Nine Heavens

Chapter 1696 Mind Illusion

Chapter 1696 Mind Illusion

"Moqing Peak Master!? Are you not?"

Just as Liu Qianlang was staring dumbfounded at the woman who walked out of the central hell gate of the eighteen hell gates tens of thousands of miles away, Yun Qianmeng and Miao Yan couldn't help but look at each other in surprise when they heard Liu Qianlang called each other the peak master, and then followed suit. Looking at her husband's eyes.

Seeing this, the two suddenly felt that the world was turned upside down. The other party turned out to be the peak master of Peacock Cliff, the Twelve Shocking Peaks of Longyun Mountain, who had been dead for more than ten years. After looking at each other for a while, the two also shouted like Liu Qianlang.

"Qianlang, ever since you saved me, Peak Master Void, and Peak Master Suifeng, this peak master has deeply imprinted you in my heart, and then secretly swore that one day I will meet you in an infinite place. to a beautiful place.

The world knows my heart, this day is finally here, come on! This is your ultimate destination, the paradise where we meet happily! "

Empress Moqing stepped on the snow-white handkerchief, her figure only flickered slightly, and she appeared strangely on the edge of the shuttle. He regarded Yun Qianmeng and Miao Yan as air, ignored their words, and looked at Liu Qianlang tenderly from beginning to end.

Seeing this kind of look in the eyes of Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives, each of them felt very uncomfortable. Although he knew his husband's character, but judging from the other party's speech performance, no one could deny that the other party must have had something with her husband.

For a moment, Liu Qianlang's eight beloved wives all looked at Liu Qianlang.

"See Peak Master Moqing, please respect yourself and pay attention to your words!"

Seeing the eyes of the eight beloved wives, Liu Qianlang naturally knew their doubts in his heart, but he couldn't explain it in a hurry, so he quickly stopped the words of Empress Moqing, and said Shili.

"Yo! Could it be that Qianlang is shy, and we love each other, what are we afraid of! Didn't you and Miao Yan once married, and you feel embarrassed when you come to me! Hehe, Dong Luo and everyone Dong Luo Luo Zhiai splits the soul, you can smell what this smell is, are you familiar with it, this peak master also has it."

Empress Moqing had a shy face, deliberately made a girlish gesture, stared at Liu Qianlang's words with flashing eyes, then turned her slender hand, the palm was filled with flesh and blood, and a miraculous flower bloomed.

The miraculous flower, red and pink, is extremely soft and beautiful. Countless petals flutter from the heart of the flower, like bees and snow, floating around her body, and at the same time release a kind of fragrance that Liu Qianlang and his eight beloved wives are familiar with. Strange fragrance.

"Is it the fragrance of the jade body!? You, you are also my love and soul?"

When God Dong Luomei smelled that this fragrance was the fragrance of the jade body that he had asked for from the evil spirit of the Heavenly Demon Realm when he was in the Heavenly Realm, he was surprised, and then he shouted in surprise.

"Heck, it's good to know, will Qianlang reject me this time?"

After hearing God Dong Luomei's words, Empress Moqing nodded in satisfaction, and then flew into the shuttle.

Regarding the matter of the spiritual fragrance of the jade body, Liu Qianlang already knew that the other party did have the scent of the spiritual fragrance of the jade body. In addition, the other party might really be his elder peak master, so Liu Qianlang saw Empress Moqing stepping on the pure white handkerchief, and Pingting flew towards him, so she had to acquiesce, and did not push the shuttle to drive the other party away.

"Let me take a good look, um, Qianlang is getting more mature and his cultivation is stronger. The master of this peak has already had a hunch that one day you will definitely come to the eighteen gates of hell, and now your wish has really come true .Giggle.Hi everyone, sisters! "

Empress Mo Qing flew in front of Liu Qianlang, she didn't look outside at all, just like Liu Qianlang's eight fairy wives, she threw herself into Liu Qianlang's arms, raised her head and spoke fragrantly.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang quickly turned to hide, and took advantage of the situation to go around behind his beloved wife Miao Yan, deliberately covering the position in front of the two beloved wives, Miao Yan and Shui'er, and asked Empress Mo Qing, "Just now, Menger and Yan My son asked you, didn't senior die in the second world, how could he appear here alive again?"

"Hey, my stupidity leads the waves, the god Dongluomei can divide his soul into the lower realms to pursue you everywhere, can't I be silent and wait for you everywhere with the friendship of the mountain gate in the world, besides, I am a ray of love soul of the god Dongluomei .We are destined to meet again.

Even if Qianlang doesn't come here, Moqing will go to find you soon, because the jade body and spiritual fragrance are pulling me to meet you.

Furthermore, Qianlang thought that apart from the Inner and Outer Hells of the Netherworld, the seventy-seventy-nine levels of Hell deliberately slaughtered and enslaved the five human races, did the other dead people really perish? No, you are all wrong, in fact, even if there is no deliberate massacre in the inner and outer hells and the seventy-seventy-nine hells.

The human races in the five mortal worlds did not perish after death, but the physical bodies of the five mortal worlds became old and unusable. Their spirits and souls, like me, searched for new spiritual sustenance everywhere, and found a place like the Eighteen Fans. After a spiritual world like the gate of hell, the physical body will recover quickly. Then it can exist in the physical state again.

Back then, when I was in the Second Human Realm with my brother and other peak masters, I destroyed my primordial spirit. Due to my obsession with loving you, the withered primordial spirit reunited very quickly, and then I kept looking for it. The new physical body rebirth world, and later came to the eighteen gates of hell, and finally came true. "

Empress Mo Qing looked at Liu Qianlang with a charming face across Shui'er and Miao Yan, and said with infinite tenderness.

"This is my split soul? Why are you so shameless!"

Seeing the flattering gesture of Empress Mo Qing, Dong Luo doubted her own quality, and secretly sighed, how could she be reincarnated into such a person after her divided soul descended to the realm!

"How did my seven daughters enter the eighteen gates of hell, and how did they each become eighteen, with them in each gate of hell?"

While avoiding Empress Mo Qing, Liu Qianlang scrutinized the other party intently, hoping to find some clues to prove that the other party was not what she said, while tentatively asking about the situation of the seven daughters.

"Of course they went in happily by themselves. When your youngest daughter, the little girl named Lian'er, saw the eighteen gates of hell, the ten gates that had never been opened since ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine The eight gates of hell were opened wide at once, and often the bitter curse immediately turned into an infinite welcome spell. The eighteen gates of hell poured out infinite auspicious clouds and auspicious rainbows, forming an auspicious blanket extending to the feet of the little girl, and took her into it A gate to hell.

Then, after receiving the baptism of infinite auspiciousness in the door, the little girl immediately learned the infinite welcome spell, and happily summoned the six sisters to enter the door of hell.

In the spirit world of the eighteen gates of hell, each other can be copied forever. It’s not just that your seven daughters have become seven of the eighteen gates of hell. In the lightless and boundless space of the eighteen gates of hell, if you When you think of your daughter, any position will satisfy your wish, and your mind is illusory, and you can see as many as you want to see.

Of course, if you are ruthless and ruthless, your daughters will disappear within the eighteen gates of hell in an instant. "

Empress Mo Qing, her tone of voice is full of temptation and evil, and whoever she looks at with her eager eyes makes the other party feel a burst of inexplicable depression and tension.

"Hmph! There's a lot of mess, you just say which of the eighteen gates of hell has the real Seven Sisters and that's it!"

Ever since Princess Jin Ling saw Empress Moqing appearing, she felt disgusted in her heart, and asked with a cold snort.

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