Nine Heavens

Chapter 1692

Chapter 1692 Seven Women in Danger

"Boss, the eighteen gates of hell you mentioned are already ahead. Do you want to smash these junks immediately, and please say something to the boss."

The giant Langyuanmen team is the vanguard of ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons. The ring seam dragon and his beloved wife Princess Yinling of the Tea Kingdom control the white horse and golden car. Suddenly, the soul peak dragon shakes the overlord's painted halberd and turns back to look at the center of the team. Liu Qianlang shouted.

"Brother Huanfeng, don't be impatient. I heard that the eighteen gates of hell are very strange. Entering any gate will reverse time and space, and let all our efforts return to the original point. Therefore, we should not attack immediately. Set up camp, and make more decisions after I wait for Xiangjia to investigate!"

Although Liu Qianlang was chatting intimately with the eight beloved wives around him, his spiritual sense was always watching the movement in front of the team. Hearing that the pioneer dragon Huanfeng Shenlong asked for orders, he immediately gave the order to stop marching and set up camp.

"All the Langyuan Shenyi army listened to the order, stopped advancing immediately, and floated to the camp to rest!"

Hearing the order from the head master, Shenlong Huanfeng didn't dare to neglect, and immediately sent the order down, and then saw the vast Langyuanmen team between heaven and earth suddenly stop advancing. Immediately afterwards, various parts set up powerful light and rainbow barriers around the periphery to ensure that they would not be afraid of sudden attacks from the eighteen gates of hell. This is the so-called heavenly camp.

However, in the entire Langyuan Sect supernatural force, except for Liu Qianlang who is as stable as Mount Tai and really does not want to venture into it for the time being, the other forces are all eager to try, wishing to rush into the strange color flying sand and rocks thousands of miles away immediately, to see the so-called What are the eighteen gates of hell?

Especially the three forces are the most prominent. Two of the forces are naturally the small sword that controls the billions of celestial swords and dragons, and the three-color fire baby of Dong Lingyang Lord who controls the five-fire dragon. As for the third force, it can be guessed without mentioning that it is headed by Xiao Lian, supported by the eldest sister Da Tianling, the Seven Fairies and the little golden monkey.

"Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong, Huanfeng Shenlong Uncle! Aunt Yinling."

Huanfeng Shenlong and other ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons have been honed under the Langyuan Sect for many years, and their hot temper back then has subsided a lot. After hearing the order from the head master to stop advancing, they obediently garrisoned the army and threw the overlord's halberd to the sky Standing upright, the vast blade rainbow forms a huge light curtain of 100,000, blocking the 18 hell gates and the waves of the mysterious army. On the one hand, it prevents the enemy from attacking. Observe the movements of the eighteen gates of hell.

Huanfeng Shenlong finished what he had to do, and sat cross-legged in the golden car with his beloved wife, Princess Yinling, ready to adjust his breath, and then listen to the orders of the head master Liu Qianlang at any time.

The couple had just decided on their figures and hadn't done their work when they suddenly saw seven beautiful girls flashing into the white horse and golden chariot. Then they all screamed like they had honey on their mouths.

"Hehe, the seven great fairies are here together, what kind of tricks are they playing?"

With her usual unquiet attitude towards the Seven Sisters, Princess Yinling of the Tea Country guessed that the Seven Sisters must have something to do to come together, but asked jokingly.

"Why do you listen to what daddy the head says? Are there eighteen hell gates in the chaotic area ahead? Uncle Huanfeng opened a gap in the light curtain of Bawang's painting halberd, and let us sisters go over and explore first." How is it?"

When the seven sisters heard that the other party had figured out their trick, they looked around at each other for a moment, not knowing how to speak. Xiao Lian rolled her eyes, but she didn't think of any way to cover it up, so she said it directly.

"Oh! It turns out that the seven great fairies did it for this. It doesn't matter what I said to you Uncle Huanfeng. If you want to go over, you have to ask your head, the spirit master father! In the light curtain of Bawang Huaji, The spirit master's soul thought is also in it."

When Princess Yinling heard Xiaolian's words, she couldn't help being excited, she quickly gave Huanfeng Shenlong a tacit look, and then smiled.

"Haha, what your Aunt Yinling said is right, the spirit master of the sect master has already guessed about you naughty ghosts, so he has taken care of me a long time ago. My idea, let me stop it, otherwise if you have an accident, ask me to show you!"

Huanfeng Shenlong's eyes flashed, and he said with a serious face.

"Cut! You're lying! The head master spirit master daddy wouldn't talk like that, no matter how big a mistake you make, he won't blame you, the head daddy wouldn't blame anyone at all, what's the matter If you know what to do, you can handle it yourself!"

Don't underestimate Blue Butterfly, her ability to perceive words and emotions is top-notch. She has read the lies between Princess Yinling and Huanfeng Shenlong from Princess Yinling's strange eyes, and she shouted in an unconvinced voice.

"Sister Blue Butterfly, you can't talk to Uncle Huanfenglong and Auntie Huanfeng so impolitely, besides exploring the eighteen hell gates area, didn't we also bring love flower wine brewed by Mrs. Uncle Long and Auntie's.

Hee hee, Uncle Huanfeng, Auntie, please don't get angry! This one is for you. "

As soon as Lan Die finished speaking, Xiao Lian took out an exquisite white jade jug from her bosom, raised her hands above her head respectfully, and offered a gift with a smile.

"Hmm! It's really the love wine that Mrs. Pa'er Zun promised to give me and you, hehe, thank you, Lian'er."

Huanfeng Shenlong and Princess Yinling looked at each other, and their faces were immediately filled with gratification. Huanfeng Shenlong took the white wine pot in Lian'er's hand and nodded.

"Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong and Auntie are very polite, Xiao Lian is just passing it on. I just don't know if the love flower wine this time is suitable for Uncle Long and Auntie. It is best for Uncle Long and Auntie to taste it, or smell it. Take a taste, give me an explanation for whether it is good or bad, and we seven sisters will go back later, so we can explain to Fang Erniang.

"Hehe, good, I will taste it right away."

Huanfeng Shenlong didn't doubt Xiaolian's words at all, took the white jade jug, smiled, and immediately brought the white jade jug to his nostrils to sniff.

"Oh! Mrs. Pa'er Zun is really getting better and better, and the taste of this love flower wine is getting more and more memorable. You smell the silver bell, it's so beautiful!"

Huanfeng Shenlong had smelled it himself, and specially brought the white jade jug in front of Princess Yinling to let her smell it.

However, Huanfeng Shenlong suddenly felt heavy all over, and fainted in front of his eyes. Immediately, Princess Yinling also snorted and fell into a coma.

"Hee hee! Sister Blue Butterfly, see, I still have a way, let's go, we will pass through the light curtain of the Overlord's painted halberd, and then destroy the eighteen gates of hell. I feel like I’m coming back.”

Xiao Lian Tihai did have a bottle of love flower wine, but it was not given to Huanfeng Shenlong and Princess Yinling, but she had asked Fangerniang, the owner of Love Flower Palace, for it. Now, suddenly, Xiao Lian was given a strange technique, and it came in handy.

Next, the seven girls didn't say much, each of them stepped on the Lingqi Lingbao and shot towards the light curtain of the Overlord's Halberd in an instant, and then shot into the flying sand and rocks thousands of miles away.

In the white horse and golden car behind, Huanfeng Shenlong and Princess Yinling leaned on each other, sleeping in a daze.

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