Nine Heavens

Chapter 1620 Princess Qingyao

Chapter 1620 Princess Qingyao

"Hmph! Dragon King of the Eastern Region, what do you mean, you are complaining about the failure of this Dragon King!

Didn't you agree with calling millions of Blood Kuva Turtles to set off the Blood Kuva River? Now that I fail, I put the hat of failure on my head.

Dragon Emperor Mingjian! The Dragon King of this domain is too lazy to talk to such useless people, please wait for the good news from the Dragon King of this domain, and the Dragon King of this domain will destroy the seal of Luoying Hua'er.

If Prince Bo Jie is not around, immediately find the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art to see the Emperor of the Region.

If he is there, the Dragon King of this domain will cut off his dragon head first, and then find the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, and present it to the Emperor of the Domain, and let me wait for Yongba this wave of Jielong Palace. See what some people have to say! "

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory had a bad temper, and he was so angry that he couldn't stop it. He yelled wildly and was about to rush out of the secret room.

"The Dragon King of the Southern Territory is waiting, even if the Dragon King of the Southern Territory is determined to attack the Luoying Hua'er Seal Formation, it is too dangerous to go alone.

For countless years, we, the number one evil god in the heavenly world, the guardian of the ten directions of death, although we were worried about disturbing the unexplainable Prince Bojie, so we did not resort to violence to destroy this strange seal formation, but we tried countless ways to break it, and none of them were enough.

Now that the Dragon King of the Southern Territory is going, no matter how hard he tries, it will still be the same. It is better to calm down and let everyone have a care. "

Seeing the Dragon King of the Southern Territory whistling and turning around, on the left side of His Highness, Princess Qingyao got up and shouted sweetly.

"Hmph! I'm still worrying about a bird. According to my intention, I have already destroyed that broken flower array with a few hammers. I don't have your patience. The whole day's method is tricky, and it's annoying to hear.

Don't talk too much, and don't go to help me, the Dragon King of this domain will come as soon as he goes. Let's discuss about Dragon Palace fishing! "

In fact, when the Dragon King of the Southern Region turned around just now, the Dragon King of the Southern Region somewhat regretted it, and suddenly made a hot-headed decision.

The splendor of the heavenly realm that Prince Bojie once had was really shocking. While speaking, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory kept replaying the spectacular scenes of the heavenly realm, where Prince Bojie led countless heavenly dragons flying through the sky and through the clouds.

Thinking of this, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory suddenly felt timid, and was about to find a step to give up. He didn't want Princess Qingyao's words to make it hard for him to get off. If he didn't go, it would be embarrassing.

So the Dragon King of the Southern Territory simply said nothing, his feet shook, and he rushed out of the secret room on a cloud of scarlet clouds.

"Hey! What a reckless person, Qingyao! You have always been calm and reticent, why did you follow this stupid dragon's wishes and let him take risks today.

I'm afraid that his tossing will startle the snake, not only can Luoying's flower seal not be destroyed, but it will also disturb the Zhengling boy! What is even more worrying is that Prince Bojie may show up because of this.

Our good days are probably coming to an end, Bojie Dragon Palace is in danger!

Dragon Emperor, do you see this? "

The Dragon King of the Eastern Region shook his head helplessly, and finally had to look at the Dragon King of the Northern Region with a determined expression.

"Forget it! Since he insists on this, let him try it. As for the result, it depends on God's will.

The Dragon King of the Eastern Region doesn't have to be so pessimistic. It won't be overnight for us to occupy this wave of Jielong Palace, and it's within our own Blood Kuva River. Even if Prince Bojie appears, we will not be helpless.

Let me ignore this for now, the immediate matter is important, and continue to discuss the fishing in the Dragon Palace, and how to explain to Zhengling Boy how the Dragon King of the Southern Territory broke Luoying's flower array. "

The Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory looked around at the people present, frowned and nodded.

"Qingyao doesn't have anything to say about the fishing in the Dragon Palace, but it's up to you to decide. The Dragon King of the Southern Region will go alone, and Princess Qingyao is really worried. You continue to discuss, and I will help him secretly."

As soon as the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory finished speaking, Princess Qingyao floated up and asked Wanfu, the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory, to salute her.

"Hmm! It's rare for us to be united with the Nine-Fang Dharma Protectors, so you can go. With Qingyao's delicate thoughts, he will make fewer mistakes."

The Northern Dragon Emperor nodded in agreement.

Princess Qingyao's face was beaming with joy, on top of her beautiful face, her spiritual eyes were clear, leaving behind a few intoxicating smiles, she walked away.

"Huh? Did you all find out why Qingyao suddenly changed so much? She has always been unwilling to provoke anything. Usually, when I discuss things, I don't ask her, and I don't know how to say a word.

Why are you so active today? Not long ago, I urged her so hard that she came to the secret room reluctantly, but when I didn't intend to wait for her, she chased her out.

Also, I always feel that there is something wrong with her appearance today. Her performance today really puzzles the Dragon King of this domain. "

The Dragon King of the Western Regions, who had never spoken, looked at the pretty figure of Princess Qingyao walking away from the secret room, seemed to be thinking about something, and said suddenly.

Then, looking into the distance, he looked at Princess Qingyao who had gone away again and again, and recalled her every move just now.

"Haha, the Dragon King of the Western Regions is probably too cautious because of the sudden change in the situation today.

No matter how withdrawn Qingyao is, she is still one of our ten-direction protectors, after all, she has one heart with us. At the critical moment, it is not surprising that he showed concern about the blood Kuva River and the Dragon King of the Southern Region. "

In fact, the Dragon King of the Northern Territory also felt strange about Princess Qingyao's excessive initiative today, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he had to smile like this.

At this moment, King Hailing and Liu Qianlang were sitting in Liu Qianlang's bedroom, talking face to face.

"Thank you King Hailing and Xiaojian for accidentally obtaining the Nine Heavens Extinguishing Demon Sword Art. Although the spirit master is not suitable for cultivation now, it is definitely the Immortal Sword Art that I will be proud of for nine days in the future.

The mentor is really amazing, how could he be so supernatural, put the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art in this heavenly Bojie Dragon Palace, and I will appear here? "

Liu Qianlang's eyes were deep, staring at the nine-color spiritual light in the palm of the palm to seal the light group of the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art, and said with infinite excitement.

When Liu Qianlang said these words, he recalled the appearance of his teacher Jietong Daoist in his mind, with a smile on his face.

"Your mentor? Boy Zhengling said that your mentor put the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art into Bojie Dragon Palace?"

Hearing Liu Qianlang's words, Hailing King was shocked.

"Exactly, in the seal of the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, there is also a seal of the mentor Jietong Daoist. The general meaning of the teacher's seal is to tell me that I should keep the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art properly for the time being, and then use it when appropriate It's time to practice this tactic."

Liu Qianlang quietly stared at the aura of Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art for a while, carefully concealing it in the palm of his hand, looked up happily at the tall King Hailing, and said with a nod.

"This, this, how is this possible?"

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