Nine Heavens

Chapter 1619

Chapter 1619 Two Dragons Arguing

"Haha, that's right. Boy Zhengling is no better than those ignorant mortals who were captured into Dragon Palace in the past. He is full of treasures. After the Dragon Palace succeeds in fishing, we can devour his flesh and blood and absorb his soul and soul.

In this way, we will continue to strengthen our blood Kuva Kungfu, firmly control the Nether Blood Flood Tree, the Blood Flood Mountain, the East and West Blood Seas, and the blood rivers in all directions, and dominate the borders of Hell. Not only can we successfully complete the tasks assigned to us by Zhong Sheng, but also achieve our temporary goals.

However, Zhengling boy is a body of heavenly spirit, possessing many supreme magic weapons, he walks the path of soul cultivation, has amazing miraculous skills, and his magic power is so powerful that it cannot be estimated.

Except for Yunyu's strength at present, the four of you are absolutely unable to deal with him. If he sees through our plan and doesn't trick him into the Blood-Red Exquisite Pagoda, we will definitely lose all our efforts.

As for how powerful Zhengling boy is, everyone knows. The Nether Outer Prison and the Inner Prison are such huge and frightening forces, but they were all destroyed in just a few years.

And the millions of Blood Kuva Turtles we have worked so hard to train, didn't we also watch them being slaughtered by them!

For such a ruthless character, it is absolutely impossible to rely on force alone. We can only outsmart him, and we cannot use martial arts to defeat him.

I hope that Zhong Sheng will bless you. This time, I will solve the Zhengling boy here, get all kinds of magic treasures, and then wait for the victory of the dark spirit universe. As long as the good news comes, we will immediately enter the five human worlds and restore the old nether layout. "

The Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory burst into laughter at first, and then said very seriously.

"The Yuhuang's concerns are justified. Legend has it that this righteous boy once founded a sect called Langyuanmen in the world of Yangshi. There is a magical power in the gate. There are ninety-nine and eighty-one gods, dragons and phoenixes. Dragon Ball Phoenix Pill, Excalibur and Different Arrow Strength.

This miraculous force is said to be caused by some gods and monsters scattered in the world due to various reasons in the chaotic era. Now they all belong to Zhengling Boy's sect and let him order him to perform tasks that are astonishing for heaven and man from time to time.

In addition, this Zhengling boy has three brothers and sisters, and seven or eight wives who are overbearing and boundless in strength to help.

The huge inner and outer prisons of the nether world, and the fertile land of the pound border were killed by them. And their existence has always been a mystery, no one knows where they are and when they will appear.

Qingyao only heard that as long as Zhengling boy needs it, these forces can appear around him in an instant. Likewise, you can also make them disappear in the blink of an eye if you don't need them.

Such a person is really scary, and we have to be extremely careful, so I also agree that Sister Yunyu will be the bride of Dragon Palace Fishing alone this year. "

Qing Yao's eyes flashed with mystery, and her tone was full of vigilance.

After hearing these words, the Dragon King of the Four Regions felt a chill all over his body, and subconsciously looked out of the secret room for a while, but fortunately, there was nothing unexpected.

The bedroom where Liu Qianlang lived was not unusual either.

"There is another problem. For countless years, we have not been able to enter the Luoying Flower Formation. If the guess is correct, it must be the mysterious Huanyu Lake in the Bojielong River Dragon Palace, which is also the legendary Nine Heavens. The place where the treasure of the Demon Slayer Sword Art is hidden.

It's a pity that we couldn't enter the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art so close at hand. If we have the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, why should we be taboo about a mere righteous boy, no matter how many supernatural powers he has, he can only die.

such a pity! what a pity! What happened to Prince Bojie back then, and why he was willing to abandon the Bojie Dragon Palace, who was regarded as his life, to this nether world! It really confuses the Dragon King of this domain. "

The Dragon King of the Southern Region looked at the location of Huanyu Lake through the wall of the secret room, shook his head and sighed.

"What does the Dragon King of the Southern Territory mean?"

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory brightened his eyes and asked.

"I'm worried. Prince Bojie is hiding in the Huanyu Lake. What if we are fishing in the Dragon Palace and planning to capture Zhengling Boy, he suddenly appears and ruins our good deeds!

Now that Zhengling boy doesn't have the slightest doubt about us, why not use his power to help us destroy Luoying's flower seal, firstly, take this opportunity to find the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art, secondly, it can also consume some of his mana, which is more beneficial Realize our capture plan!

More importantly, if Prince Bojie is really inside, we will immediately kill him with all our strength, so that the master of Bojie Dragon Palace will truly belong to us forever. It's not that we are always panicked, worried that he may show up at any time to ask for Bojie Dragon Palace! "

The Blood Kuva Dragon King of the Henan Region further expressed his intentions.

"Hiss! No, no. What the Dragon King of the Southern Territory said, if it is realized smoothly, it will be a good thing. But if Prince Bojie is indeed in the seal of Luoying Hua'er, we disturb him, and we are not sure of defeating him. .

He is the number one dragon commander in the heavenly demon dragon. He has summoned the nine-day divine dragon to fight countless battles with demons, ghosts and spirits in all realms. How can we deal with it at will!

Besides, it's impossible for Boy Zhengling not to know that Prince Bo Jie is also a heavenly handsome Zhengling. If they join forces at that time, wouldn't we be shooting ourselves in the foot! Please also think twice, the emperor of the domain, this is absolutely impossible! "

The Dragon King of the Eastern Region heard the suggestion of the Dragon King of the Southern Region and immediately stood up to oppose it.

"Isn't the Dragon King of the Eastern Territory too timid? As the saying goes, one moment and another moment. No matter how powerful Prince Bo Jie is, it was only a matter of countless years ago.

Now, even if he is really within Luoying Hua'er's seal, so what! He has long since lost the handsome demeanor of the past, and he does not have countless celestial monster dragons for him to summon, but he is just a lone dragon.

We are the protectors of the ten directions that Zhong died back then, and our mana power is also appalling! Now we are nourished by the double divine power of countless years of blood Kuva River and Bojie Dragon Palace Dragon Spirit, and it is nine to one, so why not be afraid!

Another point is that Prince Bo Jie is obsessed with his little junior sister. Since his little junior sister lost her soul to the lower realm for some reason, he has become extremely depressed and has become a nympho. If he was in Huanyu Lake, he would most likely be a half-dead stupid dragon.

With the strength of the number one heretic god in the heavens, Zhong Shi Fang Dharma Guardian, how can we still be afraid of a down and out lone dragon! ? "

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory snorted coldly, and still insisted on his opinion.

"You, what a reckless man! If you hadn't acted too hastily, we wouldn't have watched millions of blood Kuva turtles being slaughtered and devoured by hundreds of thousands of sea spirits and countless divine swords and dragons.

If the millions of blood Kuva turtles are used properly, why are we talking about the poor fishing strategy of Dragon Palace in this secret room today! "

The Dragon King of the Eastern Region saw the Dragon King of the Southern Region insisting on his views again and again, his face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but angrily scolded the opponent for his previous mistakes in combat thinking.

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