Nine Heavens

Chapter 1622 Luoying Flower Seal

Chapter 1622 Luoying Flower Seal

"Well, what you said is not unreasonable, let's not talk about that for now. What did you say about Huanyu Lake just now? I heard that Xiaojian also clamored to play in Huanyu Lake when he left.

The name Huanyu Lake is full of aura, and it must be an unusual place, and it is there that the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art was discovered.

The spirit master also wants to go and see, anyway, there is no movement from the Dragon King of the Four Regions, so he asks the King of Sea Spirit to lead the way. "

Liu Qianlang was very surprised. He didn't know why King Hailing tried his best to deny the situation of the young man in the white robe he saw.

However, Liu Qianlang was puzzled in his heart, but he still smiled on his face, without showing it, and changed the topic.

"This, that is not very good."

When King Hailing heard that Liu Qianlang was going to Huanyu Lake, he couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed. Although he knew the method of entering and leaving Luoying's Hua'er seal told by his senior brother, Prince Bo Jie. But whether he agreed to let Liu Qianlang enter, senior brother Prince Bo Jie did not explain.

As for the small sword, it must have been intentionally put in by the brother Prince Bo Jie to be able to enter Huanyu Lake.

"Small sword? It's broken!"

Thinking of the little sword, King Hai Ling's expression changed drastically, he stomped his feet suddenly, and shouted in shock.

"What happened to the little sword?"

Liu Qianlang was surprised by the sudden change in King Hai Ling's expression, and asked.

"Maybe it's God's will. Since Zhengling Boy wants to go, the King of Spirits will lead the way!"

After hesitating for a while, King Hailing suddenly changed his words, muttered such a sentence, and then secretly cast a touch of Bo Jie's divine light on Liu Qianlang's back, and flew out of Liu Qianlang's bedroom first.

King Hai Ling had to choose this way because when he got the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art, he was overjoyed and eager to come back to present the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art to Liu Qianlang, and forgot one thing that his senior brother, Prince Bo Jie, told him.

Senior brother Prince Bojie asked himself that when Xiaojian got the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, he would immediately lead him to eat a Bojie divine fruit he designated, and erase Xiaojian's memory about Huanyu Lake, so as to prevent Xiaojian from returning to Liuzhou. Qianlang mentioned the existence of Huanyu Lake.

However, not only did he forget this, but he also forgot another thing. Without his own guidance, Xiaojian would not be able to get out of Luoying Hua'er's sealing formation.

In such a situation, no matter what, you can't leave the little sword of the sedan chair owner in Huanyu Lake, so King Hailing had to agree to Liu Qianlang to go to Huanyu Lake.

Another point, King Hai Ling knew very well that even if he didn't agree, Zhengling boy Liu Qianlang could still enter with the shuttle. This is also the reason why King Hai Ling finally agreed.

After Hailing King flew out of the dormitory, he immediately put on the technique of invisibility, and his whole figure was as light as a trace, and he flew miraculously in the waves of the Dragon Palace in the Bojielong River.

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, waved his sleeves to leave the phantom body of himself and King Hai Ling, and continued drinking and chatting.

As for himself, stepping on the shuttle under his feet, he also flew out of the window incognito, releasing a powerful sense of consciousness, and while paying attention to the state of the entire Dragon Palace, he chased after him.

"Boom! Boom!"

Liu Qianlang caught up with Queen Hailing, and the speed of the two of them was not very fast, mainly because they were worried about disturbing the transformed humanoid warriors such as shrimp soldiers and crab generals running around in Bojie Dragon Palace.

Although the two were invisible, they were still very cautious, there was no wave in the water, and there was no trace of passing.

The two of them flew mysteriously across the heads of countless Dragon Palace guards, and these Dragon Palace guards were unaware of it.

"Hehe, these idiots are still patrolling decently?"

King Hailing leaned down to look down, and saw groups of Dragon Palace warriors below, fully armed, walking around, staring and patrolling.

"Don't underestimate them, as long as we startle one of them, the Dragon Palace will immediately boil, we'd better be careful.

At present, they are in the light and we are in the dark. For us, it is best. "

"Well, Boy Zhengling said, hehe, Huanyu Lake is in the east of the Dragon Palace. It is very beautiful there. Boy Zhengling will feast his eyes in a while!"

"It must be. This wave of Jielong Palace is a heavenly palace, and its magical beauty is also expected. If it is not fun and beautiful, why is Xiaojian reluctant to come back?"

Just as Liu Qianlang and King Hai Ling were speeding cautiously and communicating with each other, they suddenly felt the Dragon Palace shaking.

Then there were turbulent waves everywhere, and there were bursts of roaring sounds in the ears, and Bojie Dragon Palace suddenly became chaotic.

King Hailing listened carefully for a moment, the sound came from the direction of Huanyu Lake, his heart was agitated, the secret channel was broken. It must be the owner of the sedan chair who wanted to come out, but he couldn't get out, so he got angry and attacked Luo Ying's Hua'er formation in Huanyu Lake.

"Quick! It's the sedan chair owner!"

Hearing the roar, Hailing King had a bitter look on his face for a moment, and he didn't care to hide his figure anymore. He suddenly recovered his blue body several feet high, stepped on the waves and screamed, and his body disappeared in a flash.

When Liu Qianlang heard King Hai Ling's nonsensical words, he guessed that something might have happened to Xiaojian, and felt a sense of horror in his heart.

Now that King Hailing has shown up, there is no need for him to hide himself, and Liu Qianlang also released his invisibility technique suddenly, showing his figure steadily and straight.

Under countless bright pearls the size of a leather ball, in the swaying water of the Dragon Palace, Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered, and his eyes shone with rainbows.

The brocade silkworm robe outside the body flutters with the waves, and the golden light cloak flutters high, stepping on the light of the rainbow, the shuttle of the spirit crystal and the diamond of the flower, flying away steadily like a heavenly king.

But in a short while, Liu Qianlang had brought King Hai Ling to appear outside the formation where Luo Ying's flowers were flying in the sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

Liu Qianlang and King Hailing watched intently, thousands of miles away, there were countless Luoying flowers flying in the air, looming a tall man wearing a green dragon robe with a yellow background, wielding black double hammers, bombarding Luoying flowers with thunder and lightning Er seal the formation.

"It's him, how could it be the Dragon King of the Southern Region!?"

After concentrating on seeing the other party clearly, King Hailing said to himself in surprise.

"Hey, the Huanyu Lake mentioned by King Hailing is within the Luoying flower seal formation?"

Seeing the actions of the Dragon King of the Southern Region, Liu Qianlang was very puzzled, and asked King Hailing with a sideways look.

"That's right, within the seal of Luoying Hua'er is indeed Huanyu Lake."

King Hai Ling said without thinking.

"The Dragon King of the Southern Territory seems to be planning to destroy the Luoying Flower Seal Formation. Why is he doing this? Could it be that he can't get in Huanyu Lake, but he can't get in if he wants to? What's his purpose?"

Liu Qianlang was thinking, talking to himself as if he was telling Hailing King, and said this sentence.

"It must be for the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art!"

King Hai Ling said with certainty.

"Oh! They also know the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art?"

Liu Qianlang asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know about this. It stands to reason that these dragon realms in the Netherworld would not know about the Nine Heavens Demon Slayer Sword Art in the heavenly realm. Unless they have contact with the demon gods in the heavenly realm."

King Hai Ling speculates and conjectures, that's all, just say it casually.

"Hehe, it's fine if it's not a small sword."

Liu Qianlang just glanced at the Dragon King of the Southern Territory, then smiled, and turned his gaze to the Luoying flowers all over the sky.

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