Nine Heavens

Chapter 1610 Insinuating

Chapter 1610 Insinuating

Liu Qianlang said that he didn't mention the smog, the tortoise, the bastard, the nine evil tortoises, but his words kept repeating the words about the nine evil tortoises.

Princess Yunyu heard the words, although she nodded her head charmingly and continued to look at the two gods, but there was a trace of strangeness in her eyes.

"By the way, how did the giant tortoise come to the Blood Kuva River, and Qi became the overlord here.

Those millions of Blood Kuva Turtles should originally belong to the Blood Kuva River, how could they obey their orders instead of your father? "

Liu Qianlang sat firmly, with an airy demeanor, holding a glass of fairy wine she poured herself, shaking it freely, and asked.

"Are you good or bad? I just said I hate them, and you mentioned them again. Well, since you want to know, I'll tell you everything.

I don't know how they came to the Blood Kuva River, the smoky tortoise bastards, and I have never heard my father mention it. They were in the Blood Kuva River as soon as I was born.

And they are elusive, they are ghosts and evil gods in the underworld. I don't know where they live in the Blood Kuva River.

I only know that they may appear at any time, and may disappear at any time. It makes us worry all day long, and we are always afraid of their appearance.

As for those millions of evil turtles, they were not originally from the Blood Kuva River.

They came here more than ten years ago from You Hai, the sea of ​​the first world of hell.

I also asked my father the reason, and my father only said that the Netherworld Outer Prison was destroyed by you Four Spirit Boys, and the Youhai Sea changed suddenly, and the millions of evil turtles came here after fleeing.

The father didn't intend to take them in at first, but the smog, the bastard, the nine evil turtles strongly demanded to take them in, so the Dragon King's father and the three Dragon King uncles had no choice but to nod.

Not only did they take in millions of blood Kuva turtles, by the way, the millions of evil turtles at that time were not called blood Kuva turtles, they were called You Haiyan. And he took it under his command and trained him to become a giant turtle soldier.

Since then, millions of tortoise soldiers have worked for him, and the status of our Dragon Clan has gone from bad to worse, so that we have become his puppets.

Think about it for more than ten years, we have suffered enough humiliation, father, father and uncles of the dragon king are looking forward to day and night, just looking forward to the appearance of you, Zhengling boy.

No, as soon as you appeared, the smoky tortoise bastard and the millions of evil tortoises all died, and our Dragon Clan finally has a day to rise again! "

Princess Yunjie smiled coquettishly, her wine gradually became stronger, and she was a little bit drunk. Speaking of acting like a baby, she still told the origin of millions of blood Kuva turtles.

After hearing this, Liu Qianlang thought about it for a while, and felt that the origin of the millions of evil turtles was reasonable.

The change in Youhai mentioned by the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory must be the result of the collapse of the Xinghua Nine Swords Formation.

"Hehe, there is one thing that the spirit master is very strange, you should all be ghost bodies of the underworld.

Why now I see that you are all righteous spirits, and how can there be this wave of Jielong Palace in this Blood Kuva River Underworld? "

These words, Liu Qianlang originally planned to have the opportunity to ask the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory. But after observing Princess Yunjie, Liu Qianlang figured out many things, so he asked Princess Yunjie.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Zhengling boy is also a curious master. Is this strange?

The Underworld is also the same as the human world. The human races in the human world are divided into Mortal Realm Qiling Mortal Realm, Qiling Renxian, Faling, Xuanling and Earth Immortal.

Our underworld is also divided into the soul ghost clan of the Nether Outer Territory, the primordial spirit ghost veins of the Nether Inner Prison, the powerful spirit ghost clan of our seventy-seventy-nine hells, and the ghosts and immortals under the Nine Nethers, etc.

There are still a few gods wandering in the heavenly world in the human world. Could it be that we can't do it in the seventy-nine layers of hell in the underworld of ghosts and spirits?

To tell you the truth, boy, we were indeed the bodies of ghosts and spirits in the first place, but infinite years ago, the heavens inexplicably fell into a crystal palace in the Blood Kuva River, that is, the Bojie Dragon Palace.

Afterwards, our underworld dragon clan entered inside with powerful spiritual power. Since then, the ghost aura has continued to weaken until it has completely transformed into a righteous spirit body. Whether it is true or not, Zhengling Boy will know immediately. "

When Liu Qianlang asked this question, he thought that the other party would be speechless, but he didn't expect the other party to speak casually, so naturally he was not deceiving. This surprised Liu Qianlang.

But at the same time, I also learned a little more about the Netherworld. It turns out that the ghosts in the Netherworld are also divided. Himself, Xiaojian, and Hundred Thousand Hailings are currently in the spirit world area of ​​the Underworld.

And from this, Liu Qianlang realized the level of the spirit body of the human race. The five mortal worlds can be regarded as the mortal world, also known as the dust-free world, and I come from the first human world, which is the world of mortals.

Then the second level of human race is the level of the spirit body human race. At this moment, the seventy-nine levels of hell, the dark spirit human race in the dark spirit time and space, and the spirit beast clan in the Mingling world all belong to this level.

Going higher, if the guess is correct, Liu Qianlang now thinks that it should be the first level of Yunzhong Lingxian, and then the world of immortals and gods.

Liu Qianlang thought for a moment what Princess Yunyu said, it seemed reasonable. But then I caught a loophole and asked: "How does Princess Yunju know that the shrine that fell from the heaven is called 'Bojie Dragon Palace'?"

"Hehe, Boy Zhengling thinks highly of me, who would know what this Dragon Palace was originally called.

Ever since it fell into the Blood Kuva River, Father, the three dragon king uncles, and we all discovered that any blood that flows into the Dragon Palace will immediately become icy clean and crystal clear, even if you drink it, it will be sweet and delicious.

Looking from outside the palace, inside the Dragon Palace, there are clear waves flowing everywhere, which is very joyful.

It's a pity that there is no name for such a shrine, and we don't know what it was called when it was in the heaven, so the father and the three dragon king uncles tried their best to find a proper name for it.

However, I was dissatisfied with taking a lot, and later I also gave a name and told my father.

Unexpectedly, my father and all the dragon king uncles like it very much, that's the word 'Bo Jie'.

Oh, from Zhengling boy's words, it seems that Zhengling boy knows the origin of this palace. Could it be that it was originally called Bojie Dragon Palace? "

Princess Yunyu smiled coquettishly again, stroking Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace and Yinyang Sports Arena and said happily.

"No, no. How could this spirit master know the origin of this wave of Jielong Palace? I'm just curious, just ask."

Liu Qianlang thought inwardly, what a eloquent dragon girl, her words are so impenetrable. Knowing that the other party was already prepared, Liu Qianlang couldn't ask any more questions, so he poured a glass of fine wine for the other party and said:

"Thanks to Princess Yunyu's visit, my spirit master borrows flowers to present Buddha, and I offer you a toast."


"Boy Zhengling pours wine and toasts Yunjie. If you don't drink, there will be no chance again. Yunjie thanked you."

Princess Yunju hurriedly looked away, looked at Liu Qianlang charmingly, saluted with all blessings, and then the two looked at each other and smiled, with hidden eyes in each, and drank freely.

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