Nine Heavens

Chapter 1630 Lip Fragrance Dew

Chapter 1630 Lip Fragrance Spirit Dew

In fact, speaking of it, the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory is the one who fears Liu Qianlang the most. He always feels that fighting Liu Qianlang head-on has no confidence in winning, so the last thing he wants is to go to war with Liu Qianlang's sword spirit at this moment, so as not to destroy the Dragon Palace, which is sure to win. Fishing plan.

But when the matter developed to this point, there was one thing that had to be faced. At this moment, the identities of himself and the other guardians of Zhongsheng had been exposed in front of Xiaojian. No matter what, it was impossible for Xiaojian and Liu Qianlang to meet.

To do this, the best way is to kill Xiaojian. However, Liu Qianlang will soon find out that it is obviously not feasible to do so.

How to do it, the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory was very embarrassed about this for a while.

Since he couldn't think of a better solution, the Dragon King of the Northern Territory had no choice but to follow the words of the Dragon King of the Southern Territory, hoping that what he just hinted at himself was a good solution.

After nodding, the Dragon Emperor of the Northern Territory looked up at the Hundred Thousand Immortal Sword covering the sky like a cloud, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "

Isn't that right, since the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit likes it, the Dragon King of the Southern Region will give you the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art, let's have enough fun by the picturesque Huanyu Lake.

However, when the game is enough, I would like to ask the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit to return the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art to Bojie Dragon Palace. I wonder what the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit will do? "

"Well, this makes sense. Well, Dragon King of the Southern Territory, then throw me the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art. When I get tired of playing, I will just give it to you."

Xiaojian's bright red eyes flickered for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, even the Dragon Emperor agrees, I hope the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit is also sincere, you see?"

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory had a rare smile on his face, and raised his finger to the Hundred Thousand Immortal Sword high in the sky.

"Hey, that's easy to say, you first throw the Nine Heavens Slayer Demon Sword Art over, and this sword spirit will naturally receive a hundred thousand immortal swords."

Satisfied, Xiaojian stood up, made a tactic with one hand, and reached out to the Dragon King of the Southern Territory for the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword tactic with the other.

"Okay! The Nine Heavens Sword Spirit is refreshing enough to pick up the Nine Heavens Execution Demon Sword Art! But I want to remind the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit that you can play with the Emmanuel Light Sword Art and light balls anyway, and don't try to practice the inner sword art." Mind. Otherwise, the magical power will not be accomplished, and be careful to fall into the devil's abyss!"

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory, which Hailing King had turned into, flicked his sleeves, and with a whoosh, he threw the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art in front of the little sword dozens of miles away.


Seeing this, the Dragon King of the Eastern Region behind the Dragon King of the Southern Region slammed his sleeves fiercely, his face was full of anger, which was extremely ugly. If the Dragon King of the Northern Territory hadn't nodded his head, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory would have wished to chop the little sword alive at this moment.

"One Hundred Thousand Immortal Sword, come back!"

Xiao Jian was also really trustworthy, first received the Nine Heavens Slayer Demon Sword Art, and then summoned with a snap of his mind. Immediately, the One Hundred Thousand Primordial Demon Sword turned into divine light in the sky, entwined in a fluttering dance, merged together, turned into the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and flew into Xiaojian's arms.

"Well, don't worry about this, the owner of the sedan chair is just looking at the light ball of the Emmanuel Sword Art for fun. As for the sword art inside, the owner of the sedan chair is not interested at all! You can go, what should you do, my sword Ling continued to play. Everyone, Hai Ling, get up the sedan chair!"

Xiao Jian was very satisfied. He glanced around at the nine dragon kings and dragon girls dancing in dragon robes and skirts, waved his hands, and said.

Then, ninety-nine and eighty-one people carrying the sedan chair Hailing shouted in unison: "Get up!"

In the blink of an eye, the Dingyang golden sedan chair was already flying away, with a small sword standing on it, embracing the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, with a relaxed attitude.

"The Nine Heavens Sword Spirit is truly a hero. The god is unrestrained. He travels around mountains and rivers, forgetting about the scenery. However, it is a pity that there is only beautiful scenery and no delicious food.

There are countless magical fruits planted in the dragon king of this domain, and it happens that there is a bottle of lip fragrance Lingluxing in his arms. This fairy fruit only exists in the heavens, and has never been heard in the world. Now give it to Nine Heavens Sword Spirit to enjoy, hope you have a good time! Ha ha"

The Dragon King of the Southern Region saw the little sword gradually going away, so he deliberately exaggerated and complimented him.

The little sword stood upright in the golden sedan chair in Dingyang, fluttering, and had already traveled tens of miles away. When he suddenly heard the words of the Dragon King of the Southern Territory, he couldn't help but look back.

The Dragon King of the Southern Region showed a strange look in his eyes. He looked around the Dragon King of the Northern Region, the Dragon King of the Eastern Region, the Dragon King of the Western Region and the four dragon girls. Then he smiled mysteriously and took out a pure white jade bottle from his arms.

Inside the pure white jade bottle, there is a faint blue sparkle, and you can clearly see the blue strange fruits the size of a fingernail. float in it.

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory raised the pure white jade bottle in front of the Dragon Kings and Dragon Girls, and then suddenly threw it high into the sky.


Seeing the white jade bottle, all the Dragon Kings and Dragon Girls laughed happily, and finally knew the intention of the Dragon King of the Southern Region.

Xiaojian didn't know what the so-called Lip Fragrance Spirit Dew Star was, but Xi Ying, who became Princess Qingyao, knew that the Lip Fragrance Spirit Dew Star was actually the fruit of a kind of ecstasy grass that grew in the Xuekuba Henan Region.

This kind of fruit moisturizes the throat and teeth, and the fragrance is unmistakable, but it is a highly hypnotic thing. No matter how high your cultivation level is, you will suddenly lose your soul and become unconscious after taking it.

Those with strong cultivation can wake up in a hundred years, those with medium cultivation can only wake up in a thousand years, and low-level monks can be regarded as dead. Of course, if you take the antidote, it's another matter.

"Hiss, Princess Qingyao thought to herself, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of King Hailing? Help the other party, so, if Xiaojian is controlled by them, wouldn't Xiaojian's life be in danger!?"

Although it was only for a moment, Princess Qingyao thought a lot.

"Wow! It smells so good, thank you Dragon King of the Southern Territory, haha"

When Princess Qingyao was contemplating, she suddenly heard Xiaojian's laughter from a distance, and she couldn't help but look for it.


Seeing Xiaojian catch the white jade bottle, open the bottle, sniff it, and start to eat it, the Dragon King of Four Regions and the four Dragon Girls burst into laughter. Then amidst their laughter, Xiao Jian's body tilted and fell down.

"The domain emperor waits, let the dragon king of this domain crush those sea spirits to death, and bring him back. He is also worthy to take away the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art!"

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory suddenly stopped laughing, roaring away through the clouds, and before he arrived, a pair of pitch-black sledgehammers blasted out two jet-black evil rainbows.

Princess Qingyao didn't even have time to blink her eyes, when she saw ninety-nine and eighty-one people carrying sedan chairs, Hai Ling and Dingyang golden sedan chair, were suddenly engulfed by the pitch-black evil rainbow.

Afterwards, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory, which King Hai Ling had turned into, flew back with a double hammer in his left hand and a small sword in his right, whistling.

"Yuhuang, catch the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art—"

While whizzing and galloping, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory laughed wildly, slapped Xiaojian, and summoned the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art from the sea of ​​his body, and pushed it along, the aura of the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art quickly flew towards the Dragon King of the Northern Territory .

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