Nine Heavens

Chapter 1693 often bitter curse

Chapter 1693 often bitter curse

Although the Tianling Seven Sisters did not have the shuttle to help them, they each had supernatural powers.

Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou and Liusha all have heavenly wings to help them fly, and they can fly thousands of miles in an instant. Die Er and Lan Die have the help of Dragon Ball and Dragon Spirit, and they are also instant Ruosi. Xiao Lian and Xiao Jinhou Xiao Liu even have the magical rainbow silk flow through the clouds, faster than the six sisters, flying far ahead.

Among the flying sand and stones of all kinds of strong and evil colors, the seven sisters galloped ups and downs, and gradually felt that the whole body became extremely cold and oppressive, so they covered their body protection spirits one after another, and looked at them through the chaos, like seven mysterious Colorful light bubbles are flying strangely in the space.



With such a speeding speed, the Seven Sisters flew at least for several hours by feeling.

Suddenly, the Seven Sisters heard the sudden appearance of eighteen groups of light walls that could penetrate into the sky, penetrate into the inexplicable depth of the earth, and go into the inexplicable depth of the earth, from which burst out a vortex of light and color. The sound of the soul-stirring mantra.

"Huh? What's that thing in front of you? The sound is so ugly. What does it mean?"

Xiao Lian fluttered on the rainbow damask, and continued to fly, did not slow down because of this, but looked at the front in amazement, Wan Liyao asked the six sisters behind her.

"Sister Lian'er, be careful. We have already reached the eighteen gates of hell. Behind the eighteen walls of light are the eighteen gates of hell that the head master spirit master mentioned!"

In the rear, Tianling, who is now a girl of seventeen or eighteen, is still eccentric, but she is extremely wise. She has inherited the characteristics of the sons and daughters of the Niangshui tribe. She is surrounded by a layer of faint blue water mist. The dress is also a light blue neon dress, which is soft and elegant.

Hearing the words of the naughty little girl in front, Lian Er, she reminded her with certainty.

"How can Sister Tianling be so sure?"

Xiaolian and the other sisters beside Tianling were a little surprised and asked Tianling one after another.

"When I came here, I secretly stole some of my father's memories. In addition, I followed my mother and Liao Yanniang to find a magic burial mountain in the dark sky of the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm. There are countless magic spells there. , We have been separated from Daddy for more than a year, and we have all cracked it.

Among those spells, there is a kind of magic spell called Lingnian Changkumantra, which is divided into eighteen bitter sounds and hidden in the eighteen gates of hell.

Often the meaning of the bitter curse is to advise anyone who approaches the eighteen gates of hell to turn around immediately, otherwise seeing the eighteen gates of hell is tantamount to falling into an eternal wandering state without time and space.

The eighteen gates of hell are different from the inner and outer hells of the past, seventy-nine levels of hell, and the gates of each level of hell are different. If you see it, the eighteen gates of hell will automatically open with a bang, and the infinite welcome spell will sound, and they will try their best to summon you went in.

What we are seeing now is the curse fog that seals the eighteen gates of hell. If the prediction is correct, it will dissipate soon.

In the Eternal Wandering Realm, there is no air, no light, no heaven and earth, no feeling, not even illusory, once you enter this mirror, there is no support, and life is like death!

Anyone who enters the Eternal Wandering Realm, after being infinitely ethereal, will eventually drift into the Twenty-Eight Hell Realms according to the meaning deciphered by the spell. The so-called twenty-eight prison realms are actually the borders of other universes that enter the inexplicable space from the chaotic universe.

The state within the Twenty-Eight Prison Realms is similar to the Eternal Wandering Realm, but there is no record of the time and space outside the Twenty-Eight Prison Realms.”

"Oh! Let's talk, why has Sister Tianling followed Shuierniang and Liaoyanniang to the dark and evil place of Antian for more than a year, so she went to break the curse!"

The blue butterfly beside Tianling flashed its eyes, and said suddenly.

"Hehe, you just found out, but you and Lian'er are the most fun-loving ones right now. We haven't practiced much for a year, and we've both learned a lot."

Xiaoying smiled softly.

"Hey! Sister Tianling, what are you talking about? You often curse bitterly, and curse infinitely at the same time? You are fooling me again! Hmph! I'm not afraid of your horrible nonsense! Come on, Xiaoliu! No Are they just some ugly spells, scaring someone!"

Tianling originally wanted Xiaolian to retreat temporarily, and the sisters discussed some countermeasures before moving on. But Xiao Lian thought that the six sisters were teasing her again this time, and she didn't believe what Tianling said, not only did she not stop driving, but she slapped the little golden monkey on the forehead, one person and one monkey stepped on the rainbow silk, and suddenly disappeared without a trace .

Lian'er's sudden movement seemed to stimulate the eighteen hell gates to seal the curse fog, and the voice of the eighteen bitter voices suddenly became louder, and the rhythm kept accelerating. The vortex of bitter sounds filled the sky, engulfing the six sisters.

Then, the six sisters of Tianling saw a figure with closed eyes standing or sitting stiffly appearing in the countless vortexes of bitter voices. Some of these figures are monks wearing red Buddhist robes, some are Taoists in green clothes, some are elegant scholars, some are majestic armored generals, and some are strangely dressed people of all colors, men, women, old and young, all of them.

Without exception, these people are all motionless, their mouths and eyes are closed, but they are all uttering infinitely weird, evil and painful curses.

"Lian'er - Lian'er -"

The Eighteen Hell Gates often had a sudden burst of bitter curses, buzzing all over the body, which made the six sisters feel unpredictably uncomfortable. Fangrong turned pale and shouted in unison.

However, their shouts, even if they are combined together, are not as magical and terrifying as one of the eighteen bitter tones of the bitter curse, they just spread for more than a thousand miles, and then they were swallowed up.

"Sister Tianling, I'm a little scared, will Lian'er and my sister be in danger?"

Blue Butterfly, who was full of confidence just now, looked around at the scene of all kinds of thick blazing door-sealing curses, fog and chaotic sky, and the constant sound of bitter curses buzzing in her ears. She suddenly cried a little, and looked at Sister Tianling said. "

"Sister Landie, don't worry, Lian'er is smart, with Xiaoliu, Rainbow Ling, and seven-color lotus to protect her, she will be fine."

The thicker and denser fog of the door-sealing curse in the space squeezed the Tianling sisters more and more tormented, as if all the surrounding mountains were squeezing the six sisters together, it was suffocating and unbearable.

However, as a big sister, Tianling tried his best to mobilize his spiritual power to relieve the pain of the five younger sisters. Although he was uncertain about the safety of Lian'er, he still calmly comforted the five younger sisters.

"Hey! We shouldn't have lied to Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong and Auntie. The eighteen hell gates are really terrifying. What if Lian'er should do now?"

Among the six sisters, Xiaoying and Danrou are still the same, with gentler personalities, Xiaoying said with a sigh.

"Cut! Isn't it just these cracking fog and annoying sounds? Hold on, everyone. If I don't believe it, it will be endless. Wait for a while, the clouds will clear up, and the sound will disappear. See if I don't smash the eighteen damn gates of hell." No wonder!"

Liu Sha, who was wearing a dazzling black neon dress, was originally valiant and heroic, but now her face looked more refined and decisive, she frowned slightly, and said with a shocking word.

"Yeah! Liu Sha is right. Let's gather together and wait for the surroundings to calm down. We have caused a catastrophe. All sisters immediately raise their spiritual power to the highest level and strictly guard the soul door. I will send a call for help to my father immediately." Send a letter from the spirit, hoping that they will come to rescue Sister Lian'er as soon as possible!"

Tian Ling's face was calm, his eyes were condensed, and with a thought, he sent a letter of spiritual thought, and then strengthened the soul door himself.

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