Nine Heavens

Chapter 1629 Dragon King of the Southern Region

Chapter 1629: Southern Dragon King

Luoying Hua'er is inside the seal formation, beside Huanyu Lake.

A thrilling battle could break out at any time.

The two sides in the battle are the Dragon King of the Southern Region, the Dragon King of the Northern Region, the Dragon King of the Western Region, the five dragon girls, and finally the Dragon King of the Eastern Region.

On the other side is a child in a Caisi fairy robe made of seven-color Caisi leaves.

This child was rather proud and domineering, lying crookedly in the Dingyang golden sedan chair, carried by ninety-nine and eighty-one sedan chairmen Hai Ling, with a look of disdain, the Dingyang golden sedan chair was floating on Huanyu Lake.

At this moment, above the golden sedan chair in Dingyang, thousands of miles high in the sky, ninety-nine and eighty-one Dumoshen swords led one hundred thousand prehistoric demon swords, entangled with flowers and brought rain.

There were bursts of deep roars, and the violent rainbow shot out, covering the sky and the sun, covering most of the Bojie Dragon Palace, and the momentum was terrifying.

The child glanced at a group of figures on the lakeside with cold eyes, and said coldly: "This sword spirit is playing in Huanyu Lake, and any treasures found here will naturally belong to this sword spirit.

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory immediately put down the aura sword art, otherwise the sword spirit would be unhappy. If you want it, unless you have played enough with this sword spirit and throw it away, you can pick it up again. "

"Bah! Little thing, don't you give up your face? Our Dragon King of the Blood Kuva River Four Regions kindly invited you to come to Bojie Dragon Palace to rest and adjust your breath, but in the end you took the lead and entered the forbidden area of ​​Bojie Dragon Palace casually.

We have never questioned your sins, but now we want to fight for our most precious Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, don't you feel ashamed? "


The Dragon King of the Eastern Territory was full of anger, and he shouted angrily, which caused the dragon kings and dragon girls in front of him to burst into laughter.

"That's right, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword and Sword Spirit are in charge of one hundred thousand immortal swords, so why bother with a group of Lingguang Sword Art. Besides, the Nine Heavens Killing Devil Sword Art is originally a thing of this wave of Jielong Palace.

No matter what you say, it shouldn't be yours. Why bother with the sword spirit? If there is a fight, the Dragon Palace will be in chaos, and it will be bad for everyone. "

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory galloped to the bank of Huanyu Lake at full speed. When he saw the lakeside of Huanyu Lake, there were flowers floating everywhere in the sky and the earth, and the beautiful scenery was pleasant.

Especially in the hands of the Dragon King of the Southern Territory, holding high a group of brilliant swords of light and light, the mist and mist in the light and spirit are like the waves of the sea, and the sky is wide above it. Looking intently, there is a miraculous sword shadow shuttling through it, and the sword carries a divine rainbow with infinite power.

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory was overjoyed in an instant, and he praised the Dragon King of the Southern Territory for his amazing skills.

However, seeing that Zhengling boy's small sword spirit was actually inside the Luoying flower seal formation, he couldn't help being extremely shocked, and really couldn't figure out how the other party got in. So I asked the Dragon King of the Southern Territory.

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory didn't want to know that he had a cold confrontation with Xiaojian who was sitting in the Dingyang golden sedan chair at that time, so that the situation at this moment was formed.

"Dragon Emperor! The Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art is the first divine art of the Immortal Sword. Once you have it, you must never lose it. What do we have to do with a little sword spirit? Just kill him!"

Then, we immediately went to kill Liu Qianlang, seize the Nine Cauldrons of Refining Soul, Yuanshen Sun Moon Furnace and Yinyang Sports Arena, wouldn't it be better to do it in one go. "

The Dragon King of the Eastern Region never expected that the Dragon King of the Southern Region would really destroy Luoying Hua'er's seal formation and find the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art in a moment of ambition. I have a lot of doubts about this, but I have to believe the facts just now.

At this moment, he changed his previous mocking attitude towards the Dragon King of the Southern Territory, and began to admire the Dragon King of the Southern Territory from the bottom of his heart. The eyes and the Dragon King of the Southern Region met in tacit agreement, and they nodded at each other, and then the Dragon King of the Eastern Region suggested.

"Oh, I understand. It turns out that you are the real smoky and turtle bastards. The sword spirit and the hundred thousand sea spirits killed the fake ones before. Let me tell you, why did the majestic evil gods of the heavens get beaten so quickly by us? Just killed.

At that time, you watched millions of blood Kuva turtles being killed, and you didn't go to rescue them, in order to trick us into coming to this wave of Jielong Palace. I thought you had good intentions, but it turned out that it was for the master's human creation treasure!

cut! I advise you to forget it, don't think that you have succeeded in your territory. I won't talk about the master's ability, you can't even beat this sword spirit!

Hurry up, give this sword spirit the Nine Heavens Execution Demon Sword Art, and then you can roll as far as you can, don't affect this sword spirit's tour of the lake. "

Xiaojian put one leg behind his neck as a pillow, looked up at the Luoying flower petals scattered in the sky, and said impatiently.


The Dragon King of the Eastern Region has always been old-fashioned and steady, but at this time because of the Nine Heavens Demon Slayer Sword, he became extremely irritable. As soon as Xiaojian finished speaking, the Dragon King of the Eastern Territory swung a huge hammer with both hands, and swooped down from a height of tens of miles away, hitting Xiaojian directly at the Heavenly Gate.

Hai Longling's transformation into the Dragon King of the Southern Territory suddenly heard a hurricane whistling behind him, and he guessed what happened without looking back.

In a hurry, he hurriedly said a few words to Xiaojian through the sound transmission in his mind, and then a wave of Bojie divine light flashed out of him, deliberately pretending not to know about the attack of the Dragon King of the Eastern Region, and suddenly rose from the ground, unbiased and unbiased It just so happened that the powerful Linghao of Bo Jie's sound and light around him blocked the attack of the Dragon King of the Eastern Region.


The double hammer Chuihong from the Dragon King of the Eastern Region did not have time to hit the little sword, but the blazing evil fire Duyan slammed on the Bojie Divine Light released by King Hailing.

In an instant, thunderbolts and lightnings erupted at the interface of Hammer Hong Guanghao, and at the same time there were bursts of thunder.


The attack of the Dragon King of the Eastern Region immediately aroused the anger of ninety-nine and eighty-one speed demon swords and one hundred thousand prehistoric demon swords in the sky above the small sword.

"Dragon King of the Southern Territory! You?"

The Dragon King of the Eastern Region originally thought that when he called the other party proud, he killed the other party with a hammer, and then what if there were a hundred thousand fairy swords, but he never thought that the always aggressive Dragon King of the Southern Region would block him.

Unable to become angry from embarrassment, he retreated a few miles, stabilized his figure, and asked angrily.

"Haha, Boy Zhengling is a distinguished guest of our Bojie Dragon Palace, and so is his sword spirit. He is just a child, and it is inevitable that he likes to play. Isn't it just that he likes to play with the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art for a while.

Just let him play. Everything is based on the overall situation. Now that we have obtained the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art, we are afraid that he will lose it, so we ask the Dragon King of the Eastern Region to calm down. What do you think, Dragon Emperor, how about playing with this child for a while. "

At this moment, the Dragon King of the Southern Region showed extraordinary wisdom. He first saluted and smiled at the Dragon King of the Eastern Region, and then turned to speak to the Dragon King of the Northern Region.

Hearing the words, the Dragon King of the Northern Territory pondered the look of the Dragon King of the Southern Territory, and nodded again and again.

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