Nine Heavens

Chapter 1697 Evil Love and Persistence

Chapter 1697 Evil Love Persistence

"Hehe, they are all real and they are all fake. After entering the eighteen gates of hell, all external things will disappear, of course including the human body, and only the eternal spirit soul exists in it.

Of course, if the eighteen gates of hell come out, the physical body of the person who goes in will be restored immediately. If you don't want to pay attention to follow Qianlang into this place, you can go back to the five worlds right now. The current five-person room is also pretty good! Didn't it all make Qianlang upright? "

Glancing at Princess Jin Ling's displeased expression, the joyful color in Empress Moqing's beautiful eyes became more intense, and then her eyes skipped over Yun Qianmeng, Shui'er, Miaoyan, Palace Master Qinghua, Pa'er, Jin Ling one by one The princess, Dong Luo and Emperor Shuangtian spoke hostilely.

"Husband, this person is definitely not the soul of Sister Luo'er's obsession with love. Has your husband encountered any evil female spirits before?"

Pa'er, who was behind Liu Qianlang, looked at the silent empress for a while, shaking the star-cracking cloud fan in her hand, thinking quietly, and gradually discovered that apart from the jade body, spiritual fragrance and the sisters, there was something in her mind that Where there is no resonance, this is completely different from the mutual induction experience between myself and other sisters.

The eight sisters who met so far, even if they didn’t recognize each other, they would have a subtle intimacy when they saw each other. After they recognized each other, because the souls are originally one, although the husband bestowed the whole soul, they still communicated with each other. Acquainted as one person.

But for the woman in front of me, I don't have any feeling of understanding with her, except for the fragrance of the jade body on her body, there is nothing in common.

Pa'er's feelings were gradually discovered by the other sisters, and they talked secretly with each other through sound transmission. In the end, Dong Luo asserted that this woman was by no means his soul of obsessed love. After reaching a consensus, Pa'er talked to Liu Qianlang.

"Pa'er is right. My husband and you are destined to be in the Tianling River in the Western Region. In my soul, I can clearly recall every voice and smile of your beloved wives in the Tianling River. No matter what, I also remember There is no doubt that she exists. And it stands to reason that our husband and wife have a heart-to-heart relationship with each other, but I am so unfamiliar with her that I don't know anything about it.

But who is she, how did she collect the scattered primordial spirits of the master of Moqing Peak, who knows everything about the Xuanlingmen and us in the past, could it be that she is! ? "

Liu Qianlang's expression remained unchanged, his eyes still fell on Empress Moqing, and he was communicating with all his beloved wives calmly in his mind.

"who is it?"

Dong Luo's eyes sparkled, as if he had found the answer in his heart, he was eager to hear Liu Qianlang's answer, so as to verify his guess.


Liu Qianlang said simply.

"I finally found out as a wife, it must be her. Since your husband can call Meisheng by name, it means that you must have met her before. You must know about her four gods of beauty in the heavens, and one evil god of beauty. Some. If you don’t say anything else for your wife, just say one thing for your wife, the husband will know why he doesn’t know her.

Our husband and wife, including the Heavenly Wolf Sect Master, Sister Juan and Fengmei, father and mother, Cheng Shu and Aunt Cheng, and the miraculous army numbered ninety-nine and eighty-one, all came from the Linghe River in the Western Region of the Heaven Realm, so although we each other, after descending to the Realm, Scattered and scattered everywhere, and finally came together gradually because of the gradual awakening of our memory in the heavenly world.

And Mei Shi, who used to be the number one evil god in the heavens, the beauty Du Mei, was also because of her husband Xiao Langhua who had infinitely admired the Xiling River in the heavens, and watched her husband day and night in the East Ling River in the area of ​​the evil palace in the heavens occupied by the evil gods in the heavens. , dreaming of living a life of coexistence with her husband one day.

At that time, she was still in the form of Newman Snakeman Xiehua, but her unrequited love for her husband had already reached the point where she couldn't extricate herself.

When my body could be turned into a spirit body, I met her many times in the west of the heaven, and she begged me to help her tell the nine river fairies of the Linghe River in the Western Region, who are now the nine beloved wives of Nine Dragons in the Western Region. The sun and moon god taught the nine blood moon goddesses to intercede, so that she could also live with her husband in the Linghe of the Western Regions.

I agreed at the time, and then I went to find the nine fairies protecting the river. Unexpectedly, after the nine fairies protecting the river heard about it, they flatly refused. It will not be safe.

I had no choice but to convey the original words to Du Mei. Although she was only in the body of a spirit flower at that time, only the head of Fangrong was born. Luo Youyi, if Du Mei's help is needed in the future, Du Mei will definitely go all out! ’ And he flew away.

Since then, we haven't met directly for a long time, but I always see her hiding in the sky above the Xiling River or in the clouds in the distance, staring at your husband, your body, the little waves, obsessively. At that time, when I saw her stubbornness, I felt very uncomfortable.

Later, a strange thing happened in our Linghe River in the Western Regions, that is, Empress Nuwa appeared in the sky above our Tianling River. She chose her husband and cast colorful ghosts. They were all touched by the seven-color wronged soul, which changed the fate of the entire Tianlinghe from then on.

First, the husband went to the lower realms, and then Brother Yuanfang from Starlight Tree, Sister Bingling Caojuan, Sister Lanhuaerfeng, Dad Liushu Wenxin Liu, Mother a breeze warming the heart, Uncle Cheng a ray of sunshine and heart power, Aunt Cheng a touch of hope in the moonlight Beams go hand in hand.

Next, Empress Nuwa saw that Qicai Yuanhun was out of control, and she was worried about the safety of her husband and us, so she sent Xilinghe to protect the river, ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons of dragon balls, and Fengdan Shenfeng to reincarnate in the lower realm, and then looked for us.

As for me, I happened not to be in the Spirit River of the Western Regions at that time. When Nuwa Empress released her soul, I was playing with the beauty gods of the heavens, Xiying of the Western Regions, Nanmeng of the Southern Regions, and Beimeng of the Northern Regions, in a fairyland of spiritual flowers in the heavenly realm, so there was no Devour any colorful fate soul. Naturally, you will not be able to reincarnate in the lower realms like you.

However, Luoer couldn't do without her husband even more, and decided to go down to the lower realm to find her husband. But unfortunately, I am also a celestial god, controlled by all kinds of heavenly rules, and cannot descend to the realm at will. In desperation, I went to Du Mei, who was suffering the same as me, to find a solution.

At that time, Du Mei seemed to have expected that I would go to her, and before I could open my mouth, she directly said the method of making me lose my body and split my soul into the lower realm. And because of my concerns, after the sub-soul descended to the realm, I don't know when he will find her husband after the sub-soul, so she offered to give me a jade body and a spiritual fragrance.

In this way, my souls will continue to hold each other instinctively, slowly approach each other, and after each finds a husband, they will all gather together.

At that time, it was her idea to divide the soul into nine strands and a trace of obsession. She said that dividing the soul into nine strands and a trace of obsession can not only ensure the rapid awakening of my memory in the heavenly world and strengthen my spiritual power, but also suitable for five people in the world. The existence of the eight space-times in all directions is more conducive to finding a husband quickly.

After thinking about it for a while, I found out that the spirit flowers of all the sisters are also attached to the lower realms of their husbands, so I decided to go to the human world with nine strands of love souls and a trace of obsession to find all the sisters. Nian Du entered the soul gate of the sisters.

In this way, not only my friendship with my husband has been fulfilled, but also my sisters’ love for my husband has been fulfilled, which can be called a perfect wish. Afterwards, I accepted Dumei's Jade Body Spiritual Fragrance, and then chose not to mention soul division on the spot.

However, what I didn't expect at the time was that just after I finished my body collapse and soul separation, when the soul separation was going down into the boundary cloud, there was still a trace of the heavenly sense. 'Dong Luo, wait for me.'

But unfortunately, my sense of heaven disappeared immediately, and I no longer know about her existence. "

Dong Luo recalled, and roughly explained the origin of himself and Du Mei, and the reason why Liu Qianlang didn't understand Du Mei.

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