Nine Heavens

Chapter 1698 please die with a smile

Chapter 1698 please die with a smile


Hearing this, Liu Qianlang sighed. There was a throbbing in my heart, and my face was a little painful. Looking at Empress Moqing, the eyes were full of anger, and changed into an inexplicable touch.

Liu Qianlang was speechless for a moment, the eight beloved wives heard that although Du Mei was evil, she was so attached to her husband, and hated her so much, but they were also moved, and even sympathized with the strangely fit woman in front of her.

After a long silence, finally Liu Qianlang walked up to Du Mei, looked directly into Du Mei's eyes, and asked directly: "Do you want to be Du Mei, or pretend to be my former peak master of the Xuanling Sect, Moqing, and continue to deceive and harm us?" ?”


"Boy Zhengling, you are so powerful. I, Du Mei, have tried my best to collect some remnants of your peak master's silent empress, and found that this peak master has a secret love for you, so I want to use her to tease you Once, I didn't expect to be seen through so quickly by you.

I don't know what you mean by this, what about being a poisonous beauty, what about continuing to fight against you? "

Du Mei instantly recovered her red-hot evil dress, her exquisite beauty was full of sadness, she asked with a smile.

"For any woman who loves me, Liu Qianlang, as long as you promise to abandon the devil and return to immortality, the spirit lord will accept you back. But you are still stubborn, and the spirit lord will never allow you to do evil forever! "

Liu Qianlang looked around at all the beloved wives, then continued to look directly at Du Mei and said.

"Oh! It turns out that Zhengling boy also changed his mind sometimes. It's a pity that it's too late. Do you think Dumei even gave up the minimum dignity in order to fall in love with you? No way!

Even if you kneel down and beg me now, I, Du Mei, will not agree to you. I am now both Du Mei and Mei Shi, don't forget that I am the first evil god of the heavens, Zhong Shi, who is distracted! I am your mortal enemy, and you are also my fateful enemy.

"Hmph! Now that you've discovered my real body, don't hesitate to do it. Now is your best chance to kill me. The entire eighteen hell gates, twenty-eight hell realms, and the remaining twenty-eight levels of hell are only I'm left with a demon.

In the Dark Spirit Universe, it seems that something happened to Emperor Aoyuluo, and he forcibly summoned all the gods under the heavens to distract their minds, and all their soul obsessions went there to merge with him. In the history of the Jiufang universe, the most powerful Jiufang evil god is about to be born!

But I can't swallow the damage to my dignity that you disregarded my poisonous beauty. I didn't hesitate to offend the Lord God and suffer the revenge of destruction. I just wanted to compare myself with you fairy wives face to face. I am poisonous and beautiful, or your fairy wives are more beautiful, who is the most beautiful god in the heaven! "

After Du Mei laughed sadly, she took a step forward, her beautiful face was cold and pale, and she pressed Liu Qianlang to question.

"You are the most beautiful! In terms of appearance, you can be called the most beautiful god in the heavens. However, as I said, the beauty of the gods in the heavens is not all about appearance. The reason why this spirit master loves your beloved wives is not just their fairy appearance.

It's because they all have great kindness, and they have supported each other through life and death with this spirit master countless times. Always the most beautiful. The spirit master not only loves them, but also has indescribable gratitude! "

Liu Qianlang once again looked deeply at your beloved wives and said so.

When the eight beloved wives heard the words, they were all moved to tears, and suddenly, they had an extra level of respect for their husbands.

After listening to Liu Qianlang's words, Du Mei's pale face suddenly turned red, she was silent for a long time, and said with a smile: "Du Mei finally heard a sentence that speaks from the heart, and Du Mei will die in peace.


Let's do it, Dumei suddenly feels like dying, Dumei is tired, Dumei doesn't want to exist anymore, no memory, no tight soul, even love and no worries! "

Du Mei suddenly smiled happily. On her extremely beautiful face, whether it is a tall and delicate nose, or sculpted eyebrows, whether it is smart and long eyelashes, or a Dandanfang mouth, everything is amazing and perfect .

She smiled, like a moonlit night in the spring river, beautiful and harmonious, so fascinating. The evil spirit that was tightly wrapped around her body instantly turned into a light red mist, covering her graceful figure.

She is smiling and begging to die.

However, her words did not make anyone in the crossing shuttle have the urge to call out a spiritual weapon to slaughter her. On the contrary, they all focused on admiring her incomparable beauty.


Seeing that all the soldiers of Langyuan Sect were drunk by her beauty, Du Mei smiled even more happily, her body trembled slightly, and tears of infinite grievance flowed from her beautiful eyes.


Without warning, Liu Qianlang slashed at the poisonous and exquisite phoenix head with a palm. In an instant, surging dragon spirits, divine dragon sundials, and powerful spirits holding Lingshan's hands surged out of his palms.

Then I saw a phantom woman who looked exactly like her suddenly separated from Du Mei's body. This phantom woman glared at Du Mei bitterly, and scolded sharply: "Humph! See you bastard!" Then he drifted into the sky and disappeared immediately.

"Let's go, the Zhong Xing Yuanshen in your body is distracted. I have already forced the beauty out for you. Now you are completely free. You can return to the heaven and be your number one beauty god happily. Believe us , abandon the evil and follow the good, your beauty will soon be passed down to the fairy tales of the gods in the heavens!"

Liu Qianlang withdrew his palms and said, looking at Du Mei in astonishment.

It took a long time to come back to her senses and the poisonous beauty said: "You didn't kill me, but you got rid of the demon body for me! Don't you blame me for the evil I once did!?"

Du Mei didn't expect that the other party would treat her like this, so she asked Liu Qianlang very incomprehensibly.

"Du Mei, this is the difference between us and you. You were indeed evil in the past, and you have committed a lot of evil in the world in the past ten years, but you still have a conscience. You did not kill all the people you love. Among the eighteen gates of hell The seven daughters of your family are still safe and sound when they met you, so you must have helped them. Otherwise, they would have died long ago!

The only reason why you did this is because the seven daughters are all very close to the head spirit master, you don't want to hurt the main door spirit master, right? Just this point shows that without demonic evil spirits occupying your heart and soul, you can still return to immortality and great kindness.

As for the evil you mentioned in the past, no matter what, that is all in the past. Your past is evil, but is our past glorious? Obviously not. Take me Dongluo as an example, before my memory in the heavenly realm was awakened, I didn't even remember how many evil things I had done, and I even plotted against my husband!

Go back to heaven, go back to the place where you are the most beautiful, you are so amazing and beautiful, how can there be any reason to die, you are already beautiful, relax, calm down in the beauty of the heavens, you can only live with confidence, happiness and strength, Not at all tired. "

Regarding Du Mei's question, Dong Luo scruples about the short-lived friendship between good and evil at the intersection of heaven and earth, and persuades her.

"Well! Thank you Dong Luo for your enlightenment. Du Mei knows how to do it. Hehe. Speaking of which, I, Du Mei, have been in unrequited love with a vigorous and unrequited love. I will say goodbye immediately. I don't know if the Zheng Ling boy will give Du Mei a In the name of Zhengling, I will also live like you in the future, okay?"

Until now, Du Mei is still reluctant to leave Liu Qianlang in her heart, Qiushui looks at Liu Qianlang with tears in her eyes and says.

"Your body is Newman's evil flower. I have purged the evil spirit of your body just now. From now on, your body can be called Newman's star flower. How about your name being Xingman?"

Looking at the other party's tearful eyes, Liu Qianlang naturally couldn't refuse, so he thought for a while and said.

"Xingman, Xingman giggling is such a beautiful name, Xingman likes it. Goodbye, everyone. Of the eighteen gates of hell, only the two dark ones in the middle really exist. Although the twenty-eight realms are drifting away, they will eventually have boundaries.

It wasn't just that I helped the seven young masters just now, but more importantly, the seven-colored clouds from the seven-colored lotus in the hands of the child named Xiaolian helped them, and they were safe and sound.

If you want to break through the eighteen gates of hell, first destroy the sixteen gates around the two dark gates of hell. Remember that you only need to bombard outside the gates of hell, and you are not allowed to enter. Anyone you know, shoot them right outside the gates of hell.

Then, when the evil spirit energy of the sixteen hell gates is consumed to a certain extent, they will collapse suddenly. Don't stop at this time and continue to bombard the two hell gates in the middle. When the two dark gates of hell became one due to the bombardment, you also shot and killed everything you saw inside the gate of hell without hesitation.

When the last gate of hell collapses, your seven young masters will return to your side safely. But I want to remind you that you must use the evil-killing golden arrow of your Langyuan Sect Sirius Sect Spirit Master to shoot and kill everything you see in the eighteen gates of hell. No other weapon of immortality can be shot. Their.

Once the eighteen doors are broken, you will enter the vast and endless twenty-eight hells. Remember to let the young master named Xiao Lian'er lead the way with a lotus, and follow the remaining twenty-eight hells in each realm. Sequence through.

No matter how long it is, don't mess up the order, otherwise the Nine Directions universe will be reversed, everything will become chaotic and lost, you will never find the past, you will not be able to control the present, and there will be no future, your mind is clear, but you can only be eternally confused Adrift.

Don't ask me why I know this, I don't know it myself, these memories seem to be left by the beautiful death who escaped just now, I'm leaving, I wish you good luck! "

Xingman was named by Liu Qianlang, and she was so happy that tears filled her eyes. While saying these words, she had already ascended into the sky on a cloud of red clouds, her voice gradually faded away, and finally formed a small voice in the sky. After a while, it disappeared.

"Evil Killing Golden Arrow! How can this be good? Elder Yuanfang is in the Dark Spirit World now! Where did we get the Evil Killing Golden Arrow!?"

After watching Xingman leave, everyone came back to their senses after being speechless for a while, Shui'er said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

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