Nine Heavens

Chapter 1695 In front of the prison gate

Chapter 1695 In front of the prison gate

"They're going to break through the eighteen gates of hell!"

After Liu Qianlang was shocked, he stabilized his mind, said simply, and then had no time to think, and immediately moved his soul, and the whole army set out immediately.

When Lang Yuan's army marched again, Liu Qianlang controlled the crossing shuttle and shot towards the front of the team in the blink of an eye. He suddenly grew several feet in size, with white hair fluttering in the sky, silk robes, Tunlun cloak, gold and white double rainbows fluttering like a river, although in the crossing shuttle, the dragon sundial has already been called out, holding the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spiritual Sword, and is fully prepared for battle while flying.

Around him, the Eight Great Immortal Saber Guardians immediately scattered around Liu Qianlang in all directions, also urging the Immortal Saber Divine Art, intending to follow the master spirit master to forcibly break through the eighteen gates of hell to escape and rescue the seven young masters.

Yun Qianmeng, Shui'er, Miaoyan, Pa'er, the lord of Love Flower Palace Fang Tianyingfang, the flame poisonous witch Liaoyan, Dongluo and Shuang'er, the Emperor of Frost Sky, each stepped on the spirit riding magic treasure, looking like they are about to fight.

In just a short while, Liu Qianlang had already controlled the shuttle to leave the army far behind, and took the lead in appearing in the area where Lian Er's accident was mentioned by his beloved daughter Tianling.

The palm of Liu Qianlang's hand was still holding the light blue spiritual light of his beloved daughter Tianling to seal the letter, and the voice of his beloved daughter Tianling repeated in Liu Qianlang's mind over and over again in Feng Nian's spiritual heart: "It's not good Daddy, we got into trouble, Lian Er disappeared in front of the eighteen gates of hell, this place is so scary! Come and save Lian Er! Come and save Lian Er!"

As the crowd was flying, they had to stop suddenly, because eighteen huge gates suddenly appeared tens of thousands of miles in front of them.

Eighteen giant doors, eighteen kinds of extremely rich colors, the two giant doors that are as black as ink in the middle are the most eye-catching. There are eight symmetrical doors in seven colors on the left and right, plus two doors of gold on the left and silver on the right, which are distributed on the far sides of the eighteen doors.

At this moment, the eighteen doors are all opened silently, and inside the doors are endless rainbows, blue sky and white clouds, flying birds, spirits and flowers flying freely in the sky.

The space beyond the eighteen doors didn't have any of the terrifying aura mentioned by Tianling in the spiritual letter, there was no need for Liu Qianlang's righteousness, everything here was beyond everyone's imagination.

There are auspicious clouds of various colors floating around the shuttle, the beautiful butterflies all over the sky are like snow, the sky is flowing in Linghe River, the towering sacred trees are flying in the air, and the beautiful flowers, petals and green leaves in various directions are indescribable. Snow rustled in the sky.

There is also the sound of nature, lingling gurgling, as if countless streams and rivers are swirling around the ears. And all of these are flying out from the eighteen doors ahead.


Seeing this, including Liu Qianlang, the guardians of the Eight Great Immortal Swords and Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives, they were all shocked, and everything in sight was unexpected. The tense spirit was involuntarily relaxing, and he couldn't help but immediately want to shoot into the beautiful eighteen doors tens of thousands of miles ahead.

Seeing all this, Liu Qianlang was in a trance for a while.


"Where are you? Why, the six Tianling sisters are not here!?"

Lian'er's mother, Emperor Shuangtian, was also in a trance, but out of her mother's instinctive kindness, she still didn't forget that she was here to find her beloved daughter Lan'er in her chaotic consciousness, and suddenly shouted a few words in the confusion of everyone.

Hearing the words, Liu Qianlang's body was shocked, and he secretly thought that the eighteen doors in front of tens of thousands of miles were strange, and then immediately summoned ninety-nine and eighty-one dragon ball guardian angels, and urged the eighty-one dragon balls together, At the same time, he put his hand on the Lingshan Mountain to sacrifice to his head, and exerted all possible righteous spirits to the maximum. At the same time, he called all the forces of Langyuanmen to join the shuttle of crossing.

After half an hour like this, everyone's spiritual thoughts gradually became clear, and then they all focused on the eighteen towering doors ahead of them.

The eighteen gates ahead are the eighteen gates of hell, Liu Qianlang and everyone can be sure, but the person they are looking for is not there, and neither is the person who reported it, which makes everyone extremely confused. Based on speculation, the seven sisters of Tianling must have entered the eighteen hell gates, because outside the eighteen hell gates, everyone's spiritual consciousness responded to the situation, and the seven sisters had no information to find.

Liu Qianlang fell into a difficult ideological struggle, and the seven beloved daughters had to be rescued. However, if he rashly enters the eighteen gates of hell, as rumored, no matter which gate of hell he enters, he will embark on the cycle of yin and yang again. Couldn't it be that not only could he not save the seven beloved daughters, but instead he and everyone else fell into the endless yin and yang law that had been destroyed!

Whether to enter the eighteen gates of hell or not, Liu Qianlang's complexion was rarely dark and his eyes flickered, and his heart was extremely painful.


"Oh! Father, mother! Uncles, uncles, aunts, aunts, why did you come here! Hee hee! It's so fun here!"

"Yes! Father, mothers, come in quickly. The inside of this gate is really beautiful and huge. The sky has no top, the earth has no limit, and the eight people in all directions have no boundaries. Here, we can play and fly as we please. , you can have whatever you want. Even if you want to sleep, you can just lie on a cloud

Heck parents, nine baby brothers, come in quickly, it's really nice here."

When Liu Qianlang was anxious, he suddenly heard the half-happy laughter of the seven beloved daughters, and then saw their figures in the eighteen gates of hell. Seven daughters, making eighteen groups, all play in the merry air within each gate of hell.

What's even more amazing is that the same daughter in each gate of hell has different movements and shouts. If you don't look at the appearance, it is clear that there are eighteen different people dressed in the same clothes.

"Oh my god! How come there are eighteen sisters Lian'er and eighteen sisters Tianling and sister Xiaoying?"

Seeing this situation, everyone in the Langyuanmen army was amazed. Especially Xiaomei, Lin'er, Little Demon Turtle, Hongxian, Five-color Spirit Ginseng Linger, and Three-color Huowa were so shocked that they talked about it.

"Brother, what should I do?"

"Which one is real!?"

Seeing that her daughters suddenly became eighteen, Shui'er went from left to right, from right to left, I don't know how many times I read it, no matter how I look at it, I think the eighteen daughters are real. And the simplest truth that I know in my heart is that it is impossible. Seeing that her daughter and other sisters are still safe, Shui'er felt at ease, but at the same time fell into confusion, she couldn't help but look at her husband Liu Qianlang and asked.

Miao Yan and the others also shook their heads blankly, at a loss.

"Wives, don't worry. Luckily, all your daughters are safe. Keep your minds steady and concentrate on observing the eighteen gates of hell. Find out what's wrong with them, and our daughter will come back naturally!"

After Liu Qianlang was surprised for a while, he first calmed down everyone's emotions, and then directly raised his psychic eyesight to the peak level of hundreds of billions of breaths, then calmed down, and began to analyze the eighteen gates of hell very carefully. up.

"Ha ha."

"Qianlang, you are finally here. The peak master has been waiting for you here for many years. Now that you are here, why don't you come in! Everything is beautiful here, come in, hurry up, haha. Come in!

This is heaven, here is eternal happiness, this is the real place of no birth, no death, no pain, no disease, eternal life without time and space. "

When Liu Qianlang was concentrating on observing, suddenly, inside the two huge black doors in the center of the eighteen doors, a middle-aged woman with various charms floated out from Pingting, with a pure white handkerchief on her feet. Said.

"It's you?"

When Liu Qianlang saw the other party, he was stunned and screamed involuntarily.

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