Nine Heavens

Chapter 1631 Hai Lingyuan Lies

Chapter 1631 Hai Ling Yuan Lie

"Oh ha ha! Well, the Dragon King of the Southern Region is indeed brave, and what he did today is even more intelligent! We finally got the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art. Let's go, let's go back and celebrate for you!"

The Dragon King of the Northern Territory held the aura of the Nine Heavens Punishing Devil Sword Jue and sealed it in the palms of his palms, enveloping it like a ball, as if afraid of losing it again, he laughed and shouted.

When it came in, it flew like lightning, and when it left, it also disappeared like lightning, laughing wildly all the way.

"How to deal with this kid, let's not hide it from the Dragon King of the Eastern Region, the Dragon King of the Western Region and the five dragon nephews. I have killed all the 100,000 sea spirits who were invincible before. Just kill it!"

Seeing the Dragon King of the Northern Territory laughing wildly, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory turned into the Dragon King of the Sea Dragon King looked around at the Dragon Kings and Dragon Girls who had not left yet and proposed.

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory was speaking, and he had already swung the pitch-black sledgehammer, intending to smash the little sword to death immediately.

"Dragon King of the Southern Territory, wait a minute. Now their helper Hundred Thousand Hailings has been killed by you, leaving only Zhengling Boy and the half-dead him. Killing him is like trampling an ant to death.

Why don't we keep him first, in case the righteous boy plays some tricks, we can use him as a shield. Haha, the Dragon King of the Southern Territory really has you. You actually like to eat a few mouthfuls of the lip-flavored dew star that a group of Blood Kuva River brats like, and it’s still playing a big role now!

The Dragon King of this domain has offended so much today, if we listen to the Dragon King of this domain, I am afraid we still do not know when he will be able to obtain the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art. In the past, the dragon king of this domain underestimated the dragon king of the southern domain. Today, the dragon king of this domain apologizes to you! "

At the critical moment, the Dragon King of the Eastern Region stopped the Dragon King of the Southern Region and apologized ashamedly.

"Hey! You and I are both thinking about the great cause of Blood Kuva River's Underworld Tyrant, but it's just the same. There is no need for this. If I apologize, I ask the Dragon King of the Eastern Region to tolerate my hot temper!"

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory stopped, shook his head and smiled heartily.

"Hehe, Yunjie is really happy to see the two Uncle Long finally reconciled. We'd better go soon. Daddy Yuhuang probably ordered someone to set up a celebration banquet. If you have anything to say, can't we go back and talk about it?"

Seeing the dragon kings of the two domains laughing at each other and saying something about themselves, Yunyu and the other dragon girls nodded and smiled.

Princess Qingyao naturally pretended to agree, but her heart was broken. She was worried that King Hailing would not pretend to be the Dragon King of the Southern Region. But it turned out that this guy was even worse than the real Dragon King of the Southern Region, and he even proposed to kill Xiaojian, secretly worrying about Xiaojian's next fate.

Apart from Princess Qingyao who was worried about Xiaojian, another person was also very annoyed. This person was none other than Xiaojian himself.

When Xiaojian heard that King Hailing was going to smash himself to death, he felt upset for a while, and cursed King Hailing ten thousand times. During the period, he secretly opened one eye many times to warn King Hailing not to go too far, but King Hailing didn't even look at himself.

Xiaojian regretted deeply, he should not have agreed to this guy's acting just now, and pretended to swallow that bottle of Lip Fragrance Lingluxing.

But I didn't expect my subordinates to be so ruthless to me at critical moments, and it's fine to pretend to be dizzy, but it's terrible to let him hold her with her arms and legs drooping and her head down.

"Haha, what Yun Ling said is right, let's go back quickly, enjoy the sword art, and taste the fine wine! As for this little thing."

"Qingyao is the youngest among the five dragon daughters. Why don't you just give this little thing to Qingyao for safekeeping. If he wakes up, he will be Qingyao's favorite!"

The Dragon King of the Eastern Region raised his head and laughed loudly, agreeing with Yunji's words, and was about to tell the plan to deal with Xiaojian next, not wanting to be preempted by the Dragon King of the Southern Region. And the Dragon King of the Southern Region has already made a move, throwing the small sword in his hand to Qingyao.

The Dragon King of the Eastern Region intended to hand over the little sword to Yunyu, but seeing that the Dragon King of the Southern Region had already thrown the little sword to Princess Qingyao, it was difficult to say anything. Nod in agreement.

"You have a conscience, dammit, just wait, when this matter is over, I will ask you to carry the sedan chair for me personally!"

When Xiaojian heard that King Hailing had arranged for Princess Xiying to become Princess Qingyao, his anger subsided a little, but he was still swearing angrily in his heart.

"By the way, Uncle Long of the Southern Territory, Yun Yu is very strange. Luoying's flower seal formation has never been opened, but why is this sword spirit inside, and how did those sea spirits get in, Nephew Long If you really don’t understand, please ask Uncle Long for advice.”

A group of people chatted and laughed, and began to fly out of Huanyu Lake. During the flight, Yun Ling asked suddenly.

"Hehe, you talk about them, they were already inside, when I was destroying Luoying Hua'er's seal array. While I wasn't paying attention, they got in ahead of time from the crack in the seal that was blown by me .

When I found out, I was extremely angry, so after I destroyed Luoying's flower formation, the first thing I did was to use the technique of isolation and sealing to divide them into different areas and strike suddenly, Killed all the sea spirits.

Just when I was about to attack Nine Heavens Sword Spirit, I heard you guys coming in, so I gave up on him and found Nine Heavens Slayer Demon Sword Art first.

What's ridiculous is that the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit was being carried, only caring about himself in the mist of Luoying flowers in Huanyu Lake, and he still doesn't know that I killed his companion! "

The Dragon King of the Southern Territory heard the words, looked at Princess Qingyao behind him, and said with disdain.


"It turned out to be like this. Looking at his cleverness and eccentricity, he turned out to be such an idiot. Uncle Dragon King of the Southern Territory killed well. However, Yun Yu thought that a hundred thousand sea spirits were killed. Such a big thing can fool the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit, but No matter what, I can't hide it from Zhengling Tongzi's mother.

What should he do if he finds out that the hundred thousand sword spirits are gone? And this Nine Heavens Sword Spirit is unconscious now, how can we temporarily deceive him? "

Yun Ling thought about the question very thoughtfully, stroked his thoughts back and forth, and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry about nephew Yunyulong, the Dragon King has already thought about it, one hundred thousand sea spirits, we can choose one hundred thousand ghost shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the Blood Kuva River, change them into one hundred thousand sea spirits, and then order them to surround them Around the dormitory of the soul boy.

In this way, we can deceive the boy of the spirit, and if necessary, these 100,000 ghost shrimp soldiers and crab generals from the Blood Kuva River can attack them in groups, helping us complete the plan to kill the boy of the spirit and seize the treasure.

As for the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit, Princess Qingyao will take care of it if it’s real, if it’s fake, it’s not easy to handle, hehe.”

When the Dragon King of the Southern Territory said this, he turned his head, and his eyes shot out two green lights, and a group of figures appeared by the Huanyu Lake dozens of miles away behind him.

Yun Ling and everyone looked at it and shouted in unison: "Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Princess Qingyao had to admire at this moment, this King Hailing was really smart, he told a lot of lies just now, and now he created the illusion that Xiaojian was still sitting in the golden sedan chair in Dingyang and swimming in the lake.

What he says and does, if ominous and deliberate, can really bluff people for a while.

"The fake Nine Heavens Sword Spirit can be concealed from the world. I guess Zhengling Boy knows that his sword spirit is playful, so he won't come to look for it. But one hundred thousand sword spirits is not a small number. One hundred thousand ghost shrimp soldiers and crabs will become one hundred thousand sea spirits, and then they will be arranged around the Zhengling boys?"

Princess Qingyao followed everyone else in complimenting Queen Hailing, and asked with flashing eyes.

"Well, it seems that there is Lao Qingyao. Among the five dragon girls, you are the most quiet and not lively. How about leaving the matter of the hundred thousand sea spirits to you?"

Hearing this, King Hailing sneaked a hint to Princess Qingyao and said.

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