Nine Heavens

Chapter 1621 More and more strange

Chapter 1621 is more and more strange

Hailing King heard Liu Qianlang's explanation, and he also looked happy, and suddenly he was a little confused.

He thought to himself, the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art was originally created by his mentor Du Mojianzu, and was kept by his senior brother Prince Bo Jie for countless years. Now the senior brother entrusted himself to find a reason to hand it into his hands.

It is absolutely certain that no outsiders have interfered during this process, so how could other people's seal words appear in the sword art seal for no reason?

Could it be that I made a mistake, the sword formula that I and Xiao Jian found is not the Nine Heavens Slayer Demon Sword Art at all?

King Hailing focused, bent over, stared at Liu Qianlang, thinking blankly.

But King Hai Ling recalled all the details, and he was sure that he summoned the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art according to the instruction of his senior brother, Prince Bo Jie. Absolutely no mistake.

The matter in front of him, although he did it himself, made King Hailing fall into a cloud of fog.

"Hehe, King Hai Ling, what's wrong, you suddenly stood up in a daze?"

Liu Qianlang saw that King Hai Ling was already tall, and he still had more than two feet to sit down. Standing up suddenly, with a dazed and funny look, Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing after seeing it.

Hearing this, King Hailing didn't respond directly, and changed his body shape to the same size as Liu Qianlang, and continued to examine Liu Qianlang.

"May I ask Zhengling boy, where is your mentor Jietong Daoist's fairyland, and what is his origin?"

King Hailing asked tentatively.

At this moment, Liu Qianlang didn't need to hide anything, and frankly told the common experience of himself and his teacher, who are not many real people.

"Yaoxing Shenhai, Miaoyin Palace?"

King Hailing thoughtfully repeated the cultivation place of Jietong Daoist mentioned by Liu Qianlang, and then asked suddenly:

"Then there are seven springs of Tiangang in Yaoxing Shenhai, does your mentor have a magic weapon called the Immortal Sword Furnace, and a Tianling Whisk that is all white in color?

"Hehe, how do you know that there is indeed a Tiangang Qiquan in the Yaoxing Shenhai where the teacher cultivates, but that is all in the past, and now the Tiangang Qiquan is within Xiaojian's soul gate.

The Master Fuchen you mentioned does exist, and they are also pure and white, but I don't know if it is the Tianling Fuchen you mentioned.

As for the fairy sword furnace you mentioned, there seems to be no mentor, at least I have never seen a mentor take it out.

Could it be that King Hai Ling knew my mentor in the past, why is he so curious today, he has never met my mentor before, but asked in such detail. "

Seeing King Hailing's wide-eyed eyes, Liu Qianlang couldn't help asking with a smile.

"Haha, where. How could the king of the spirit know the teacher of the Zhengling boy.

I just heard that there was a sea of ​​gods in the first human world, which turned into a sea of ​​stars shining overnight, and it was infinitely magical.

Looking down from a high altitude, there are seven eyes and seven colors on the seabed of Yaoxing Shenhai, and a divine spring that emits seven tones exists. Such a miraculous place has been widely spread in the three worlds.

And Zhengling boy's mentor was lucky enough to practice in Yaoxing Shenhai, which really made the Lingwang curious and admired. "

Hailing King heard that Tiangang Qiquan was within Xiaojian's soul gate, and his heart couldn't help but he was secretly excited, and there was another bold guess in his heart.

However, King Hai Ling tried his best to suppress his excitement and denied Liu Qianlang's question.

"Did you find traces of the smoky tortoise bastard, just an evil tortoise?"

Liu Qianlang was only curious about Hailing King's question, and didn't think too much about it, but asked the most concerned question in his heart.

King Hailing withdrew his thoughts, his face became serious, he shook his head, and said, "It's really strange, did Zhengling boy make a mistake in his judgment.

If the smoky tortoise bastards were not dead, there would be some clues, but the spirit king obeyed the traces of the Zhengling boy and asked the brothers to search and analyze the entire Bojie Dragon Palace, but found nothing.

Instead, I found that the Dragon King of the Four Regions and the five Princesses of the Dragon King were very strange. They all went to the Dragon Palace of the Northern Region. I saw it when I went to Huanyu Lake, but they didn't come out until I came back.

Looking at their expressions, each of them is mysterious and weird, as if something important happened in this wave of Jielong Palace. "

"Hehe, that's right. It would be strange if King Hai Ling found the trace of the smoky tortoise bastard."

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang nodded and smiled.

"The King of Hailing doesn't understand what Zhengling Boy said."

After toasting Liu Qianlang with a glass of fairy wine on the jade table, King Hailing raised his neck and drank it, his eyes shaking and said.

"King Hailing, don't worry, everything will be clear soon. There is one more thing I want to ask King Hailing.

We had a secret conversation in the corner of the Dragon Palace in Bojie before, and then a heroic young man in a white robe appeared and watched us from the dark. I wonder if King Hailing noticed? "

Liu Qianlang smiled mysteriously, and asked a question that made King Hailing a little embarrassed.

"No, I didn't notice. Hehe, the spiritual king's cultivation is not as good as that of the Zhengling boy, and he didn't sense anything.

By the way, since Boy Zhengling discovered that someone was watching us secretly, why didn't he take action against him? Maybe he was transformed from that stinky tortoise among the smoky tortoise bastards. "

When King Hailing heard it, didn't Zhengling Boy mean his senior brother, Prince Bo Jie? Senior brother Prince Bo Jie confessed that he would not let him reveal his existence, so King Hailing quickly shook his head, denying that he didn't find anyone secretly peeping.

But he said this to prevent Liu Qianlang from associating that this person is his senior brother, Prince Bo Jie, and deliberately misled Liu Qianlang.

At that time, King Hai Ling did not sense that anyone was following him, and he was sure that it was his senior brother, Prince Bo Jie, according to Liu Qianlang's description.

"That person is most likely not a smoky tortoise bastard, I can be sure of that. Looking at that person's aura of heavenly spirit, his appearance is imposing, handsome and upright, he looks like a righteous and benevolent generation.

I suspect that this person may be the real owner of the Bojie Dragon Palace, Prince Bojie. It's just that the spirit master doesn't understand, since he is in the Bojie Dragon Palace, why hide in the dark and let the Dragon King of the Four Regions occupy the Bojie Dragon Palace? "

Liu Qianlang raised his head and looked out of the hall, his eyes sparkling, he guessed.

"Haha, how could that happen? What a lonely and arrogant person Prince Bojie is. If he were here, how could he allow the Dragon King of the Four Regions to occupy his Bojie Dragon Palace! Impossible, absolutely impossible!

I thought about it just now, maybe we were too serious at the time, so Zhengling boy had an illusion, and sensed that someone was peeping in the dark.

In fact, it's just some weird projections in Bojie Dragon Palace. Otherwise, no matter how poor my cultivation is, I, King Hailing, should respond to some extent.

Zhengling boy may wish to take a closer look, on the water waves outside the hall, there are countless pearls in the sky like the moon, shining with spiritual light, flying among the Gong'e warriors, casting their reflections everywhere.

What you saw at the time must have been a phantom of one of them, or simply an illusion. "

Liu Qianlang's words shocked King Hailing's heart, and immediately laughed out loud to cover up Prince Bojie's words.

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