Nine Heavens

Chapter 1656 Fuling Sword Art

Chapter 1656: Fuling Sword Art

Liu Qianlang was shocked when he heard the words, especially when the other party said that he was just a pawn of the original fairy god, he felt extremely uncomfortable. However, it will not show it in front of the blood death.

"That's right! The spirit master thought that you were staying in the infinitely deep and deep underground areas of the five human worlds, and you have long been ignorant of the affairs of the three realms. I never thought that you have been in contact with each other for countless years, and everything is under planning. It's just a pity"

Liu Qianlang shook his head and sighed halfway through speaking.

"What a pity!?"

Xuezhu was covered in a torrent of blood roaring and rushing, standing in the center of the vast sea of ​​blood, and asked with a twitching breath.

"It's a pity to meet this spirit lord! Because of the appearance of this spirit lord, the inner and outer prisons of the five worlds you controlled were destroyed by this spirit lord, and the seventy-seventy-nine levels of hell will no longer exist, just chaos You can't defeat the Heaven, Earth, Man, Three Realms and Nine Domains of the universe, so why talk about dominating the Nine Directions Universe!

You have no chance to breathe in the five worlds, and you have lost your existence space in the Nether Hell. Now, you will all leave one after another in the seventy-nine levels of Hell, the Netherworld. Do you think it is a success in this situation? "

In Liu Qianlang's hand, he was playing with the Lingshan in his hand freely, looking at the vortex of the million-cone heart torture officer controlled in front of the huge black steel awl in front of the other party, as if admiring the elegant scenery, he said with a slight smile.

"Haha, the existence of the Nether Inner and Outer Prisons, manipulating and enslaving the five human worlds is nothing more than waiting for your appearance. Now you are walking towards us step by step, seeking your own death. The meaning of time and space is no longer important.

The only thing that matters is letting you die. Originally, I thought that the army of hundreds of millions of Star Dou spirits sent to the dark spirit world would kill you without any problem. And this blood died here to spend his tens of billions of birthdays, and then he went back to heaven. He didn't want the Prince Bo Jie to appear suddenly to help you, so now this blood dead has no choice but to kill you with his own hands! "

Xuezhi laughed wildly when he heard Liu Qianlang's provocative words.

"Oh! It turns out that I, a little wave, have received so much attention from you. It seems that my chess piece is not simple. Please tell me, after killing you, the next one waiting to die is who?"

Liu Qianlang was silent for a moment, and the sound transmission in his mind told Hailing King to control the 100,000 Hailing army to retreat thousands of miles, then sighed, the purpose was to know the whereabouts of Zhong Xingyuanshen's other distractions.

"Kill me!? Pfft——haha. Look at those sword slaves of Dumo Sword Ancestor, they are really cheap, so what if they follow you, they ran away at the critical moment!"

On the head of the blood, the blood sprayed the waves, and the mouth shot the flood. Why did the blood die? Liu Qianlang didn't look like a sign that he had the ability to kill himself, so he couldn't help laughing even more violently. Going, like a fountain tens of thousands of miles high in the vast sea of ​​blood, because the body shakes, the blood waterfall roars.

"Brother Hailing, the fairy sword art you just gave me is called the Nine Heavens Slaying Demons Sword Art, right? Jue Zhuming, Killing Demons, Slaying Demons, Subduing Spirits, Breaking the Universe, Making Squares, Building Spirits, Expanding Margins, Opening the Sky.

Among the Nine Realms Sword Art, among them, the Four Realms Sword Art of Hell Demon and Demon Spirit, the spirit master should be able to practice it. It's better like this, King Hailing and the 100,000 Hailing brothers surround the sky to protect the dharma, let the spirit master start practicing now.

By the way, let Xuede see how the spirit master practiced the Sword Art of the Four Realms, and then died under the Sword Art of the Four Realms. Oh yes! If any prisoner from the heart-cone hell or the blood demon in his body escapes, the King of Sea Spirit must not be polite, kill him however he likes, even if he is happy! "

Seeing King Hai Ling's sarcasm, Liu Qianlang did not answer the other party's words, but responded with a more joking tone.

"Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art! You got Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art!? Oh haha. This is really great. Zhong Zhizhi is determined to obtain the Nine Great Spiritual Treasures. Demon Slayer Sword Art, Soul Refining Nine Cauldrons, Yin-Yang Sports Altar, Yuanshen Sun-Moon Furnace, Shenlong Tiandial, Youlan Guyue. Except for the Heavenly Realm Moyun and Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal, they are all here with you.

As long as you die, it will all be mine, haha, you can practice, I want to see how funny a dying person is playing with a sword. "

"Sneezes, sneezes, hahaha."

The vortex controlled by the blood-death black steel awl is tens of thousands of vortexes. The executioner and the blood demons in the body who stretched out their heads again looked at Liu Qianlang, who was standing alone and proud with white hair, as if looking at a dead person, and followed the blood. Death bursts with evil smiles.

"Hehe, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword is here!"

Liu Qianlang didn't pay attention to the death of blood any more, his eyes swept around Zhou Tian, ​​and he put his hands on the Lingshan Mountain to sacrifice thousands of miles above his head, raised his arm to hold the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, and called out a pure white wine cup with the other hand On the altar, nine clouds of wine fluttered above his head, and the sword flew instantly with a lot of wine, and he started to practice as if no one was there.


"Wine waves fly through the air like the sea, and sword shadows fly like a river. Cultivate the wild dragon whistling in ten directions, white hair flying wildly like sundial waves"

Liu Qianlang not only drank and practiced swords in front of Xueshi, but also sang along with the fangs and claws of the innumerable cultivating dragons who are used to the miraculous.

Looking at it like that, it doesn't seem like facing a strong enemy, but rather like meeting a confidant in wine and being free and unrestrained.

"Boom! Boom!"



Liu Qianlang began to practice the four-world sword art of Zhu Ming, Killing Demons, Slaying Demons, and Subduing Spirits. The sky is holding Lingshan's vast righteous spirit in its hands, and the vast dragon, sky dial, chaotic time and space, and the divine rainbow are surging together, plus Liu Qianlang's nine chaotic divine powers flash, and the first three worlds of swordsmanship are completed just by walking the pulse.

Liu Qianlang danced his sword across the sky, his initial movements were not fast, and he threw his head up and poured wine from time to time.

Jianfeng Feihong is also gorgeous and divided, with auspicious clouds all over the sky, and its momentum is not very powerful. However, as the howls of countless cultivating dragons grew louder and denser, Liu Qianlang's movements became faster and faster. In the end, Xuede and his minions could no longer see Liu Qian clearly. The face of the waves.

"Blood death! Could it be that he is playing tricks and wants to escape! Let's hurry up and kill him. If we let him escape, wouldn't it be a pity for those divine treasures! It would be even more amazing if Zhong Xing asked the crime!"

"That's right, blood death! If he really succeeds in practicing the Fuling Sword Art, then the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword will be the Fuling Divine Sword. This sword will become the sword master of the world. There is nothing that can't be killed. As ghost spirit bodies, aren't we exactly his goal!"

"Blood death, the king of the purple coffin mound is right, he doesn't look like he is lying, the movement of the sword rainbow is indeed similar to the sword of the sword ancestor of Dumo sword!"

From a distance, I saw Liu Qianlang hundreds of thousands of miles away, among countless dragons, with white hair flying wildly, and sword dancing in the wine jar. The thunderbolt sword rainbow is like a burst of strange light, shooting in all directions. The momentum is fierce and fierce, the sword rainbow shoots at the place, the earth divides into ravines, mountains fall and the ground cracks, and the sky and stars fall into clouds and remnants.

Seeing it in his eyes, the tens of thousands of torturers controlled by Xuesheng couldn't help being frightened, and all the blood demons in Xuesheng's body also felt that the crisis was serious, and they clamored to urge Xuesheng to do something.

When Xuede heard the words, he also took it seriously. After a roar, he flew into the air, and then rushed towards Liu Qianlang with countless hurricane vortexes like lightning.

Liu Qianlang had been prepared for a long time, the moment the opponent soared into the sky, his body tens of thousands of miles high suddenly split into countless pieces, and they all continued to practice the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, facing the enemy like a flying sword with a lot of wine.

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