Princess Yunju raised her head excitedly and asked in surprise.

However, Princess Yunju seemed to realize something later, and said sullenly, "What are you talking about those smoky and smoky bastards? I hate them so much. Every time they see our sisters, they always look lewd."

"Oh! Princess Yunjie, don't be angry. The spirit master didn't intend to mention it. I hope Princess Yunjie will forgive me. They have all been killed now, and I heard from Xiaojian that their souls have also been killed by him. .

Princess Yunyu doesn't have to worry about seeing them anymore, please continue to watch Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace and Yinyang Sports Arena, why bother with a group of dead turtles, ruining the elegance. "

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