Nine Heavens

Chapter 1657

Chapter 1657

"Blood venerables from all walks of life, blood immortals, blood demons, blood demons from the underworld, blood mothers from the underworld, blood lords, ghosts and basin gods, kings of the coffin and tomb palaces... all the torturers, listen to my orders! Break through the demons immediately! Those sword slaves of the Sword Ancestor, killed five people, and then killed people when they saw people, and beasts when they saw beasts, and let the banner of my blood death stand all over the world!

As for this righteous boy, let me stab him to death myself! Act now, kill me! "

Xuede roared and rushed towards Liu Qianlang, and even had countless clones, he roared and ordered.

"Yes! Bloody death is distracting! Follow the law!"

The sound of blood death fell, and countless bloody holes appeared on his body in an instant, and all kinds of blood gods, blood immortals, blood demons and other ghost blood creatures flew out of it like a flood, together with the huge black cyan head in front of him. The tens of thousands of torturers controlled by Zhuo shot at the Hailing King's army in all directions.

In the next second, the 100,000 sea spirits from ten directions led by King Hailing had already fought with them.

On Liu Qianlang's side, a pair of Xuansteel awls that are more than a thousand miles in size and pushed towards the heart of countless clones of Liu Qianlang.


The double cone of blood death is like a rainbow, seeing Liu Qianlang's countless cultivating dragons like worms, Xuanqing Cone Rainbow passed by, and a large number of cultivating dragons were pierced or broken. The dead dragon howled endlessly, it was very tragic.

Immediately afterwards, countless bloody deaths flew in the air, taking the lives of every Liu Qianlang.

"Haha. Good wine!"

However, when seeing the blood death Xuanqing double cone was about to pierce Liu Qianlang's chest, countless Liu Qianlang didn't hold out his sword to meet the enemy at the critical moment, but instead poured wine on the top and shouted good wine.

"Oh my god! Master be careful!"

Xiaojian's spirit body curled up inside the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and when he saw that his master was about to die, he yelled loudly, and then closed his eyes.


"Boom—Boom! Boom!"

Immediately Xiaojian heard screams, and then heard the sound of mountains collapsing. Xiaojian secretly thought in his heart that the master must have finished playing. He didn't dare to open his eyes to see the master's tragedy. He closed his eyes and waited for the spirit sword of Jiutian Xianyuanjian to hit the ground with a bang, and he suffered a shock of despair.

However, Xiaojian has not waited for this moment for a long time. Instead, he feels that the spirit sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword outside his body has more and more powerful aura and divine power. The power of the fairy sword, and the power of the quadruple sword spirit.

"Hee hee! The master is not dead!"

Xiaojian realized that his master was fine, so he immediately opened his eyes, flashing the eyes of the sword spirit, through the boundary of the sword body, Jianhong time and space, he saw that the master was stepping on the dragon sundial, with white hair fluttering around, pouring wine freely, Can't help laughing and shouting.

And those master clones are continuing to fight inextricably with those blood-dead clones, and some of the blood-dead clones have been shot down by the master's clone Fu Ling Shenjian.

"Hehe, the Fuling Sword Jue is really powerful. My spirit master just played a few tricks at will, and the blood-dead Xuansteel Awl couldn't move forward. It seems that the primordial spirit who claimed to be the number one evil god in the heaven just now God, it must be a bullshit. It is rumored that the number one evil god in the heavens is so great, how can his distraction be so useless!

The spirit master only activated the nine-level power of the Fuling Sword Art, so the blood-dead avatar could not get close, and even the main body could not move forward.

well! It's really not addictive. I thought I could fight you to death for several years, but I didn't expect you to be such a waste. Xiaojian, I have successfully practiced the Fuling Sword Art, and you should deal with this blood death next.

I continue to fight with such trash, I am afraid that others will find out in the future, it will be embarrassing! "

After Liu Qianlang cloned himself suddenly, he didn't want to waste time with the opponent, so he almost used all the nine chaotic divine powers in his body, and at the same time exerted the power of the Fuling Sword Art to the limit, forcing Xuede and his countless clones back with one move.

Then, deliberately pretending to be casual and relaxed, ascended to a higher cloud, took Xiaojian's words after a long time, and continued to pour wine and laugh pretending to be relaxed.

Liu Qianlang's unrestrained and unrestrained Fu Ling sword move was smooth and simple. It was just a slash in the air, and then so casually, he flew tens of thousands of miles into the clouds.

Neither the small sword nor the blood dead who was struck back in shock did not see that Liu Qianlang had used all his strength just now, so one worshiped and the other was astonished. Staring blankly at Liu Qianlang's heroic pouring of wine, it was like watching a god.

"Boom! Boom!"

After being stunned for a while, Xuezhi was furious, wishing he could fly up to the sky and stab Liu Qianlang to death. However, he pierced thousands of Liu Qianlang's avatars one after another, yet he never dared to take any risks.

"Hehe, Xiao Jian hasn't done it yet, I'm annoyed when I see these messy things, don't let them spoil the spirit master's pleasure, Liu Qianlang is really worried that Blood Death will attack him again.

If this is the case, although it will not be a failure, the battle will definitely be prolonged. The opponent will find that his strength has been brought to the extreme, and he will definitely fight against him without any scruples. In the end, both sides will suffer.

In addition, the 100,000 sea spirits are facing tens of thousands of heart-cone hell judges and countless blood demons. If he doesn't help, the two Bojie Lingbo divine rainbows and the 100,000 sea spirits will definitely not be able to stop them. They broke into the room of five people.

It was based on these considerations that Liu Qianlang fought back Xuede and its countless clones with one blow, and then planned to let Xiaojian control the Fuling Sword Art that he had just practiced to fight again.

With the Fu Ling Jian Jue cloth sword, plus his countless clones, and hundreds of millions of immortal swords and dragons participating in the battle, Liu Qianlang ensured that Xiaojian would undoubtedly win. So reminded again.

"Hey! Don't worry, Master, I'll leave these mountains of blood to Xiaojian!"

Seeing his master so casually, Xiaojian repelled the blood death. After some admiration, he immediately forgot about being chased and stabbed in the butt.

The next moment, riding on the hundreds of millions of immortal swords and dragons, they roared towards Xuede and its countless clone positions that retreated hundreds of thousands of miles, and then killed them until the sky was dimmed.

"Brother Hailing King! Take action quickly and kill these heart-pricking torturers and blood demons as soon as possible!"

Liu Qianlang saw Xiaojian rushing into the battle to fight, and when he continued to pretend to drink freely, he was eager to think about King Hailing.

King Hai Ling is summoning one hundred thousand sea spirits to kill tens of thousands of torturers and countless blood demons. Although the number of beheads is unknown, the situation is still not optimistic. The opponent's strength is too great. The spirit is submerged in it, like a lone moon falling into the sea, shining radiantly, but it is overwhelming.

Now I suddenly heard Liu Qianlang's eager voice, and knew that Liu Qianlang's assessment of the situation was not optimistic, but in order to stabilize Liu Qianlang's mood, he laughed loudly: "Haha, the spirit master is so domineering, and the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword is here! The spirit sword technique is really powerful, defeating the enemy with one sword, the spirit king of this sea admires it!

Otherwise, the Spirit Master would also help Ben Hailing King to do one and a half tricks, so that these blood demon executioners will die early and feel comfortable, so that they will not be smashed into a mess by us! "

King Hai Ling's words were complete, not only preserved Liu Qianlang's invincible aura, but also set a stage for Liu Qianlang to help him.

"Hmm! My spirit master only cares about drinking and makes my brothers suffer. It's really not good. Well, then, my spirit master flew around, and Shenlong Tiandial held the spirit mountain to swallow demons and drown ghosts. Haha."

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang laughed heartily, and flew away on the Shenlong Tiandial, circling around the space around the blood flood mountain before, holding the Lingshan emerald rainbow in his hand, and the Shenlong Tiandial, dragon roaring and sword chanting under his feet. , Ninety-nine eighty-one sculptural dragon balls danced, shooting out the magnificent light and glory of the righteous spirit like the tide of the sea, rolling in unison and pushing towards the tens of thousands of torturers and countless blood around the previous location of the mountain of blood flood magic.



Seeing the situation, King Hailing immediately summoned one hundred thousand Hailings to the best position, attacking from inside and outside, cooperating with Liu Qianlang, quickly attacked the blood demon and the criminal officer.

Before, thousands of torturers and countless blood demons were originally out of advantages, but when Liu Qianlang joined, the situation suddenly reversed, and a large number of blood demons were annihilated by Shenlong Tiandial, holding Lingshan Guanghao in their hands, or by a hundred thousand Hai Ling was crushed to death, and ghosts and wolves howled all over the sky in an instant.

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