Nine Heavens

Chapter 1694 Spiritual Letter

Chapter 1694 Spiritual Letter

At this moment, Liu Qianlang has turned the shuttle into a huge circle, and Zhenghe is close to the guardian of the eight immortal swords, and the eight beloved wives are sitting in it, talking about it under the light of the vast rainbow and the nourishment of the spirit crystal and diamond. How to destroy the eighteen hell gates and the twenty-eight hell realms.

"According to what Shui'er and Yan'er said, we can't break through the eighteen gates of hell no matter what, so there are still twenty-eight levels of hell that we can't destroy! However, the spirit master really doesn't understand, since there are With the existence of the eighteen hell gates and the twenty-eight hell worlds, how did those human races in the dark spirit world and Emperor Oyoruo pass through them unimpeded?"

When Liu Qianlang was talking with his beloved wives, he learned that Shui'er and Liao Yan mentioned that the Moyu Skull had broken the magic spell of the Mobu Mountain, and he asked again in astonishment.

"Well, as a wife, I heard that the hell kings of the ten directions of the netherworld prison once said that they once said, 'Sister-in-law Chuange can cross the ghost boat, and you can return to heaven in the 18th and 10th realms. Don't have to live right and wrong, otherwise the outside world is a graveyard. '

Back then, my wife didn't know the existence of the eighteen gates of hell and the twenty-eight hell worlds, and they only said that the two places were places of absolute emptiness, so my wife didn't understand the meaning of these four sentences.

But now that I think about it, the eighteen zero realms and twenty-eight places mentioned by the king of hell in the ten directions should refer to the eighteen gates of hell and the twenty-eight realms of hell. If the wife is right, then the tool they use to get in and out of the two evil places must be the sister-in-law boat.

As a wife, I once heard from my husband that when you and your fourth younger brother Tianzun fought against the Nether Prison, you once got a sister-in-law boat, but I don’t know if it still exists now. If so, wouldn’t we also be able to survive ten years There are eight hell gates and twenty-eight hell realms. "

Liaoyan, the poisonous flame witch, saw her husband's solemn face, full of unwillingness in his words, and couldn't help feeling anxious. He tried his best to recall his past experience in the nether prison, hoping to find a way to break through.

After thinking for a long time, the flame poisonous witch Liaoyan suddenly came up with four sentences often said by the king of hell in the outer prison of the netherworld.

"Yes, yes! The two bone boats I have sealed in a corner of the bright and dark sky space, are they the sister-in-law boats that Yan'er was talking about?"

As soon as Liao Yan, the flame poisonous witch, spoke, Princess Jin Ling immediately said excitedly behind her.

"Hehe, that's right. What Ling'er saw was sister-in-law Chuange Zhou. She and her fourth brother had used them back then, and thought they might still be useful in the future, so after using them, they didn't throw them away, and kept them. Unexpectedly, they became ours today. amulet."

Liu Qianlang had been frowning all the time, but when he suddenly heard the words of his beloved wife Huo Huo, the poisonous witch Liao Yan, there was a breakthrough in the twists and turns of the problem, and he couldn't help showing a solemn face, and said with a smile.


"Yan'er really has you, this time you are the great hero of Langyuanmen! We are finally saved, it's really hard for you to remember so clearly!"

Liu Qianlang's guardian of the Eight Great Immortal Swords and several other beloved wives couldn't help but relax their tense nerves and laughed when they heard that there was hope for passing through the eighteen hell gates and the twenty-eight hell realms.

Amidst the laughter, Pa'er, the former son of Wenyang, said with a smile as he waved his Fan of Floating Stars and Splitting Clouds.

"Why, this time Yan'er stole your limelight, do you feel uncomfortable, hehe?"

Liao Yan, the flame poison witch, took Pa'er's words and said.

"Yo! Why does Sister Yan'er look down on your Sister Pa'er so much? Thankfully, I have also been the leader of the Righteous Sect of the Immortal Realm. How could I have the same knowledge as a little girl?"

Pa'er intentionally imitated Princess Jin Ling's somewhat savage tone, staring at a pure white pear flower on the floating star and cracking the cloud fan, and said angrily.

"Hey! Pa'er, why are you imitating me again?"

Princess Jin Ling immediately heard that Pa'er was imitating herself, so she floated forward, tapped on Pa'er's shoulder and asked with a smile.

"Wow haha! Boss, your house is so lively. What good is it if you have too many wives? Look, the sisters-in-law of the heads are starting civil war again."

Sky, now the ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons, the first one, the ring-peak dragon, stands in the white horse and golden car, holding the shoulder of his beloved wife, Princess Yinling, by his side, seeing the faces of the people in the shuttle below suddenly look like they are bathing in the spring breeze, With a happy appearance, he guessed that there had been a breakthrough in attacking the eighteen gates of hell in front of him.

"Hehe, shut up your big dragon mouth. It's only my sister who has no eyes. Why do you like this ugly dragon like you! Sister, clean him up for my sister, so that he won't have to scold him for nothing."

Down below, Princess Jinling was delighted to hear it, and shouted to Gao Kong's younger sister, Princess Yinling.

"Don't worry, sister Jin Ling! With me here, Zhuang Hao is already very good!"

When Princess Yinling heard the words, she said so, but her eyes were looking tenderly at her beloved Shenlong husband. The husband and wife looked at each other and snickered, and stopped talking.

"Xiao Lian—Xiao Lian—"

"Sister Tianling, Sister Xiaoying, Little Butterfly—"

"Huh? What about them, how come they have all of them?"

Everyone was chatting and relaxing for a while, when suddenly Xiaomei, Lin'er, Little Demon Turtle, Red Immortal, Five-Color Ginseng Ling'er, five heavenly spirits, boys and girls, came back from tours in other places outside the shuttle, and landed on the When they got on the shuttle, they looked around, but they didn't see the Tianling Seven Sisters, they didn't look at each other in surprise, and shouted.

"Xiaomei!? Tianling and the others aren't with you?"

Hearing the yells of the five boys and girls who never matured, Liu Qianlang and the eight beloved wives changed their expressions instantly, and immediately thought of something in their hearts, they looked at each other for a while, and then Pa'er asked Xiaomei in surprise.

"No, early this morning, Sister Tianling sent a message to five of us to make an appointment, saying that we were going to the sky to find the three-color fire baby, and we would sit on the five-fire dragon and fly together. In the end, we went, and none of them Go, we had to play with the three-color fire baby together for a day, it's not that we just came back.

The little devil turtle said that last night he saw Sister Tianling and the others sneaking together. He didn't know what they were planning. They didn't go to the appointment today, so they must have some new tricks. Let's go.

snort! We are not easy to deceive, no, we have come to question them. Where did they all hide? "

Apparently Xiaomei and the other five boys and girls didn't know about Tianling's seven sisters sneaking into the eighteen gates of hell, and they were still looking around excitedly.

"call out--"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang suddenly heard a familiar whistle that pierced the air, and then he reached out and grabbed behind him, and a faint light of water mist appeared in his hand.

This faint mist of aura is exactly the spiritual letter sent to him by his beloved daughter Tianling. Liu Qianlang trusted the spirit seal in the palm of his hand, swept away his consciousness, his face turned pale in an instant, and his heart and soul trembled.

"What happened to Tianling and the others!?"

Shui'er saw the light blue water mist aura in Liu Qianlang's palm and Liu Qianlang's face suddenly turned pale, and knew that his beloved daughter Tianling and her other sisters had accidents, so she couldn't help asking in amazement.

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